Bets Out

Boys vs. Girls

Four days. It had been four days since Roz disappeared and Yunho couldn't find her. He'd tried her friends however, that had been a bust since none of them were willing to help him. Yunho wasn't surprised but that hadn't stopped him from trying.

Which was why he was currently walking through Roz's neighborhood. If he had any chance of finding her it was here. He stopped going to her house after her parents threatened to call the cops so it was his only choice if we wanted to spot her.

As he turned the corner he was finally able to see her. She was wearing her hair in a bun with a blue, long sleeved shirt covered by a vest and jeans. His confidence that things would work out came when he noticed the bracelet she wore. It was the same one he'd given her. Without further delay he ran to her before she could notice him and escape.

"Roz!" he grabbed her shoulders and didn't let go.

"Let go of me," a surprised Roz began to pull away. Yunho stopped her by wrapping her in his arms.

"Please Roz," Yunho whispered into her ear. "Listen to me. I don't know why you’re so upset with me but let’s work this out."

In his arms Roz had stopped struggling. At his words her anger from a few days ago returned. With a glare she kicked Yunho's shin, successfully extracting herself from him as he bent down to rub where she'd injured him.

"There's nothing to work out, so leave me alone," came her words, calmly as she began to walk away.

Yunho stopped paying attention to his pain and grabbed her arm again before she could escape. "I don't know why you’re acting this way. Please tell me what I did?" He implored as he stared at her. "I don't remember doing anything that would cause this hostility you're showing me."

Roz's hands had closed into fists the longer Yunho kept on talking. Her anger at him began to rise. As his words began to come to an end she let out everything she'd been holding back since she found out about the bet.

"Nothing wrong?" she gritted through her teeth. Turning around quickly she faced Yunho. As she spoke she poked him repeatedly on the chest. "Let me re-freshen your memory Yunho!" she sheath. "I just found out that my boyfriend is dating someone other than me. But then again I shouldn't be too surprised."

"I'm not..." Yunho began to deny before Roz cut him off.

"Shut up," she yelled at him as she pinned him with the nastiest glare she'd ever given anyone. "I know you’re dating Tiffany." Roz ran her fingers through her hair in frustration, forgetting that it was in a bun and ruining it. "You know I actually thought you liked me."
"I do like you," Yunho told her. "And I can explain about Tiffany..."
"It doesn't matter," Roz continued to glare at him. "I don't need your stupid explanations. The fact that you just admitted it proves everything to me."

"But it’s not what you think," he tried to reason with her. His own frustration starting to show through his features.

However, Roz's frustration was greater than his. She was also starting to get to her breaking point. The pain that she felt proved to her that she really liked Yunho. It hurt too much though, to like a guy who just thought of her as a bet. Which is why she blurted out what she did

"You're worse than scum, you know that!" Tears were starting to fall from her eyes. "You stand here, in front of me and lie to my face when I know all this was just part of a bet you made with your stupid friends."

Yunho's eyes widened at her words. He knew now how bad his situation was. His worst fear passed right there and then, and it that he was losing the girl he actually liked.

"I thought that I could get over the bet and be with you," she continued through her tears. Yunho's heart began to flutter with renewed light only to plummet once again at her next words. "But this betrayal with Tiffany was too much." Snatching her hand away from Yunho she slapped him hard. Roz gave him the slap she'd been holding back since she found out about the bet.

"I hate you Jung Yunho," she yelled once more before running straight home towards her room. Once she calmed down she rushed to her phone and sent a max text to everyone. In her anger she'd let slip that she knew about the bet. Yunho was smart enough to realize that she wasn't the only one who knew about the bet. Roz was positive that he'd go and tell the others what he knew.


"What's the big emergency?" Jae asked Yunho, the second they reached his home.

Instead of answering he led Jae and Su to his room where the others were already seated in different places.

"Yunho, what is going on?" Micky looked at him with a worried expression. Yunho gave a big sigh as he sat at the edge of his bed. He rubbed his face with the palm of his hands, worrying the others.

"They know," he mumbled with his face still covered by his hands.

Su looked around. He arched an eyebrow before asking, "Who knows what?"

"They know," Yunho repeated, removing his hands from his face. "About the bet." He clarified after seeing their still confused faces.

The moment he said that everyone's eyes widened. Su turned sheet white, he feared the worst between BoA and him. Jae was shocked but not that worried since he'd decided to give up on Tiffany after she blackmailed Yunho. Siwon became nervous since he had revealed their plans to Jessica and he wouldn't put it past her to reveal it in order to win against her brother. Yoochun turned as pale as Su. It wasn't easy to win Steph's trust, she would kill him for this.

"How?" Changmin was just as calm as Jae since he'd left the bet long ago. Witnessing Junno and Su turn white made him want to pull their thoughts from whatever horrible things they were imagining.

"I'd like to blame Tiffany," Yunho's gaze turned cold. "However, it seems like they've known for a while."

"What do you mean a while?" Junno asked. "And what does Tiffany have to do with this?"

"Tiff went and blabbed to them," Jae guessed. "She told them about the bet."

"No," Yunho shook his head in disagreement. "Tiffany went and told Roz that I was dating her. That's why she was so pissed off at me. She thought I was cheating."

"But Tiffany forced you to date her," Su said.

"I know," Yunho sighed again. "I was going to explain that to Roz but she wouldn't let me. She went off on me and revealed that she knew about the bet. However, the way she said it revealed that she wasn't the only one who knew."

Micky paced around the room, listening carefully to Yunho's words. He began to picture some of the times he'd met with Steph. There was a point in time when Steph hadn't acknowledged him but that had changed when she'd heard him play the piano. However, not long after that, probably a few weeks later she acted cold towards him. Even after she began to speak to him it seemed different.

"They've known since before school let out," Micky looked at them, seeing each reaction towards his words.

"How did they find out though?" Junno stood up from his seat. "Tiffany didn't know then, so she couldn't have told them."

"Who knows," Jae ran fingers through his hair. "Right now what we should concentrate on is ground control. Su wasn't even part of the bet since early on. The bet has been practically ignored for a while now. We need to find a way to fix this before you guys lose the girls you like."

Micky stood up quickly then and headed towards the door. "I need to speak to Steph before it’s too late." With that he left quickly to her house.

"I should go to BoA's," Su also stood up. Junno was ready to leave with him.

"You shouldn't," Siwon spoke for the first time. "If you guys just go without a plan you won't accomplish anything."

"Siwon is right," Jae gave them a sympathetic smile. "I hate to say this but you need a plan. Micky rushed off but he won't get anywhere."

"How can you be sure?" Su asked.

"It’s the way Steph is," Min sighed. "She won't forgive him just like that. There was a reason why they pretended not to know about the bet. I doubt that she'll let Micky get a word in. Roz didn't let Yunho explain himself and she's usually very reasonable. Micky is going to return in failure."

Su sat back down with a long sigh. He was scared that the next time he saw BoA she would look at him with scorn and malice. The last thing he wanted was for her to hate him.

Junno looked at Su and felt the same emotions the other did. Knowing that Ray would hate him after he tried so hard to get close to her pained him. She was more than met the eye. Now he’d blow it for hiding behind a bet he had stopped thinking about since the first time he’d witnessed her smile at her best friend. A smile he wanted to see directed at him but probably wouldn’t.

As Jae and the rest tried to think up of ways to help their friends not lose the girls they’d learned to really like, Junno decided that he’d see Ray. He needed to see her even if what she showed him was her cold mask.


Micky stood in front of the door. He took a deep breath before he pressed the doorbell and waited restlessly until the door finally began to open. Standing in front of him was Steph’s younger brother Taemin. One look at the boy in front of him and the younger began to close the door in his face. Using his fast reflexes he managed to place his foot in between the doorway, paying no attention to the small sting in his foot from the impact.

Taemin glared at him as he tried and failed to close the door to his home. With a sigh he opened the door, crossing his arms over his chest he sighed and just looked at Micky, waiting for him to speak.

“Is your sister home?” he asked the younger boy.

“You should leave,” Taemin replied back, neither denying nor admitting whether she was home or not. “My sister told me what’s going on and you should just leave her alone.”

“Look,” Micky began before closing his mouth. He ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. “I really just need to talk to your sister and expla-“

“Explain what?” Steph cut him off, placing her hand on her brother’s shoulder as she appeared next to him. “Taemin I’ll handle this, you go inside and rest a little more.” She turned to him and motioned for him to leave them. Taemin shot her an unsure look which she returned with a small smile. With a sigh he gave Micky one last glare before walking away, probably towards the living room or his bedroom.

“Micky what are you doing here?” she asked him calmly with a neutral expression on her face.

“Steph,” he reached to place his hand on her arm but she backed away, closer to the door, the neutral expression on her face fading as she began to reveal her displeasure.

“Sorry,” he lowered his hand back to his side. “I just needed to talk to you about the bet. I know that you and the others know about it but you don’t really know exactly what’s going on.”

“Look I really don’t have time for this,” she replied, her right hand lifted behind her and grasped the doorknob so she could go back inside. “I don’t care about the bet because it really has nothing to do with me.”

Micky stared at her in confusion. Could it be that Steph wasn’t aware of the whole entirety of the bet? But that couldn’t be it because her brother was definitely pissed at him. Not just that but she clearly avoided him not that many seconds ago.

“What do you mean it doesn’t concern you?” he asked her, trying to relieve the confusion that he felt at the moment.

Steph stopped opening the doorway in order to give Micky one last glance. “Easy. It has nothing to do with me. Why? You might ask. Well because I’m dating one of Ray’s brothers,” the look of shock and mortification that appeared on Micky’s face then had Steph inside as she finished her statement. “Which means that I don’t care about your stupid bet Micky. I’m not dating you so leave me the hell alone.”

With that Steph stepped back into her house and slammed the door closed. It was total bull that she was dating however, the look on Micky’s face gave her a bit of satisfaction.


Junno walked in the general direction that he knew Ray’s home to be. It seemed like everyone in the school knew she lived here but never really bothered to take the chance and look at the place. He being one of them. This time though, this time he was going to walk to the gate and ring the bell and hope to God that she opened the door and let him talk to her. Let him hear her voice as well even if it was just to scream at him. Something that would seem out of character for Ray’s cold demeanor but he knew she was capable of it.

When he turned the corner he stopped in his tracks. Walking towards him was Ray. But she wasn’t alone. Walking right next to her was a guy he’d never seen before. A guy who was currently holding Ray’s hand in his. The most shocking though wasn’t the handholding, it was the bright smile adorning Ray’s face.

She’s smiling, he thought shocked.  She’s smiling while she’s with another guy. Who the hell is this guy?

There was a knot in his stomach that refused to go away the longer he looked at them. It wasn’t until Ray looked up and stared into his eyes that his body stopped being frozen to the same spot and he began to walk closer. His steps faltering when Ray’s eyes turned into slits and she glared at him.

The guy next to her noticed the sudden change in her and looked up. One look at him and the guy grimaced. He pulled Ray’s hand a little so she’d look at him and whispered something in her ear. They began to turn around so they could walk the other way when Junno finally found his voice.

“Wait!” he exclaimed as he ran to them. “Ray I need to talk to you.” Junno grasped the hand that wasn’t being held by the other guy.

“Let her go,” the other guy pulled her hand out of Junno’s grip and pulled her away a few steps.

“Ray.” Was all Junno said, ignoring the glares the other guy shot at him.

Ray sighed and turned to look at him. She wasn’t going to deal with this at the moment, she wasn’t going to allow this guy to talk to her anymore. It was time that she ended this so he would leave her well enough alone.

“Here’s the problem Junno,” she replied in a cold voice. “I don’t want to talk to you. All I want is to continue my date with my boyfriend Woohyun.” She told him plainly.

The shock on his face was plain as day. She didn’t care though. He had tried to play her and she refused to believe that he could actually care for her as she’d once thought when he’d tried to befriend her. “Goodbye Junno. I hope I don’t see you anymore.”

With those words she tugged Woohyun with her until Junno decided to be stupid and grab her arm again. Without notice Woohyun turned and punched Junno in the face causing the other to fall to the floor. His hand reaching to his stinging cheek.

“Don’t touvh my girlfriend ever again and stay away from her,” he spat before turning around and walking away with Ray. She shot Junno a concerned look for a moment before walking away. He didn’t deserve for her to worry for him.

Ok. So I am finally updating this fic. I know it’s been forever. But finally I finished the chapter and I’m sorry for any mistakes that you might find while reading. If you find any tell me please and I will change the mistakes. The fic is actually coming to an end soon so while I’m on Christmas break I will try and finish this fic that should have been finished by now but life and sometimes procrastination got in the way. Anyway I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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Chapter 33: Wow........ atfer 3 years, this fic finally came to an end XDDDDD loved the whole story a lot and really want to see more from u steph! Write more soon!!! :DDD
btobfiniteforever #2
Chapter 33: this is awesome, authornim! I enjoyed reading this ^^
lol...the suspense it kills lol...i was going to update this but i haven't had time to complete the chapter and i have two papers for school that i have to once i'm done with my papers i'll have more free time and i'll be able to finish this so please wait until this weekend
Chapter 32: Finally! Steph you updated it!!!! Whoa..... didn't expect that twist in the story..... I wonder how sunny and woohyun know each other..... damn it steph!!! Now I feel like reading the next chapter immediately. Please update soon!
Chapter 31: Finally after a long time I am able to read this again!!!!!! I wonder what's gonna happen next. Poor junno though.... yay!! Junsu and boa ^_^

(This is ray. I'm commenting through my rp account ^_^)
Chapter 29: Ohmy..... *o* taeminnie woke up finally!!! Gosh... ima read the story from first all over again since I have lost track a bit. Steph!!!! Please update more chapters soon! I'm curious to how the girls are going to get their revenges. Poor roz..... damn tiffanny..... :'(
Steph!!! T__T 6 months since you updated this... T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T
Chapter 28: Noonaaaaaa!!! Update this fic soon!!! [It's ray btw if you are wondering who this is/ I changed my username ^^]
Chapter 28: Ooooohhhh.. Another teaser? You really are trying to kill me of curiosity aren't you? Well, you see if you can get some chapters on by december cause I think I can get on and read em. Commenting on the story after stealing my dad's mobile to see if any stories have been updated lol XDDD