Love at first sight

He Is A Wolf

Lee Ja: hey guys my friend is here! she's a new student

Mia: hey everyone my name is Mia please be good to me!

When Chani saw Mia he was stun and his eyes were focus on her

While Mia saw Kyung and Did the same thing but she was smiling like a happy kid

Lee Ja: so this is Um you know Kyung.... my friend!

Mia: oh yes i know him <3 the guy who saved my oranges

Kyung: well have you eaten?

Mia: not yet

Lee Ja: well this is Chani the main guitarist of the band i'm talking about

Chani: .......................................................

Joon: why is Chani like that?

Kim Jong: i know why........... we're best friends since kindergarden and i know why he's like that

Byun: ahahaha right.......then i should introduce my band members to you Mia

Byun: my name is byun and i am the lead singer of the band

Hun: im hun the bass player

Joon: I'm the drummer and im Joon

Mia: oh i see

Kim Jong: i'm the band manager and this is Chani our main guitarist i think his not talking cause he saw someone.....

Lee Ja: who ? 

*Lee Ja thinks Kim jong is talking about her*

Chani: ooh... umm..... I'm chAIN... I mean CHa..... i'm Chanieeeee.... Chani! I'm Chani the main guitarist nice to meet you

Mia: nice to meet you too! wow bands are so cool! for the first day of school we get to sit next to a band!

Byun: we're too flattered! we're just new here too.. Mia should come to our charity band performance

Lee Ja: yah you should me and Kyung are coming

Mia: you two are coming then me too! :D.

Kyung: hehehe

Byun: hey was also wondering if you three can help us

Lee Ja: on what?

Byun: since we're beginners and its our first time to perform for charity can you guys be our audiences while we practice

Lee Ja: sure when?

Kyung: .....i'll come if Lee Ja is coming

Mia: i'll come too!

Byun: great well everytime we practice!

Lee JA: well count us in!

Joon: well guys lunch is over! lets go back to our classes! see you later

Byun: bye! see you

Lee Ja: bye everyone! 

Chani: Bye Lee Ja!.. Kyung and............mmmmmmmIIa... Mia!

Lee Ja: Chani we're in the same class and Mia is going to be there too!

Kyung: well Lee Ja! see you take care of yourself!

Mia:..... bye Kyung!

Kyung: see you around


In CLass room 215

Teacher: Well goodafternoon class nice to see you again! Some students wont be here because they have a different course. Anyways we have a new student! Sadly she wasnt here on our first class so some students won't know her well....but her name is Mia! pls introduce yourself

Song being played


Mia: Hello everyone my name is Mia pls take good care of me and hope we can be good friends!

Teacher : thank you.. you may take a seat!

There are alot of empty seats but she sat next to Chani since they already know each other.

Chani was seating between Lee Ja and Mia!

Chani felt nervous because of Mia.... While theyre writing and listening to the teacher Chani kept stealing glances to Mia! 

Chani always gets hiccups whenever he felt nervous

Lee Ja was checking on her schedule and she did'nt know that she was supposed to be in the same classes with the students that have taken a different course. 

Lee Ja: teacher! *raises hands*

Teacher: yes Lee Ja?

Lee Ja: i think i'm on the wrong class

Teacher: really? can i see your schedule.... ahh so you have Health right now! 

Lee Ja: sorry teacher i did'nt know

Teacher: its okay i have other students with the same problem! its normal for the first day!

Lee Ja: thank you!

Teacher: pls proceed to your next class Lee Ja

Lee Ja: Yes!

Chani: *shouted quietly* Lee ja don't leave me here!!! I'LL GET HICCUPS! 

Chani: *hic* LEE J*hic* *hic* 

Chani covers his mouth for the whole class..

Whenever Mia asked Chani something he ignores it and pretends he doesn't hear it

Meanwhile in Health ROOM both Kyung,  Byun and Lee Ja are in the same class

Lee Ja: *knocks at the door*

Teacher: Yes come in

Lee Ja: sorry for being late i didn't know this was my class

Teacher: its okay my students did the same! your'e excused

Lee Ja: thank you! *looking for a seat then saw Kyung*

Lee Ja: KYUNG! hi!


Kyung: LEE JA! 

Byun: hey lee ja!

Lee Ja: oh hi byun did'nt see you there!

Byun: hehe its okay





Hey readers pls take some time to read this

Hello i am apologizing for not updating this chapter..... this may take a while to finish and i will be writing chapters rarely these days since school is starting.... but i will try my best to finish this story! Thanks for reading! Hope for somehow you enjoy this story of mine or find it interesting! 

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Chapter 4: Please make it complete ! I really want read the end !! Love how your created the stories !!<3 <3
Please ..!!! I really love it ! I'm waiting for you update soon !! Thanks !