KeyChained Together

KeyChained Together

Sungmin POV-

    “Do you remember the first day we met? It was so long ago…”



    “Eight…. Nine…. Ten!” I counted, “Ready or not, here I come!!”

    I headed all around the playground, looking for any of my friends. I noticed Donghae’s jacket from around the slide, so I slowly walked toward the slide and scared him.

    “Ahhhh!!” Donghae jumped.

    “Now you gotta help me find the rest of them!” I said.

    Donghae nodded. We headed around the playground, finding anyone and everyone that was hiding. After we found everyone, we ran around playing tag… Until we were interrupted…

    “Hi.” A young boy said.

    We all stopped playing and looked at him.

    “Who are you?” The oldest of our friends, Leeteuk asked.

    “My name’s Cho Kyuhyun! Can I join you?” The boy asked.

    “No way! There’s not enough room for you here.” Kangin said.

    I guess he’s kinda right… There is fourteen of us… But I still don’t think it’s nice to leave someone out like that…

    “Why don’t you go play by yourself on the swings?” Eunhyuk said.

    The boy looked sad as he headed toward the swings.

    “Hey, let’s go play over there!” Leeteuk said as he pointed at the hill.

    All my friends began running toward the hill… But I didn’t follow. I was sitting on the playground where there were metal bars that looked kinda like a jail cell… I held onto two of the bars and stared at the boy on the swings. I noticed that he was looking back at me too.

    We said nothing, but just stared at each other. After a moment or so, the boy walked closer to the bars and we continued to stare. I saw that he had tears coming from his eyes.

    “Why are you crying?” I asked him.

    The boy sniffled and wiped his tears with his sleeve, “B-Because, n-no one want to p-play with me….”

    “Well, I’ll play with you.”

    “R-Really?” He asked.

    I nodded and smiled at him. He smiled back.

    “Sungmin?” I heard.

    The boy and I looked to the right and saw that Leeteuk was coming to look for me. I slid down the small slide that was next to the metal bars I was once holding and grabbed the boy’s hand.

    “Come on.” I said.

    He obeyed and I dragged him with me. We hid behind a tree and watched as Leeteuk searched the playground.

    “Why are we hiding?” The boy asked.

    “Because, I don’t think Leeteuk-hyung really likes you…” I replied.

    After searching for a bit, Leeteuk gave up and decided to head back to the others. I turned around and grabbed the boy’s hand again.

    “Where are we going now?” He asked.

    “I don’t know, but they can’t find out that we’re leaving… Okay?” I said.

    He nodded. We headed away from the playground and sooner or later, we wound up at the park.

    I looked around, “I don’t think they’ll find us here.”

    The boy nodded. We both sat down on a bench and watched as people passed by.

    I looked at the boy, “You’re name is Gyuhyun, right?”

    He laughed, “Kyuhyun, but close enough.”

    I smiled.

    “What’s your name?”

    “Lee Sungmin.”

    “Wait… The Lee Sungmin? As in the one whose dad owns that big company?” Kyuhyun asked.

    I nodded, “The one and only.”

    “Wah… Um… Look Sungmin-ah… I… Um… I have to leave…” Kyuhyun said jumping off of the bench.

    “What?” I asked, jumping off the bench also, “Why?”

    “I… I’m sorry…” He said, turning around, and beginning to run.

    “W-Wait!!” I said as I followed him.

    He stopped and turned around, “Will…. Will I ever see you again?”

    Kyuhyun walked toward me and took off his backpack. He had a bunch of keychains on his backpack and he pulled one of them off. It was a pink bunny keychain. He took a pen out of one of the pockets and wrote something on it, then placed it in my hand.

    I looked at what he had wrote. It read, 8/23/06 KyuMin Day.

    “What does that mean?” I asked him.

    “That’s the date today. I declare today to be KyuMin day because it’s the first day Cho Kyuhyun and Lee Sungmin met!” Kyuhyun said.

    I smiled at him.

    “Don’t ever lose that. Got it?” He said.

    I nodded. Kyuhyun stood up and put his backpack back over his shoulders.

    “I’ll see you sometime. Okay?” Kyuhyun said.

    I nodded and watched him run off. I looked down at the keychain. KyuMin day… So we must meet again…


*Flashback Done*



Kyuhyun POV-

    “How could I forget that? I was about ten years old and you were eleven back then… But we were so innocent...” I laughed, “Do you remember how long it took for us to find each other again? It was about four years after that….”



    This was it! Finally my first day of high school! Sure I was nervous, but I was so ready for this year. I was already fourteen years old and my life was going good! I had a best friend who’s stayed with me since middle school. His name is Changmin. He’s like a brother to me. He knows all my secrets and I know all of his. Plus this year, we have class together! So I’m happy about that.

    The only thing I really wish I could change about my life would be the girls. It seems like everyday, some girl asks me out. It makes me angry. I don’t want a relationship right now. I don’t know what they don’t get about that.

    Anyways, like I said, today is the first day of high school and Changmin and I have class together. We walked into our class and sat down next to each other in the back of the classroom. We saw that we had come a little early, so there was only one other student in here.

    After waiting for a bit, more students entered the room and class was ready to begin. The teacher entered and welcomed all of us. He then handed out a paper to us. It was a list of supplies that we needed, also at the bottom was an agreement that we will be safe and all that stuff…. It asked for our name, signature, date, and parents signature.

    “Hey, what’s the date?” I quietly asked Changmin while looking at my paper.

    “Um… It’s the 23rd of August.”

    I looked up, “Wait… What?”

    “It’s August 23rd…” Changmin replied, “Why? Was there something you were supposed to do today?”

    “N-No… I just… I don’t know…” I answered.

    I looked back down at the paper. I feel like there’s something special about this day… I just can’t figure out what it is… I shrugged and went back to listening to the teacher talk about what we’ll learn this year…

In the middle of the teacher talking, Changmin poked me.


He pointed at a backpack on the floor, “Look at that kids backpack… He’s got a bunch of girly pink keychains on it…”

I looked at it and saw that he was right, “Yeah, so..? I’ve got keychains on my backpack too…”

Changmin shrugged, “Yeah, but not girly one’s like his. Like look at that pink bunny one. It’s lame.”

I looked back at the kids backpack and shrugged before listening to the teacher again. After awhile, the teacher suggested that we get to know one another by having everyone walk around the room shaking hands with each other and introducing themselves.

    I stood up and turned to Changmin, “Hello sir! My name’s Kyuhyun!”

    Changmin laughed, “Good day sir, I’m Changmin!”

    Changmin and I laughed at each other, but then headed around the room to actually meet new people…

    I shook a girl’s hand, “Hi, I’m Sunny.”

    “Cho Kyuhyun.”

    She smiled and headed off to somewhere else.

    I walked up to a man that was a little bit shorter than me, but not by much, “Hello.”

    “Hi. I’m Leeteuk and you are?” The man held out his hand.

    Leeteuk? Where have I heard that before…?

    “Cho Kyuhyun.” I replied.

    He drew back his hand before I could shake it. I blinked a few times at him and watched as he walked around me and to someone else. I stood confused, but not before another person came up to meet me.

    “Hiya!” The boy said.

    He was much shorter than me with black hair and dark brown, foxy eyes. He looked very pretty in my opinion...

    “Hi there.” I replied.

    “My name’s Lee Sungmin!” The boy said.

    It was at that moment that everything came back to me… The date, the bunny keychain on his backpack, Leeteuk…. Sungmin… Lee Sungmin….

    “What’s your name?” He asked with a smile while holding out his hand.

    “You… You don’t remember me?” I asked.

    Sungmin stood confused.

    “It’s me Sungmin, Kyu-”

    “Alright class, back to your seats!” The teacher announced.

    I looked at the teacher, then looked back to Sungmin, but saw that he was already headed back to his seat… I slowly walked back toward my seat and sat down. When Changmin tried to ask me what was wrong, I remained quiet and continued to stare at Sungmin…

    Before I knew it, school had ended. I had to talk to Sungmin somehow… I have to get him to remember me… I grabbed my bag and told Changmin that I’d meet up with him later. I watched as Sungmin exited the room and I followed him. We headed down the hall and out the doors. I watched as he said goodbye to one of his friends… Then headed off.. It’s not considered stalking is it??

    I sighed and continued to follow him anyways… After a little bit, I noticed our surroundings… We’re at the old playground where we first met…. Sungmin walked up the steps of the playground and sat behind the metal bars, just like when I first saw him… I decided to walk toward him. I headed toward him and stood in front of the metal bars and looked at him.

    “Sungmin I-”

    “Where have you been?” He interrupted.

    “W-What?” I asked.

    “I waited for you Kyuhyun.”


    “You told me that we’d see each other again… I came back here and to that park everyday hoping to see you again. But you never came.” Sungmin shouted.

    “Sungmin, please I-”

    “I waited for four years! A person can only wait for so long Kyuhyun!”

    Tears were now streaming down Sungmin’s face. We said nothing. The only sound that could be heard was Sungmin’s quiet sobs. I stared at him with sorrow filling my eyes. I made him wait for four years and never came back…

    “W-Why didn’t you come b-back like you said you would?” Sungmin quietly asked.

    I sighed and sat at the bottom of the slide that was next to the bars Sungmin was sitting behind, my back facing Sungmin, “Because of my mother.”

    Sungmin said nothing, so I continued.

    “She always gave me what I wanted, but told me one thing. That was to stay away from the Lee family.” I replied, “She always told me bad things about your family and I believed her… After I was running home, the day I met you, I thought to myself, what bad things does my mother see in the Lee family? Sungmin is the nicest person I’ve ever met…. You were my first friend after all…” I sighed, “When I got home that day, I told my mother that I had met you and that there was nothing bad about you. She banned me from going outside again. I couldn’t even go to a public school… I had to be home schooled through all of elementary school… By the time I was old enough to go to middle school, my mother let me. But I never saw you in middle school. I thought you had moved or something… I did think about you everyday… But by the time I got to seventh grade, I started to think that everything was all in the past now… So I left everything behind…” I put my head down in sorrow, “I’m so sorry Sungmin…”

    I heard footsteps walking toward me and I looked up. Sungmin crouched down in front of me. Before I could say anything else, or even look up, Sungmin wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly.

    “I missed you too much.” Sungmin said.

    I hugged him back, “I missed you more.”

    Sungmin pulled away, but still crouched down in front of me, “Promise me that you won’t leave again.”

    I nodded, “Promise.”

    Sungmin smiled and I returned the smile.

    “Oh! I almost forgot…” Sungmin said as he took his backpack off of  his back.

    He pulled off the pink bunny keychain I had given him and handed it to me. I looked at the keychain and smiled. Sungmin handed a pen to me and I looked at him confused.

    “Write the year, this year under the six.” Sungmin said.

    I smiled and nodded. I took the pen from Sungmin and wrote down  the year 2009.

    “Now I’ll remember this KyuMin Day as the day I found you again.” Sungmin said.

    We smiled at each other and gave a hug that was worth a thousand words…

*Flashback Done*


Sungmin POV-

    “Of course I remember that.” I replied.

    Kyuhyun laughed, “And to think, here we are now, three years later, already in love and already moving in with each other.”

    I hit him playfully, “Do you remember when we finally confessed to each other?”

    I nodded, “Of course silly, it wasn’t that long ago! It was only two years ago!”



    *Ring, Ring, Ring*

    I looked at my phone and at the Called ID…. It’s Kyuhyun.

I smiled before answering, “Hello?”

“Hey Sungmin. It’s me… I… I was wondering if you could maybe come over in an hour?? I…. I have something I need to tell you…” Kyuhyun said.

I looked at the clock, “Sure! I’ll be there!”

“Great!! Um… I-I’ll see you then…” Kyuhyun said before hanging up.

I smiled at the phone. I headed toward my room and took at least forty-five minutes to get ready. By the time I was done, it was time to leave…. I wonder what Kyuhyun want’s to tell me…. It must be important if he wants to say it in person… I arrived at Kyuhyun’s house in no time and saw him sitting on his porch step waiting for me. I parked my car and got out, then headed toward him. He stood up and smiled.

“Hey Kyuhyun, so what did you need to-”

Before I could finish my sentence, Kyuhyun held out a bouquet of flowers toward me. I stared at him confused.

“Sungmin… I…. I’m not sure how you feel about m-me… But when I’m around you, I can’t see anyone else… You’re… You’re the only person I want to be with in this world… Sungmin I… I l-lov-”

“You pabo!!” I shouted with tears streaming down my face.

Kyuhyun blinked a few times, confused.

“You could have confessed sooner!" I said.

Kyuhyun’s confused expression turned into a happy one. I grabbed the bouquet from him and hugged him tightly. After a moment, I pulled away and stared at him. He pushed my bangs out of my face and leaned forward. His lips touched mine and mine touched his. It was my first kiss and I’ll never forget it.

We pulled away and I looked at Kyuhyun, “I love you too.”

Kyuhyun smiled at me, then leaned in for another kiss. I pulled away when I thought of something.

“Yah, we need to sign the bunny!” I said.

“What?” Kyuhyun questioned.

I rolled my eyes and dragged him inside his own house. I grabbed a pen, then pulled the bunny keychain out from my pocket.

I handed the items to Kyuhyun, “Sign the year.”

He laughed and signed it as the year 2011.

I smiled at Kyuhyun, “Now we’ll remember this KyuMin Day as the one that we got together.”

*Flashback Done*


    I laughed thinking about our memories together.

    “So it’s finally seven years of being together…” Kyuhyun said.

    “Yup and hopefully seven more years to come!” I smiled, “But I wonder what’s gonna happen next year on KyuMin day…”

    Kyuhyun smiled at me, but then stood up and headed toward our dresser. He searched through it for a moment before finding something. I watched him as he stood in front of me.

    “What will happen next KyuMin day is all determined by what you say on this KyuMin day.” Kyuhyun said.

    I looked at him confused.

    Kyuhyun got down on one knee, pulled the thing from the dresser from behind his back and opened it. I was faced with a ring.

    “Sungmin, will you be mine forever and marry me?” Kyuhyun asked.

    Tears of joy fell from my eyes and I nodded vigorously, “Yes Kyuhyun! I will”

    Kyuhyun and I hugged and after we pulled away, he slipped the ring on my finger.

I gave him the biggest smile in the world.

“You know what this means…” Kyuhyun said.

I was confused… I watched as Kyuhyun walked toward our computer desk and pulled out a box… Not just any box, it was my music box… I watched him as he walked toward me with it. He set it down on the bed and opened it, then grabbed something and showed it to me… It’s the bunny keychain… Kyuhyun grabbed a pen and handed the two things to me.

“It’s your turn to sign the year Sungmin.” Kyuhyun said.

I smiled and signed the year, 2013.

“Now we can remember this year-”

“As the one we got engaged.” I finished Kyuhyun’s sentence.

Kyuhyun laughed, “Yup. And next year on KyuMin day, we can write the year again and remember that as the year we got married.

I smiled, “I love you.”

“I love you too Sungmin.” Kyuhyun replied, “Happy Seventh Year KyuMin Day Anniversary.”


A/N: Happy 7 Years Of KyuMin everyone!!!


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ayawani #1
Chapter 1: “What will happen next KyuMin day is all
determined by what you say on this KyuMin day.”
I like that lines..

You hold a key for who you'll be with in the future..
Mika101 #3
wow this is soooooooo freakin cute and adorable!!!!!! I love this!!!
Chapter 1: this fic is so sweet <3
kwokjiayi #5
Chapter 1: Why does kyuhyun's mother hate sungmin's family so much?