Flower Boy Band

He Is A Wolf

Lee Ja: wait is'nt that??? CHANI? OMG! his playing the guitar! so cool

Lee Ja: *wave to Chani*

Chani: hi! come inside!

Lee Ja: *opens door* 

Chani: hey! have you eaten?

Lee Ja: umm... not yet but my friend is already buying me food

Chani: ah okay! 

Lee Ja: so are you the main guitarist?

Chani: well yeah... 

Lee Ja: wow! first i thought you we're the singer

Chani: well my voice is'nt as great as Byun! and my voice is kinda low :D 

Lee Ja: ahh.. who's Byun?

Chani: I'll introduce you to my band members

Lee ja: (Feeling excited) sure!

Chani: first this is Byun our Lead Singer

Byun: HI! annyeongseo! PEACE! hehe

Lee Ja: hi! annyeongseo!

Chani: he's very cheerful LOL and cute hahaha he loves to be cute!

Byun: -_-

Chani: Next is Hun.. his our bass player

Lee Ja: hi

Hun: .... *smiles*

Chani: he does'nt really talk much

Lee Ja: oh... 

Chani: okay our drummer is Joon

Joon: Hi!

Lee Ja: hello i like your jacket!

Joon: thanks Kim made it!

Chani: and lastly this is Kim Jong

Kim Jong: hi

Chani: he is our band manager... he is responsible of our band gigs and he is the one that put us all together in a band! he is also our bestest friend! he makes posters for our upcoming gigs!

Chani: and all together we're EXOTIC

Lee Ja: WOAH! everyone is so cool in here!

Chani: hehe thanks!

Lee Ja: so did you guys practiced already?

Chani: yeah we did and we're heading to the cafeteria to eat

Lee Ja: ahh! I was about to go there too

Chani: really then eat with us

*Lee Ja saw kyung looking for her at the window*

Lee Ja: oh wait thats my friend!  wait a sec i'll call him

*Lee Ja went outside and called Kyung*


Kyung: HEY WHERE THE HECK DID YOU Go! i was looking for you! heres our food lets go

Lee Ja: wait i have to introduce you to someone

Kyung: who?

Lee Ja: come inside the room lets go! 

*Lee ja drags him inside*

Lee Ja: okay Kyung so this is Chani!

Chani: oh so your'e name is Kyung!

Lee Ja: you know him?

Chani: yah well his your boyfriend right?

Kyung: ........

Lee Ja: boyfriend??

Kyung: yah boyfriend ....as in Boy space FRIEND!

Lee jA: aahhhhhhhhhhhh well he is a boy and my friend! well yeah ehehhe

Lee Ja:Kyung his name is CHani! and his in a band!

Kyung: oh nice to meet you!

Chani: you too well i'm inviting Lee Ja to come see our performance next week 

Lee Ja: yeah and their doing it for CHARITY!! 

Chani: and i was wondering if you want to come to! invite your friends too! the more the merrier!

Kyung: oh sure! yah! we'll sure come

Chani: cool! well lets go eat!

Lee Ja: *whispers to Kyung* is'nt he awesome

Kyung: there are other people that are better than him

Lee Ja: pffft

*Kyung felt jealous* LOL

Lee Ja: so kyung what did you bought me

Kyung: just this

Lee Ja: woah! you still have the orange that Mia gave?

Kyung: yeah i saved it for you!

Lee Ja: thanks kyung!

Lee Ja: wait i think i forgot something in the classroom

Kyung: what is it? i'll come with

Lee Ja: no its okay! kyung make sure you keep insects from stealing my food okay!

Kyung: oh okay!!

Chani: if you don't come back i'll eat your food!

Lee Ja: haha i'll come back for sure! wait for me okay!

* Lee Ja was looking for her books in her class room but then she saw a girl that looks so confused and lost*

Lee Ja: hey.... what are you doing here?

Lee Ja:...... woah! MIA? is THAT YOU?


Lee Ja: how are you! why did you just came here 

Mia: i just finished selling oranges and i'm really really new here i used my own money to for highschool to buy books and supplies

Lee Ja: so you used your money from selling fruits?

Mia: yeah.... my parents are very old and very sick.... i won't let them work cause i worry about them

Lee Ja: ahh so what room are you ? 

Mia: 215 why?

Lee Ja: really?

Mia: yeah why?

Lee Ja: cause me too!

Mia: really !! i really really am happy to be your friend! you're like the only friend i have! 

Lee Ja: stop being dramatic hahaha

Mia: hahahaha

Lee Ja: glad to see you NEW STUDENT!

Mia: well you too!

Lee Ja: guess tomorrow you'll be introduce as the new student ha! 

Mia: i know! :D i'm so happy! hey did you know i'm trying to look for a job in the internet and i really really really reeaaaaally want to be in a fashion magazine and i saw one and i get to work in a fashion magazine office!


Mia: I KNOW!

Lee Ja: so what position are you? are you a model? fashion designer?

Mia: a janitress

Lee Ja: a what?

Mia: well i'm not yet confirmed to be a model or fashion designer cause i don't have the skills and experiences to be one... plus i'm not educated... thats why i'm going to study and finished highschool!

Lee Ja: thats good for you... the only thing i do is work as a volunteer in a pre-school and i dont know yet what i'll do in the future...

Mia: ohh! well it looks like we have the same problems but different kinds! HEHEHE

Lee Ja: looks like it! :)

Lee Ja: have you eaten yet? all i came here in this room was to get this... my books 

Mia: oh not yet actually i was checking my room yeah..... can i eat with you

Lee Ja: of courseeeee come! hey by the way i'm eating with a flower boy band!! 

Mia: really?? wow you lucky girl!

Lee Ja: hehehe  well lets go meet them! :D

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Chapter 4: Please make it complete ! I really want read the end !! Love how your created the stories !!<3 <3
Please ..!!! I really love it ! I'm waiting for you update soon !! Thanks !