Search Party

Boys vs. Girls


The line on the other end of Su’s cellphone rang and rang and rang without the person on the other end picking up. Su was extremely worried since this was more than the tenth time he’d called Junno, not counting the previous days, which amounted to more than thirty calls and he still didn’t pick up. 

Changmin called their friend as well about the same amount of times and the other never once answered them. He’d even risked asking Ray if she’d seen him around but she’d denied seeing him for the last few days. It was unlikely that Junno would stop trying to get Ray to forgive him and he would have been ecstatic with the news that they knew everything that had to do with the bet but he never got to hear that because he went missing. It scared Changmin and Junsu greatly that their best friend would disappear out of nowhere without letting anyone know. 

His parents were especially worried because he wasn’t the kind of person that would disappear without a trace. Both boys had promised to let Junno’s parents know if their son turned up in their home but so far they had nothing. Not even bad news. 

“Su we should get the others together and ask for their help,” Min walked towards his friend pacing back and forth in the living room and placed his hand on his shoulder. “Can you ask Jae to get everyone together for this?” 

“Yeah,” he nodded in agreement, reaching for his phone so he could call him. 

“What’s up?” BoA picked up the other line. 

Su stilled. “Whoops.” He replied with a sheepish tone in his voice. “Sorry BoA. I was calling Jae and accidently dialed your number.” 

“That’s alright,” BoA’s cheerful voice was heard on the other end. Su narrowed his eyes a little as he could notice even through the phone that the cheeriness wasn’t like it usually was. 

“Are you ok?” he asked her, his worry for her mixing with that of his missing friend. 

There was silence on the other end before a pronounced sigh was heard. “I’d like to say I’m fine but I’m not. Sunny hasn’t been home in a few days and I’m really worried.” 

BoA’s comment was met with silence from the other end. She waited for Su to speak but when he stayed quiet she called his name. 

“Sorry,” he apologized. “It’s just that Junno has been missing too.” 

“Are you serious?” she asked him, shocked. 

“Yeah,” he replied more worried now. It was weird for two people to go missing around the same time. “Look BoA. I was going to call Jae in order to get the guys together to look for him. Min is already getting things together so we can start looking. I hate to let you go but this is important…” 

“Can I help?” BoA asked him from the other end. Looking around for Junno would distract her enough that she wouldn’t worry so much over her missing friend. She shouldn’t even be worried. Unlike Su and Min she had received a message from Sunny earlier in the week. It was cryptic which is why she doubted whether her friend sent it or not but she had received a message nonetheless. The fact that she hadn’t received another since then was what made her anxiety rise. However, her boyfriend needed her right now and she was going to help him. 

“I don’t want to trouble you…” was all Su was able to say before BoA interrupted him and told him that she would gladly help out. He needed her right now and she was going to be there for him. Also she decided that she’d inform the girls as well and meet them all at his house. 

Before any more could be said she told him goodbye and that she loved him. Su stared at the phone with a blush on his cheeks before he smiled a little and dialed Jae’s number. The other picked up after the third ring. He told him that he’d call the others and meet him at their house. 

Su forgot to mention to him that he should warn the others that the girls would probably show up as well. He had no time to dwell on that matter because Min had re-entered the living room with a bag of supplies then grabbed Su’s arm and dragged him out of his house and to his car. 


Taemin walked around the music store making sure that everything was running smoothly. Ever since his accident Steph has allowed other people to take care of the music store in her place. They’d done a very good job and so she had stopped worrying about it while she worked at the café. Now though Taemin could look over the store with the manager just like he’d always wanted to since he was a child.

It still unnerved him how Steph and him weren’t really allowed to touch the money their parents left them until Steph turned of age. The money that was being kept from them would have paid for the hospital bills and Steph wouldn’t have had to work so hard. Not that she seemed bothered by it. After all even at a young age they had refused to use that money but now that he thought of it that money could have been a big help. 

He shook his head in order to dispel those thoughts from his mind. It didn’t do to dwell on the past right now. All he had to do was make sure everything was in order, get some piano music sheets and go back home so he could practice. It had been too long since his fingers had touched piano keys he feared he’d be rusty when he played. It was a good thing that Steph was still too worried about him to ask if he would play for her. 

“Thanks for looking after the store for us,” Taemin thanked Mr. Cho. 

“No need to thank me,” Mr. Cho replied with a big smile on his face. “You and your sister have always been great kids and I was honored to help the two of you out.” 

Taemin returned the smile, walking towards the exit. Before he could even reach for the door it opened. Standing in front of him was Micky. They both shared a shocked stare before Taemin walked around him and exited the shop with a wave goodbye to Mr. Cho. 

It took Micky about ten seconds to snap out of his shock before he went after Taemin. The latter kept on walking even as he heard his name being called from behind him. He was not going to stop. Instead he picked up his pace in hopes of losing Micky in the crowed because the last thing he needed was to converse with the other male. 

Ten minutes later found both boys out of breath and near a park. Taemin turned and glared at Micky as he crossed his arms. “Why the hell are you following me?” to you,” Micky let out between small gasps of air. When his breathing slowed down he looked up to see Taemin stare at him, his glare gone. “Sorry, I have asthma and well that didn’t really help.” 

“Are you an idiot? Wait I don’t want to know.” Taemin sighed, walking towards the nearest bench and sitting down. “Out with it.” Micky looked at him with surprise. He’d thought he’d have to fight harder to get Taemin to listen to him. 

“I wanna talk about your sister,” he told the other. Taemin rolled his eyes. It was obvious that was who the other wanted to talk about. 

“I’m listening,” he replied before he insulted Micky again. Steph had taught him to be kind and respectful to those older than him but right now it was kind of hard to keep that in mind with Micky. 

Micky began to tell Taemin how he’d made a mistake. He should have never used the bet as an incentive to get closer to his sister. Taemin listened without interruption even though he thought that the other really should be telling this to another person. However, he also understood that said person didn’t want to talk to the other male so he was stuck listening to Micky's story. 

“…I really just want her to forgive me,” were the last words Micky told Taemin before he stopped talking. 

“Look. All this that you’ve told me, you should tell my sister.” Taemin suggested. It’d been about a week since the girls had learned everything there was to know about the bet. However, only BoA was able to really know the feelings behind Su’s participation because he’d been there. All the other girls understood how it came about and when everyone was part of it and when the bet had stopped being paid attention too however, they didn’t know the exact feeling of the boys that had been flirting with them. 

Sure they probably had an idea but with everything it seemed like that idea wasn’t enough for them to go and ask the guys straight out. Taemin was positive that Steph would forgive Micky if she gave him a chance to talk to her. He was also positive that she would give him that chance if he sought her out. Sure, she was pissed off and she would probably hit him or something but he was sure she’d forgive him eventually. 

“That’s all?” Micky asked rather perplexed as Taemin stood up from the bench and began to walk away. 

“That’s it,” he replied with a shrug. “I’m not going to make this easy for you Micky. Find my sister on your own and win her back on your own. That’s the only way I and she will acknowledge you.” Taemin flashed him a small smile before turning away. 

Two phones began to ring at the same time. One of them was Taemin’s with Steph on the other line telling him to meet her at Ray’s because her house was closer to him and the other was Micky’s with Jae on the other end telling him to get to his house right then. 


Sunny grimaced as Junno moved his body away from her. For the last two days that's all he’d been doing every time she tried to get close to him. Even though he was tied up, he still moved around and shied away from her if she got too close to him. 

“Why do you keep moving away from me?” she glared at him. “I only want to be close to you. I’m not going to hurt you but you still move away.” 

“When you shock someone and make them pass out they are less likely to believe that you won’t hurt them,” he replied as calmly as he could given the fact that he’d been held prisoner for about a week now. 

“I haven’t don’t that in days,” she whined, annoyed at his answer. Sunny walked towards him. Junno saw her coming and shimmied farther away from her. It was difficult to move while being tied up but at least he was able to move even if it was just a few inches. Those few inches pissed Sunny off though, he didn’t really care about that at the moment. 

“It doesn’t matter,” he replied, inching away a bit more. “I’m a prisoner here and I don’t really want to be near you.” 

“Come on Junno,” Sunny ignored Junno’s movements and finally closed their distance. She straddled his waist, running a finger down his cheek. “This would all be over if you just told me to be your girlfriend. If you just told me that you loved me.” 

Junno recoiled from her touch. He began to struggle with her on him, trying and failing to get her off. Sunny’s stare turned dark as she felt him move under her. She clenched her fingers into fists at her side. 

“Stop struggling,” she grasped his face in her hands. “If you want to be set free you know what you need to do.” Sunny brought her face closer to his and kissed him before getting up and walking away. Her mood had turned sour. 


When Steph had told Ray that BoA wanted them to meet at Su’s house she’d thought nothing of it. Sure it was weird and Steph certainly felt the same way too but BoA seemed a little anxious so they’d complied. The other’s anxiety had been so noticeable that Steph hadn’t had the heart to ask why the hell she had to bring her brother and Ray’s brothers as well. 

Once they’d arrived at Su’s place, entered the house and were led to the living room they’d actually been glad to have brought their brothers with them because BoA and Su weren’t the only ones in the room. The living room had been occupied with everyone who had been involved in the bet. 

Roz walked towards them, relieved that they had finally arrived because she had been standing in a corner by herself in hopes of becoming invisible. She really didn’t want anyone to approach her and now she was capable of hiding behind Steph. 

Steph smiled at Roz and welcomed her to her group. She caught the other glancing briefly at Yunho who was currently sitting on the couch farthest away from the corner where Roz had been at but was able to look at her perfectly. 

“Why are we here?” Ray asked BoA, turning her body so Woohyun could be blocking her from Junno. However, when she looked around the room she noticed that he wasn’t there. 

“I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you guys that they would be here,” BoA apologized to them as she motioned towards the other people in the room. 

“Just tell us why we’re here,” Steph replied with a sigh. She kept her gaze away from Micky who was sitting in between Yunho and Jae on the couch. “You sounded worried and anxious over the phone.” 

“Well you see…” Su began to speak instead of BoA. He looked at everyone in the room. “Min and I are worried about Junno. He’s been gone for about a week now and no one knows where he is.” 

“Have you asked his parents?” Siwon inquired from his position leaning on the far corner wall next to the couch where Yunho, Jae and Micky were situated. 

“They don’t know where he’s at,” Min replied from his position on the chair closer to where Steph and her group where standing. 

“When was the last time you saw him?” Steph asked him. 

“Remember when we hung out the other day?” Min asked her and she nodded. He didn’t say anything after that. She just stared at him until his words sunk in and her eyes widened in shock. 

“When did you guys hang out?” came Micky’s muffled question. 

Steph turned her gaze to him for a moment before turning a little more so she could be looking at Jae instead as she answered. “That was at the beginning of the week. It wasn’t even four when he just left the house.” 

“We know,” Su replied. “Which is why we are very worried and were hoping that you guys could help us look for him.” He looked around the room at everyone. He was actually surprised at some of the people that had arrived but nonetheless he really hoped they would all help out. 

“I’m in,” Hoya was the first to answer, followed by Dongwoo. 

After them people started volunteering one after another even Woohyun who had shown a small displeasure to it at first. He hadn’t thought it wise for him and Ray to participate in looking for the guy that had tried to hurt her. He couldn’t really stay displeased however, when Ray decided that she would help out as well. 

“Thanks guys,” Min smiled at them. 

“We should divide into teams so we can cover more ground,” Jae suggested as he pulled a notepad out and began to write numbers on the sheet before ripping them into small little pieces. 

He stood up once the pieces had been cut and handed the papers to everyone in the room. 

“What are these for?” Jessica asked. 

“The people with the same number as you are in your team.” Was all he replied before opening his palm and looking at the number he received. “Who has number three?” 

Tiffany, Changmin and Dongwoo raised their hands. 

The others looked at their papers. Steph asked who had the number one written on their papers. Her brother and Hoya both walked towards her. She smiled at them. It didn’t last however, as Micky walked towards their group as well the paper facing her and showing them the number one. 

To her right Roz was stuck in a group with Yunho and his sister as well as Siwon. Two people who she rarely talked two and the boy that she had been avoiding. 

Ray ended up in the same group as WoohyunBoA and Junsu. From the three girls she had been the luckiest since the guy who had hurt her was actually the one they were searching for and wouldn’t be in her group. 

“Everyone exchange numbers,” Changmin instructed as he pulled out a few maps from his bag. “These maps are all marked so every team will get one so we won’t all be looking at the same places.” He handed a map to Hoya, Yunho, and Su and kept one for himself and his team. 

“If you find him please call or send a text to everyone to return here,” Su continued to instruct. “Also good luck and thanks for doing this. 


Jess, Siwon, Roz and Yunho walked around the bend of the biggest park in their town. The park was connected with the woods the longer you walked towards the back entrance, usually blocked and watched over by the park ranger so none of the younger kids could go in alone and get lost. When they came to a fork in the road Jess grabbed Siwon's hand and pulled him to the left. 

"We're going this way," she pointed out. "The two of you go that way." 

Roz opened , getting ready to protest, Jess just raised her hand to stop her before continuing on her way with SiwonYunho and her stood there for three more minutes before Roz sighed in defeat, then began to walk towards the direction that Jess had instructed. She made sure to stay a few steps ahead of Yunho so she wouldn't have to walk right next to him. 

Yunho watched Roz from behind. He stared at the back of her head in hopes that she would turn around and look at him. After five minutes of no change he sighed before opening his mouth. 

"There's this guy I know," he began, smiling a little when he saw Roz's shoulders stiffened a little at the sound of his voice. "He met this girl one day while out with his friends. She captivated him with her smile, making him want to get to know her better." 

Roz turned around to glare at Yunho, she really didn't want to listen to this. "Will you please stop talking and look for Junno." 

Yunho shook his head. "I can look and talk at the same time. It helps me concentrate." 

Roz rolled her eyes. "Sure it does." 

Yunho chuckled as she turned her back around, then he continued with his story. "He was an idiot though, instead of going up to talk to her like a normal person he decided to get his courage through a bet he made with his friends while they were bored." He watched Roz as he talked, trying to decipher her mood, however he couldn't get much of a reading from her. 

"When he asked her out and she agreed, he was ecstatic. The longer he was with her the happier he was. He ended up forgetting about the bet however, the bet wasn't forgotten by others. Somehow, some way the girl he fell in love with found out about it and broke up with him. She didn’t want anything to do with him and he really didn't know what to do to win her back..." Yunho trailed off as a pair of shoes made it into his line of vision. He hadn’t realized when his gaze had lowered. Looking up he saw Roz right in front of him, her expression a bit hard for him to read. 

"He fell in love with her," was all she said. He gave her a small smile as e nodded. 

"He loves her. I love you Roz. I want us to be..." she cut him off before he could continue with a kiss. 

The kiss didn't last long. Roz only really did it because of her intense feelings, feelings that couldn't really break the fact that they were looking for a missing friend however. "Just because I kissed you doesn't mean I forgive you. After we find Junno we will have a long conversation," 

Yunho grinned, showing her his brightest smile. "Of course, anything you say. 



They’d been walking for 15 minutes in complete silence. Steph never left Taemin’s side and whenever Micky tried to get near her she’d move so she’d me walking between Taemin and Hoya. It wasn’t that she was mad at him, heck maybe she was still a little angry with him. However, that wasn’t the reason she avoided him. It had more to do with her contemplating what to say to him, because even after everything she wasn’t sure whether he was completely forgiven or not. It didn’t help that she wasn’t as angry with him as she would have liked considering the means he’d used to get close to her. 

While she contemplated this Hoya and Taemin were both thinking of ways where they could separate so they could leave Steph and Micky alone together. Taemin could tell that the guy liked his sister and his sister sometimes showed that she felt the same way. If they actually got together and talked things could be resolved. After all, Steph had already heard everything that had to do with the bet, if she would stop being stubborn then Micky and her would be together already. Although he didn’t approve of Micky’s method to getting near his sister, he could tell the idiot’s feelings for her were genuine. He would make her happy if only his sister would talk to him or look at him in order to see in his eyes that he cared for her, that he was in love with her. 

Everyone’s internal thoughts were broken once they reached the lake. Standing right there in front of them was Aaron, his hands hidden inside his jean pockets. Steph hadn’t seen him in a while, not since after she finally threatened to file a restraining order against him if he didn’t stop following her around. The fact that he was standing there in front of them showed her that he’d thought about her threat and wasn’t happy. 

"A little bird told me that you got yourself a boyfriend," Aaron glared at Steph. "Oh and congrats on Taemin for finally waking up." 

"Thanks..." he replied rather warily, turning his head to look at this sister, unsure of who this guy was. 

"What are you doing here Aaron?" Steph sighed in annoyance. "How did you know we'd be here? You do know stalking is against the law." 

"So this the guy you chose instead of me," Aaron ignored her, walking towards Hoya and getting in his face. "You're nothing special." 

"I think you should leave," Taemin walked towards Aaron, grabbing one of his wrists so he could pull him away from Hoya. The last thing he wanted was for a fight to break out while they were looking for Junno. 

"Stay out of this kid," Aaron growled, pushing Taemin away from him. Taemin was about to fall into the lake but Micky managed to save him just in time, allowing him to end up in his sisters grasp. Micky's footing was off so he ended up falling instead. Steph placed Taemin behind her, she walked towards Aaron and punched him straight in the face. Then she walked towards Micky, with the help of Hoya and Taemin they managed to get him out. 

As Aaron stood back up, Steph grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. "If you know what's good for you you'll stay the hell away from me. Next time your pretty face won't be left unscarred." With that she let go with a push, turning around and walking back to her brother, Hoya and Micky. 

"Damn its cold," Micky shivered, wrapping his arms around himself. Hoya took off his jacket and handed it to him. "No it's alright," he declined the offer. 

"Just take it," Steph grabbed Hoya's jacket and placed it on Micky. 

"I'm sorry," Micky blurted out a few minutes later when they'd begun their search again. "I never meant to hurt you. I actually really...ow," he stopped talking and winced after Steph punched him in the arm. Before he could ask why she hit him she reached up, placed her hands on each side of his face and pulled him down. 

The kiss didn't last long but that didn't stop the grin that formed on Micky's face. "We'll talk later," Steph explained before they began their search once again after the second interruption. 


"Are we really going to search here?" Woohyun looked at the warehouses warily. He'd been somewhat complaining about them since he learned they would be looking through them. 

"They're on the map," Su replied for the millionth time. "Are you afraid of warehouses or something? Maybe ghosts? Cuz you keep complaining about searching here." 

"If you are," BoA added. "You don't have to come search here." 

"And leave Ray to search for herself. I don't think so," he answered walking forward, ahead of the other three. "Lets look over here." He grabbed Ray's hand and lead her to the warehouses on the left. 

"Are you sure your ok?" Ray asked him. Like Su and BoA she was concerned that he was pushing himself. She was pretty sure he'd only accepted to help because she'd decided too not really because he wanted to find Junno. No one could blame him, after what Junno had done to Ray she wasn't all that sure why she was even looking for him either. 

Woohyun turned to give her a reassuring smile. "I'm totally fine. Not scared or anything. Just unsure of why Junno would ever be here, that's all." 

Ray nodded. She actually agreed with him but it was always better to look at a place and find nothing then not look at it only to realize that said person was there all along. So better to be safe then sorry. 

"How about you go check those places over there," Woohyun pointed to the warehouses on their left. "I'll check those on the right, that way we cover more ground and get out of here faster." 

"Um, sure." she agreed, giving him a small smile before walking away in the direction of the warehouses he'd pointed at. 

Woohyun watched Ray walk away, when she was out of sight his smile turned into a grim line. He began to walk towards the warehouses on his right, skipping over the first two and walking straight towards the one in the middle. When he reached the door he opened it and walked inside. 

Junno was awake, laying on the floor all tied up. Woohyun walked towards him, an annoyed expression on his face before he punched him in order to knock him out. 

"What are you doing here?" Sunny asked him as she steppe out of one of the rooms, annoyed at his presence. 

"If you kept in touch with BoA you would know," he shot back. "All his group of friends are looking for him because he's been missing for days. You should have covered your tracks." 

"You should have told me they were looking for him," Sunny burst out, turning to look at Junno who was currently passed out on the ground. "We could have moved him somewhere." 

Woohyun scoffed. "I don't hang out with these people. Besides that, they just started searching for him today. They all got together today to search." 

Sunny wrapped her arms around her chest, her left foot tapping on the ground impatiently. "A text would have been nice. How did they manage to come all the way over here?" 

"Everyone divided into teams. Lucky for me, I got placed in the group with the map that had the warehouses in it." His fingers ruffled his hair a little. "Just try to keep him quiet. I'm going to go find Ray and tell her I didn't find him. Then we can go tell Su and BoA that we didn't see him." 

"Those three are here?!" Sunny looked at him shocked. 

"You think I would be here if they weren't somehow involved?" he shot back, annoyed. 

"Ok, sheesh," she sighed. "Just get out of here already." 

"Make sure he stays quiet," he repeated, noticing that Junno was beginning to wake up probably because he hadn't hit him hard enough, his eyes fluttering open, watching as Woohyun left the building as Ray's voice sounded closer and closer. 

When Woohyun stepped outside he ran into Ray, jumping a little in surprise. "Damn, Ray. You scared me." 

Ray chuckled a little. "Sorry. Did you find anything?" 

"Nothing," he answered rather quickly, placing his arm behind her back as he lead her in the other direction. "Just an empty warehouse, like I thought there would be." 

"What's that?" Ray asked, a rustling noise catching her attention. 

Woohyun quickly began to lead her away as he told her it was probably some animal. Usually warehouses has some stray animals taking refuge in them so she shouldn't worry so much about the noise. 

Ray looked kind of skeptical at him, but otherwise didn't say anything as Woohyun took them back towards the entrance where they met up with Su and BoA again. 

"Find anything?" Su asked hopefully, becoming crestfallen once they both shook their heads. 

"Let's get out of here, maybe the others had a better chance," Woohyun began to walk away, expecting them to follow him. 

Ray turned to look at Su and BoA before she began to whisper. "There's a warehouse over there where I heard noise. Woohyun said it was nothing but I want to check anyway. Can the both of you go check while I distract Woohyun?" 

"Sure," BoA nodded in agreement.  

"Hey, Woohyun I need to ask you something." She yelled, leaving Su and BoA behind. Woohyun turned to look at her rather confused, noticing that Su and BoA hadn't been following. 

"Where are your friends??" he asked, starting to walk forward  before Ray clasped onto his arm and began to drag him away. 

"I think she dropped something and Su went to help her or it was the other way around, anyway they said they would catch up." 

"We should stick together," Woohyun tried to take his arm back but Ray had a death grip on it. She smiled up at him and started dragging him away again. Telling him how he didn't need to worry and they would be here in a few minutes. 

Ok so this is the long awaited second to last chapter of this. The next chapter will be the final one. I was starting to think I should just combined them but in the end I didn't feel like it. Sorry for the extremely long wait. I've started writing the last chapter and it won't be super long so I will try to finish it this weekend. Thanks guys for your patience I know its been forever. ^_^ 


P.S. I didn't check for grammar or errors so sorry about that if you find them, eventually I will go back and correct all my mistakes for this fic but not at this moment. Take care~

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Chapter 33: Wow........ atfer 3 years, this fic finally came to an end XDDDDD loved the whole story a lot and really want to see more from u steph! Write more soon!!! :DDD
btobfiniteforever #2
Chapter 33: this is awesome, authornim! I enjoyed reading this ^^
lol...the suspense it kills lol...i was going to update this but i haven't had time to complete the chapter and i have two papers for school that i have to once i'm done with my papers i'll have more free time and i'll be able to finish this so please wait until this weekend
Chapter 32: Finally! Steph you updated it!!!! Whoa..... didn't expect that twist in the story..... I wonder how sunny and woohyun know each other..... damn it steph!!! Now I feel like reading the next chapter immediately. Please update soon!
Chapter 31: Finally after a long time I am able to read this again!!!!!! I wonder what's gonna happen next. Poor junno though.... yay!! Junsu and boa ^_^

(This is ray. I'm commenting through my rp account ^_^)
Chapter 29: Ohmy..... *o* taeminnie woke up finally!!! Gosh... ima read the story from first all over again since I have lost track a bit. Steph!!!! Please update more chapters soon! I'm curious to how the girls are going to get their revenges. Poor roz..... damn tiffanny..... :'(
Steph!!! T__T 6 months since you updated this... T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T
Chapter 28: Noonaaaaaa!!! Update this fic soon!!! [It's ray btw if you are wondering who this is/ I changed my username ^^]
Chapter 28: Ooooohhhh.. Another teaser? You really are trying to kill me of curiosity aren't you? Well, you see if you can get some chapters on by december cause I think I can get on and read em. Commenting on the story after stealing my dad's mobile to see if any stories have been updated lol XDDD