Prince of Darkness



With my eyes locked on the rapid waves of the stream, I take a few paces back. The mist starts to clear up, but that doesn't explain why the water crashes against the rocks, rushing down the stream. The wind is starting to pick up, the trees are hurling their branches and leaves against one another. I take a quicky whiff of the air and can't help but notice how crisp the air is. It carries a ghastly scent which makes my nose crinkle.

Now breathing using my mouth, I spin around and dash to the other side of forest. Taking quick and long strides, I feel my fur wavering around in the wind. The distorted scent in the air being abosorded down the strands of my fur and into my skin. This means once the moon is gone, I'll have goose bumps every where. Worse than that, I'll have to shower, again.

It takes me less than five minutes to dodge the trees, jump over dead trees and leap through the mud to get to the other side of the forest. The air a little more crisp but with it, carries a scent of another werewolve.

A large growl is echoed out through the forest and wind rushes past me, brustling through my fur. I turn my head slowly, trying to sniff out the werewolve without picking that distorted scent up. "Yunho...?" I speak in wolve tongul, the ancient language of werewolves. Only wolves can hear and understand the language, a secret that every pack carries.

A large black wolf appears and his eyes pierce down on me. His large paws leaving no trace of his steps. His back's fur a shimmering white and silver colour as the moonlight shines down on him.

"The scent of the air... do you know what's causing it?" He asks. A straight up question.

I pause for a bit, thinking of possibilities. "I... I don't know. It's strange. It's not only the scent that is... well, weird but also the wind and water. You think something's up? I hope not... I don't want something scary to happen!"

He snorts and rubs the tip of his nose into the grass, ridding of the scent. Pretty smart of him. Makes me wonder why I didn't think of that.

"Something is definately up but I don't know what it is. I was up on the Strahl Mountain and the mist surrounding the forrest... disappeared," he says almost disappointed that the mist is gone. Why would he be disappointed about that? The mist is annoying, you can't see a thing. You have to smell your way around but it's kind of hard when the air smells almost like... a mixture of poop, mucus, blood and some other mysterious-shouldn't be named-things.

"Uh, maybe a pack is nearby...?" I've never been good at thinking of ideas. Guess that's what happens when I keep missing days of school. It's not my fault the full moon comes so often! Once the full moon is up, I turn into a werewolf and have to wait at least three days before I'm human again. Makes me wonder, how in the world does Yunho get straight A's when he's busy being a werewolf?!

"No, that can't be it. That wouldn't explain the signs nature is giving me. Also the water and wind. I can only think of one thing... but it's pretty stupid-" He stops for a moment, thinking during his sentence. "W-wait, maybe it is happening? N-No, it can't be. Why would he come here?"

What is he going on about? "Who? Who's coming? Is someone coming to see us? Is it another pack! Please tell me it's another pack! I haven't seen other werewolves in ages! Well, I've only really seen one other werewolve and thats you... But anyway, I'm so excited! We're not alone anymore, right?"

I feel my four legs filling up with excitement and can't hold it in. I jump around Yunho, expressing my happiness. I can't believe it. If this is true, I'll have other werewolves to play with, finally!

"No! Not another pack. I-I think it's something really bad... have you ever heard of the- no, nevermind." His jaw droops open with a crazy look on his face. He then snaps close his jaw and howls, loudly. Very loudly.

I freeze, staring at him in shock and fear. I let a small whimper out and cover my ears. I bend down into the grass and press my jaw onto the thick grass. "Yunho! Shhh! You're howling too loud-" I whimper until I feel the purge of nostalgia filling my lungs. I get up and join the howel, letting my werewolf senses take over.

Yunho stops and I follow after him. His eyes stare deep into the forest, searching for something. Werewolf eyes can see pretty far with guidance of smell. The smell of certain objects in the distance tells up where things are, letting our eyes and mind create a view of what's ahead. It's pretty complicated, but when you're a werewolf, it comes naturally.

I take a few paces next to him, sitting on my back legs. "Do you see something?"

"Not exactly..." He snaps out of his vision and looks back to me as I sit on my back legs. He follows my actions and sits. Although he's sitting, he's still much taller in height than me. And his build of muscle and fur is still much larger and grander. He really is the alpha werewolf of our pack- which only consist of the two of us. For now.

"Mir, do you know who the Prince of Darkness is?" A question that I was not expecting. Someday, I really just want to see what's happening in this Alpha's head.

"Erm, isn't he the, uh... The Lord-"

Taking one deep breath, Yunho cuts my answer short, "The Lord of all mystical and unexplainable creatures that exists in the human world. He's our master... and kind of our creator. He keeps all quite and without him and his bloodline, all will be lost with the end of the human race and rise of the End of the World. All past and the present Prince of Darkness have and are vampires which so far means if he was to die, the vampire world would ciest to exist and ya-da, ya-da, ya-da..."

I stutter, fully taken in the the extent of his answer. And how he was able to say all of that in once breath. "Know-it-all...! You know, if you tried, you could be a singer with the long breath and all. Guess it's too bad you're a-"

"Mir! Concentrate! What I'm trying to say is that I think he's coming!"

My thoughts freeze and I feel my throat clogging up. I burst out choking for a breath of air, now standing on all fours. To this, Yunho replies by hitting me on the back of the head. "Ack! I can breathe, you didn't have to hit me..."

"Yeah, I know. I just did it for fun. A-anyway, stop getting my off track wtih your whimpering!" He stares down at me, straightening his back. "Now back to what I was saying. I think the Prince of Darkness is coming to our town. I think he's coming to outskirts of Seoul, where we are."

"W-what?! The P-Prince of Darkness?"

What would the Prince of Darkness be doing coming here? This place isn't important. It's just a small hideout for runaway freaks like me and Yunho. I wonder whether he's nice or not. He better not be some good-looking jerk that will push us around. I'm a werewolf. Plus, I don't think Yunho will fully like that since he's a natural born leader and all.

"Can't you feel his presence on the wind? The strange scent... it's the scent of a mixture of vampires. Some level 2, most being Level 5 vampires... but there's one in particular I can sense and smell, a Level 10."

"A-a Level 10?!" I yelp in shock. A level 5 vampire is already pretty scary as it is. I mean it's nothing for Yunho, but a Level 10 is something that no werewolf can handle. Not unless they were the King Alpha werewolf, if there is such thing. I can't handle this! I'd rather run back into Seoul and live scared senseless with humans rather than with the Prince of Darkness Level 10 vampire. Although, Yunho probably wants to be the adult and speak to him. He's like that. Fearless.

"Yeah, it's definately him. I can feel his presence already. He's... he's passing through the Strahl Mountain."

"Y-You got to be kidding me! We're werewolves, if we run now... we can make it without the vampires knowing!" I get up on all fours and start to push Yunho with my head. "Let's go!"

"Mir, get it together! We're not leaving... the Prince can't be that bad! Just because of your irrational fear of vampires doesn't mean we're going to run. We're going to meet the Prince and pay our respects. Plus... what vampires like werewolf blood?"

"B-But...! H-he could-... No, I guess your right," I whimpered. He's right, we have to man up and see him. The Prince of Darkness. "I guess we have to see him... H-hey wait! I don't have an irrational fear of vampires!"




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JaejoongPrincess #1
I like the story so far!!!! keep it coming. I just uploaded my my jaejoong fantasy fanfic!!! Check it out some time!!!
This is interesting! Update soon :)