Chapter 17 (Visit & Freshman)

The One I Love

"Sehun" Eunsoo tapping Sehun's cheek waking him up.

"Oh Sehun, wake up, we'll be late at our first day school" Eunsoo tapping him again and just received a groan and back facing from Sehun. Yes, today finally they'll start their Univesity life, and today will be hetic day as a freshman year.

"Sehunnie" Eunsoo sounds more annoyed and shook his body instead.

"I'm sleepy" Sehun mumble and turned his face to her pouting with half face buried on his pillow. it was kinda cute, but, Eunsoo has to held her nerve to pinch his cheek and give him short kiss.

"I told you to sleep early last night, and that Kai.." Eunsoo tsk-ed "you should've reject his offer to play game with him" she slap his arm.
Sehun didn't said anything, besides she probably know that he never said NO to game. especially now he has eternal versus, Kim Jong In. Sehun groaned again when he remember his lose to Kai thre times in row.

"wake up sleepy head" Eunsso took Sehun's arm and pulled him up. it took half of her energy already.

"I'll wake up, just wake Kai"

"He left already, now you get up and take a bath. I'll prepare breakfast" Eunsoo ruffled Sehun's bed hair and walk out.

"Wake up okay?!" She snapped before Sehun can laid his body back.


earlier, early in the morning Kai wake up and he was a little bit surpried that he found Eunsoo already awake as well, but still in her pajamas, drinking.

"oh, moring" she smiled and eyed Kai from head to toe

"morning, and stop staring me like that" Kai srugh and took a slice of bread.

"uh, where are you going? this still like..." Eunsoo peek on and clock behind Kai.

"6, yes I know, I have something to pick up from my house, I forgot it yesterday"

"ah, okay. do you want to eat more? I can cook simple meal now" Eunsoo offered. but Kai just shook his head.

Eunsoo thought, he is kinda depressed, and more like sad. this is not Kai that she knows, not like usuall smirking, sly, and annoying Kai. She knows Kai well, but again, she didn't know something deep inside him, she knows that there is something bother him or more like making him small and lost in particular times. but since he didn't want to talk about it, Eunsoo keep it shut.

Eunsoo just stare at him and he just look blankly at the floor slowly eat his bread.

"Kai?" Eunsoo called, she didn't know why, but she think she has to asked. maybe Kai will talk a little bit.

"yes?" he answer absent mindedly.

"anything wrong? you seems down, you can tell me or Sehun you know, if you have problem" Eunsoo smiled in concern.

"I just-" Kai started, and he sighed. he thinks maybe he will let them know since Eunsoo and Sehun always being nothing but good to him, making him at least looking forward to the next day.

Eunsoo waiting calmly for him to continue.

"I just miss her so much" he finally continue. Eunsoo keep silent, of course he'll missed his girlfriend so much, she will be too if Sehun's not around.

"I really want to meet her" Kai added. bitting his lower lips, somehow he want to continue but his voice stuck in his troath.

"of course you miss her, but you guys still keeping contact right? I'm sure you'll meet her soon" Eunsoo said. Kai didn't said anything, If I'll meet her soon, that's mean I'll die too, but then if I die on prupose she won't be happy as well.

Kai let out long drowned sighed, he felt tired. Eunsoo looked at him, as she gave support pat.

"come on, this is not Kai that I know, where's your sly self?" Eunsoo smiled couraging.

"haha, sly self? sure" Kai smile feeling a little bit cheered, what else he need now, he got two best friends and he's glad he met them.

"anyway, I'm going now, thanks for listening and the courage" Kai said patting Eunsoo shoulder

"sure, anytime. just let me cheer you next time, or should we call the troll Sehun?" Eunsoo smirk. Kai let out small laugh "I'll accept the offer"
with that Kai bid good bye and leave.

Eunsoo sighed. it must be hard for Kai, having far relationship. if that happen to her, she might be feeling the same with Kai.


he was going back to his home, but not exactly. Kai really do went back to his house just to take a empty map. why would he took an empty map, he can buy it somewhere near his dorm. but going back home not exactly his plan. he went back home because he want to visit his girlfriend grave. it's not that far from his house, but sure far enough to his University, but spending time there are worth it.

so here he is. standing with a bucket of roses, the flower that Haemi loves the most. he always remember how bright her smile was when he gave her Roses on her birthday. but unfortunately he can't see those smile again, the smile just only for him.

there's no speciall occassion today, visiting her grave on the top of hill. he came just because he missed her so much, it has been almost two years. he still can't forgot her. but he is moving on, that's more important right?

he palced the roses on her grave. and close his eyes savour the moment. he felt calm, and relaxed, this was weird, since he always end up tearing up and break down everytime he visit her. but now he just feel light, nothing heave him. he felt free. is this means I can get over her? he open his eyes in panic, he just can't get over her, he won't, she's to precious to him and he loves her so much even she wasn't here anymore.

"maybe, I grew much stronger than before, right Haemi? last time I was breaking up" Kai chuckled, and soft smiled spread on his face. the wind blowing soft his face, as if Haemi respond to what he said.

he sat down leaning his back to the tree there. closing his eyes, feels nothing but warm. this is new feeling for him, he never felt like this when visit her. Kai was sure, this is good feeling because, he won't be afraid anymore to visit her here anytime. he open his eyes and and looked around, he just can fine wide green yard. with one big tree that he lean on right now. suddenly an idea plop out his mind. this might be to sudden but, he suddenly want make this hill a small park. not too extreme park, just simple and colorful since Haemi used to love flowers.

then he remember his dad has a friend that a landscaper. his smiled hoping his father will agree, so he called his dad.

"dad, I have one favour"


Sehun yawned. he know he might be looks rude yawning when his senior giving him advice,but he is sleepy. this all Kai faults, well his fault as well. he let out another yawn and receiving a slap form Eunsoo.

"stop yawning will you?" she hissed.

"I'm sleepy, this tortur was too long and boring" Sehun yawned again and wipe his eyes that getting watery because of yawn. Eunsoo just rolled her eyes but she had to agree, this is boring.

"Okay, now you can dissmised, you can asked me if you have questions" the Senior said as everyone stand up from their seat and walk out from the meeting hall.

"Oh Sehun?" a girl voice called. Sehun and Eunsoo turned back looking who was called him at this time.
Sehun looked at the voice owner, feeling like he had seen her somewhere.

"Sehun do you know her?" Eunsoo shook his hand. and the girl came closer and Sehun eyes widened and smiled crept out his face.

"Noona!" he waved at he excitedly.

"hey there? I didn't know you'll be enter this school" she smiled and waved back to Sehun.

"I didn't know either, since I never thought I'll got accepted here" Sehun srugh as he continue the talked with her. Eunsoo somehow felt left out, can Sehun at least introduce this girl to her? because now Eunsoo felt like a stranger.

"Sehun" Eunsoo called finally. and Sehun attention swift to her. she want to laugh, at least she know, no matter how distracted Sehun is, he still have quick respons to her voice.

"ah, sorry, right, noona, I'll introduce you my one and only girl, Lee Eunsoo" Sehun said with big proud grin. Eunsoo's cheek grew warm. why he introduce her like that.

she bowed lightly and lift her hand "Lee Eunsoo" she said and waiting for a handshake. then she looked up to see the girl, but Eunsoo find her expression slightly hard and drakened compare to when she talked to Sehun.

"and Eunsoo, this In Jung noona, she will be our senior here" Sehun added. and In Jung smiled but Eunso know, the smile just not more than fake.

"In Jung" she said and took Eunsoo hand to give back the handshake. Eunsoo didn't like this feeling, the feeling that she want to drag Sehun out from here, from this girl called In Jung. she knows she can't judge people but sometimes her feeling become true.

so before Sehun and In Jung continue their talk Eunsoo take first step first. she slip her hand to his hand and Sehun smiled down to her.

"should we go home now? Kai is waiting too" Eunsoo said.

"Kai? right? where is he? I didn't saw him since this morning" Sehun said.

"I told you he went back to his house this morning. and you busy sleeping" Eunsoo pouts seeing Sehun being careless self.

"Sorry, so then, let's go, you can call Kai, tell him we're waiting in front of the gate" Sehun smirk.

"he IS, waiting for us, not us waiting for him"

"I know" Sehun smirk again and Eunsoo just rolled her eyes, her boyfriend being stupid. In Jung just looked at them with unreadable expression.

"uh, Noona, we'll be off now, we can talk more later" Sehun said and snapped In Jung from her thought.

"oh, ah Sure" she gave them another fake smile.

Then Sehun's phone rang. he didn't bother to check the ID and just picked it up.

"Ya! where are you?!" Kai shout from the phone even before Sehun can say hello.

"don't shout you dumb dumb, we'll be there, and why don't you just go back alone instead of waiting for us?" Sehun asked, Eunsoo instantly know who is the caller.

"I.... don't bring my keys" Kai said. Sehun just can gawked and again Eunsoo can instantly guess what happen.

"anyway, wait us there, we'll be there soon" Sehun said and with that he hanged up the phone.

"so yeah, noona, See you around" Sehun said bowing slightly and took Eunsoo hands.

"let's go" he said. Eunsoo nods and give In Jung bow too before they leave.

In Jung gave them small waves. until the dissappear from her sight. then devilish smile crept out her lips "Lee Eunsoo"

The three of them arrived at their dorm. all the way Eunsoo was having headace because Sehun and Kai keep bickering over keys. but Eunsoo was glad, Kai being himself back, or maybe even happier.

"I'm hungry" Sehun whined and slump over the sofa. and Kai carelessly laying his back on top of him.

"what the- ya!" Sehun struggling pushing Kai's back but Kai put some force to keep pressing his back to Sehun's body. "YA!" Sehun shout, and another fight began

Eunsoo just srugh, she was glad she got used to their bickering schedules. she ignore them and walk towards her room, she laid her tired muscles and sighed. and suddenly she thinking of In Jung, at the flash of her name, she felt like she need to be with Sehun anytime, because that senior of her was kinda scary back then.

Eunsoo shook her head for ridiculous thought, then she heard knock at her door.


"Can I come in?" Sehun voice can be heard from outside.

"sure" Eunsoo said while sitting on her bed. once Sehun came in and shut the door, Eunsoo walk towards him and hug him resting her cheek on his chest.

"Eunsoo?" Sehun soundh confused but he hug her back, her hair and he can smell her scent that he love.

"finish the bettle with Kai" Eunsoo asked out of blue and receive laugh from Sehun.

"well, yes, and don't surprised if he's having a hard time once you saw him walk" Eunsoo can feel the smirking from Sehun' voice as she pulled of the hug.

"you hurt him?" She asked a little bit panic.

"he fall by himself though" Sehun srugh. and Eunsoo slap him on the chest but she proceed to hug him again back to comfort position earlier. he felt warm around her, she love his protective arms. and she loves when she can heard Sehun heart beating fast when they hugging.

Sehun didn't know what happen to her, become clingy like this, but he loves it. he sure Eunsoo can hear his heart beating, but who cares. she knows he loves her, that's more important.

"Sehun-ah" Eunsoo called.


"Kiss me" she said as her grip on his waist thightened. it tooks half her power to said that. and Sehun heart feels want to brust out from his chest. the 'Kiss me' words just come out from when he is the one who often said that.

Then Eunsoo break the hug keeping her hand on his waist and looked up meeting eyes with Sehun. for the second time Sehun's heart jumping wildly. his stomach feels funny in excitment.

Eunsoo too, saying 'Kiss me' to Sehun, it's not like she never said those words, but every time she said that, her heart beating so fast, knee somehow weakened.

Sehun smiled softly and that took Eunsoo to hold her self not to faint there. she step closer still looking at Sehun's eyes util she found Sehun's eyes traveled down to her lips, everything in slow motion. Sehun lean down, taking Eunsoo closer until their body touched.

soon they shared same breath, Eunsoo can feel Sehun's lips hovering her's, sweetly moving with her lips, not caring that they run out of breath. one kiss end and followed with another kisses. Sehun keep whispering 'I love you's between the kiss, making Eunsoo just want to jump to him even more. telling him she's his, everything in her is his. she didn't know what to say anymore, I love you just feels isn't enough for her to expressed her feeling for him.

Sehun broke the kiss as they panted but then they feeling empty. and Sehun lean closer again kiss her again, but this time is slower and sweeter. then he stop but only broke their lips for like an inched away.

"I'm" Sehun breathed "hungry" he pouts. it tooks Eunsoo not to laugh and give him small peck instead.

"let's just deliver the foods, I'm tired" She said.

"are you sure you're tired? you seems stronger when we kissed" Sehun smirk and Eunsoo blushed furiously. Sehun chuckled and kiss her cheek.

"go change and I'll call the delivery" Sehun pat her head and walked out from her room.

when Sehun close the door, Eunsoo just dazed there. she touched her chest trying to calm her beating heart. she touch her head that Sehun's pat, and her hand traveled down to her lips.

it's not like it's the first time Sehun kissed her. she sure they've kissed for like god know how many but, this time. the way he kissed her. the way he hold her. those shows her how much he loves her. in that kissed seems like he knows something bothering her and in that kissed too, he told her, that she's his world, she grabs most the reason for him to keep living.

Eunsoo smiled, and her heart change into a peace. Sehun love her, that's the matter now. and She loves him too.

"thank you Sehun"


The three of them done filling their empty stomach, continue talking what they left since they didn't have time to speak when... well, Kai and Sehun of course bust filling their mouth with foods.

they were talking about this weekend plans and Sehun actually wanted to Kai join him too play somewhere since Eunsoo will have some family meetings. but Kai has to reject because he has something important to this weekend. Sehun pouting, so he'll just stay here alone, waiting one of them to come back at night.

"I won't be around at Saturday and Sunday" Kai said.

"oh, why?" Sehun asked whiled chewing the fruits Eunso just cut.

"as I said, I have something to do" Kai srugh and Sehun sighed feels boring already.

"don't sulking around, I'll finished the familiy meeting soon and came back fast" Eunsoo taps his hand.

"and we can have a date" Sehun eyes lit up, making a list of what they can do at that day. but before he went further of his thoughts Eunsoo cut him.

"but I may come back late, so I don't think we can have a date" She smile sheepishly. and Sehun face fell. Kai laugh at his friend missery.

"but you have Sunday and of course.." Kai smirk "and you guys have the dorm alone"
then silent filled the room, Eunsoo and Sehun thinking about what the meaning from Kai words. Kai rised his eyebrows as Eunsoo and Sehun cheek grew warm and they blushed.

Sehun took a bundle of egg roll and shoved it to Kai mouth. as expected Kai choked on his food. Eunsoo didn't know what to do, she want to give Kai drink, but the other part of her, she's having fun for what Sehun did to him. but she choose the first.

"thanks" Kai finally can breath again after Sehun choke him egg roll, he felt like dying earlier. who knows the soft egg roll can kill people.

The three of them cleaning the kitchen and throwing trashes. after all clean they discussing about their schedules. Eunsoo got 3 classes with Kai and 2 classes with Sehun. and that's make Sehun whining and being the Oh Stupid Sehun asking Kai to exchange his schedule. and Sehun got reward from Eunsoo. slap on the head hard.

now the clock shows 12:00 and they have to sleep, or the wont be able to wake up in the morning.

"good night guys" Kai said waving and dissappear to his room. he laid on his bed and smiled. today he feels acomplished. and today was the best. and he whised best day will welcome him tomorrow.

"good night Haemi" as he closed his eyes and went to his dream land.

Eunsoo enter her room and buried her self under blanket, she felt comfort and about to drift off to sleep, but she felt someoone coming. she didn't know why but she choose to faking her sleep. knowing it was Sehun.

"Eunsoo?" Sehun called. but she didn't asnwer. Sehun srugh guessing she was asleep already.

then Eunsoo could feel her bed deepened signaling Sehun sat on it. he peak for a while seeing his girlfriend eyes closed. at that time he was sure he saw an angle sleeping.

Eunsoo didn't really a sleep but somehow, closing her eyes and she could smell Sehun's scent, it feels comfortable. then she felt Sehun's hand her head. she suddenly regret faking her sleep because she just want to open her eyes and jump to him giving him good night kiss. but then she decide to change her position, facing Sehun. she can feel Sehun stiffened for a while. and Sehun actually did, he afraid he'll wakes her up.

Eunsoo still closing her eyes. and Sehun didn't seems realize that she was actually faking her sleep. Sehun's chuckled and patting her cheek, storking her face. if he has word to describe who he felt right know is 'addicted'. yes he's addicted to her at every singled thing on and in her.

Sehun lean down, he want to kissed her, and he didn't care if she actually woken up. So he did it. he kissed her and Eunsoo felt her breath left her. she tried to control her stiffened self but she just can't and she didn't seems breathing right now.

"you're awake huh? or you were awake all the time" Sehun said with his lips still tickling on her lips. she gave up she can't his teasing especially when his lips so near. she let shaky breath and chapture his lips instead. she can felt Sehun smiling in the kiss.

after a moment they broke a part. and Sehun keep smiling as if he won big prizes. well he is. Eunsoo open her eyes and locked eyes with Sehun and he grin even more wider. she can feel blush spread on her cheek. she feel stupid because of faking her sleep. so the thing she can do right now is, turning, back facing Sehun pulled her blanket over her head and curl up becoming a protective ball.

Sehun chuckled, she is really cute when she got embarrassed like this. actually he want to more but, she'll sleep late.

"Eunsoo-ah" he called. Eunsoo could hear his voice so tender. and she laid on her back, pushed her blanket to her nose level releaving her eyes. but Sehun could tell she's pouting.

"I just want to gave you proper good night kiss, but I saw you already 'a sleep'" Sehun grin again. and Eunsoo pulled back up the blanket but Sehun stop her.
"okay, okay, I won't teas you" he said and pulling down the blanket to see her face properly. and he smiled. the smiled that Eunsoo always loves.

Sehun bend down to kiss her forhead "good night" he said and went down to gave her small sweet peck on her lips "I love you" he added.Eunsoo smiled.

"good night, and I love you too" she said and Sehun gave her last peck on her cheek and he went out from her room.

her smile even wider when Sehun gone. she always glad that she met Sehun. and she loves him a lot, everything on and in him. 

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Chapter 1: interesting :)