Chapter 7

It Hurts... [SEASON 1]

(Shim Changmin's P.O.V)

I was a bunch of nerves throughout the whole flight. I felt relief flood me once I could feel the ground under my feet. I wasn't really phobic of plain rides but this one plane ride felt almost like my death sentence. I was THAT nervous! Finally I was in Paris and a few kilometres away... CL.

I took a taxi to her place.

Of course I knew where she lived. I may be married but that doesn't mean I've forgotten. I don't think I've forgotten anything...

This might have been my first time in Paris but it felt like visiting an old hometown. CL had always been great at expressing through writing. I saw the broken road she so often complained about. The tree beside her building that looked like it was going to eat the woman sitting on the bench infront of it. And just as CL had so often pointed out, the old woman's wispy white hair flowed till her back and she sat blank and unmovingly.

I quickly made my way to her apartment. No. 502.

I knocked once.

" CL? " I called softly. " Chae-rin? "

No answer. I rung the bell.

I knocked, called her name and rung the bell for 20 minutes! Finally I gave up and sat on my suitcase. She must really hate me... Well, of course she did.

" Anneyonghaseyo~ " squealed a voice from above me.

I looked up to see a guy (definitely shorter than me) peering at me. He crouched next to me and said, " You look lost lil fella. "

LITTLE DUDE (G-Dragon):,r:7,s:108&biw=1311&bih=482

Who was this guy calling 'little'?!

If only his big scary friend hadn't turned up, 'TINY' here would be nothing more than a heap of dust.

SCARY DUDE (T.O.P) :,r:1,s:123&biw=1311&bih=482

" Yo G! " said 'Scary Dude' giving the tiny guy a two- salute.

I expected the tiny one who was apparently called 'G' to respond the same way, but no! He ran up to the scary guy and hugged him!

" Toppie~ I missed you baby! " the one called G squealed clinging onto Scary Dude's waist. Apparently Scary Dude was called Toppie.

I raised an eye brow. Not that I had a problem with gays and public displays of affection but when the two began making out I lost it. I began to gag! Toppie's face was buried in G's neck. I couldn't see what exactly he was doing but I could imagine. I'd done it with CL...


I lost my train of thought and forgot about the 'couple' infront of me.

I began to think of that date. It had been just me and CL.. Holding each other in the dark.. We had kissed and somehow the kisses moved to her neck..

" Helloooo? " hollered an annoying voice bringing me back to Earth.

I looked at the person who'd brought me back. He wasn't Toppie or G. This was a new character. And apparently two more had sprung up behind him too. This one was the smiling type. His smile didn't break for a second making his eyes almost non-existent! It was nice in a way. You couldn't help but smile back at this guy. He was like the little brother I never had, although I was pretty sure we were about the same age.

SMILEY DUDE (Daesung) :,r:0,s:0&biw=1311&bih=482

" I hope Daesung here didn't scare you, " said the guy right beside him. He had dark hair and pleasant panda eyes. " I'm Seungri by the way. They call me V.I. "


" I'm Daesung~ " hollered the smiling guy.

" T.O.P " said the scary dude whose name I'd thought was 'Toppie'. " I hope we didn't scare you too bad. "

" Huh? " I mumbled.

" Our performance~ " teased G.

I gagged reflexively. I remembered their little show.

" Chill tall guy, " said Daesung. " They're just playing.. "

" Say what? " I exclaimed.

" It's a little prank we like to play, " said T.O.P as though it had been super obvious.

I sighed with relief.

" I'm Ji Yong by the way, " said the tiny dude. " Kwon Ji Yong. But I'm known as G which is short for GD which is short for G-Dragon. "

" Err... right. GD, am I right? " I asked tentatively.

" Taeyang, " came a voice from the back. This guy called Taeyang gave me the chills. He looked me up and down before smirking. " You're the jerk who's been ignoring CL. "


It wasn't a question but a statement. One that I couldn't exactly deny.

" Tell her to open the door, " I said. Not a request, but a statement.

" She ain't gonna be opening that door anytime soon, " said Taeyang snidely.

" Well, I'm willing to wait, " I replied staunchly.

" Dude, she ain't in there, " hollered GD.

" Then where is she? " I asked exasperatedly.

" Not in there, " replied Taeyang with a smile. He was really getting on my nerves.

" Then when's she coming back? " I almost yelled.

" Not today, not tomorrow, not anytime soon. " came Taeyang's cold reply. " You don't deserve to meet her after all you put her through. "

" Well it's not like that- " I began to protest.

" What?! You love her?! You had no choice?! You didn't mean to?! What?! " yelled Taeyang pinning me against the wall. " What's your lame excuse? You loved her so much you ignored her for almost two years and finally when you contact her, it's an invitation to YOUR wedding? A wedding to someone who made her life hell? Go rot  in hell with that b**** you call a wife... "

And with that Taeyang let go of my shirt.

GD and T.O.P were having a  quiet conversation while occasionaly glancing at me. Seungri followed Taeyang out. Daesung however came to me and whispered in my ear.

" CL's not here.. " he whispered.

" I know that now! " I hissed. " Where is she? "

" California. Los Angeles, " he whispered.

My eyes widened. No.. she didn't. Tell me she didn't..

" She has a house there. She thinks it's a secret but me and the guys found out. Don't tell her we know, " whispered Daesung hurriedly before scurrying of behind Taeyang and Seungri.

I felt my heart shatter.

" CL, " I cried out inwardly. " You bought the house didn't you?.. Was this your plan? When you said you'd make sure it hurt.. you weren't lying, were you? "

With that I collapsed to the floor into a crying mess wishing I could cry myself into non-existence. That I wouldn't have to suffer this pain and guilt that was ripping my being into shreds... I needed to explain what little I could to her and hope that she listened..

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This pairing was kind of new to me but i really really loved them in this fic :) I also liked that It Hurts didnt have a happy ending but we shall see in season 2 ;)

I really loved this story authornim!
Woot woooooot!!! I loved it aigo siwons should really shoot Dara in this story -_- possessive freak. Off to read your second season now :3
shiningKat #3
omg, :(, i was expecting them to get back together. thanks for this i really love it, but i hope CL had a good ending like with Taeyang. :( please make an epilogue please! thanks for everything! :)
pfff what? thast is? ... that was the final? <br />
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO pls do more... i mean nothing is clear, CL need to know the true and comeback to Changmin...
season 2~!
Duh~ we NEED a season 2. And because I just love this pairing!! Please please please have season 2 - literallly begging right now- :((
good job... good job for making me cry..... TT i love this odd pair... please write season 2....^^