
You're Kinda y When You Get Angry


Every few minutes I felt that sinking feeling in my stomach. My shoe… it looked awful. Nervously I glanced around the campus as I walked around to find my dorm. Did people see it? Had they noticed how trashy I looked with this horrible scuff on my shoes? I bit my lip. I mean, I could buy new ones no problem, but... either way. The fact that they were ruined by some ignorant piece of trash rather than something noble upset me greatly. I pushed the door to my room open to see Chanyeol and Baekhyun sitting on a bed, playing some sort of uninteresting board game.

“Stop!” Chanyeol swatted his hand. “Don’t you even dare.”

“I’m gonna win.” Baekhyun declared, moving his game piece into the finish.

“No! Give me a chance!” He whimpered, fake-crying as Baekhyun placed it on the finish contentedly. He threw up his hands and groaned.

Baekhyun stood up and jumped on the bed. “I get to top tonight!” He yelled.

“Could you shut up?” I sighed, beginning to unpack. “So I take it we’re rooming together? All three of us?” I began putting some bed sheets on the mattress.

Chanyeol shook his head. “Apparently there are four of us. You know, seeing as there are four beds. The newest addition should be here any minute now. He’ll probably be a senior or something since very few freshmen get dorms in this building. We’re special.” He batted his eyelashes.

I shrugged as the door opened and the fourth person walked in. I didn’t look up, since my shoe had just caught my eye again. Chanyeol and Baekhyun’s hyena laughs echoed throughout the room. “What are you two…” I stopped upon seeing the other roommate. “Oh. Well then.” I stood up and held my hand out. He shook it nonchalantly and I sighed. That hand was for him to place the repair money in. He walked past me and claimed the bed next to mine, since it was the only one open.

“Are you lost?” I asked. “These dorms are only for the people who can afford them.”

“I can afford them, thank you for being concerned about my well being, though.”

“Someone like you shouldn’t even be within ten miles of this place. What, did you rob a bank or some ?” I leaned against the wall, watching him take his jacket off.

“Something like that.” He said, tossing his coat on the floor. I objected by throwing it into the hallway. He glared at me before walking out to get it. I shut the door and locked it after him, turning to Chanyeol and Baekhyun angrily.

“What. Is. He. Doing. Here?” I interrogated.

“Don’t ask me, I’m not the one who put him here.” Baekhyun shrugged.

“Well who did? I demand to know who did.”

“I can hear you. You’re not being too polite.” Tao scratched the door.

“I’m not polite to people who ruin property!” I retaliated. Baekhyun walked over to the door and let him in, glaring at me.

“For the record, asswipe, your property was in my way.” He responded, sitting on my bed. “You should have been the better person and moved for me.”

I shoved him off my bed. “I just washed these sheets, you filthy urchin.”

“What is your name, anyway?” Tao asked me. “We haven’t been formally introduced.”

“It’s Kris.” I said. “And don’t forget it.”

“I feel so threatened.” His sarcasm was just sickening.

I ended the conversation there, resisting the urge to sink to his pathetic poor-kid level. We all continued unpacking until the room actually looked home-like. For the rest of the night we said nothing to each other, except for a few short and subtle insults.


Later that night, Chanyeol had put in a copy of “The Lion King” in order to “eliminate some tension”. In all reality, it was just a way for him to cover up what was going on in the other room between him and Baekhyun. Tao and I sat there quietly, watching as Scar threw Mufasa into the stampede.

“You know,” I spoke up. “You’re a lot like Scar.”

“How so?”

“You look evil and you kill things. Like expensive shoes.” I shrugged.

He threw his head back, laughing softly. “I’m not in the mood for your bull, sir.” I rolled my eyes. “Spoiler alert. Simba gets banished.” He pointed to the screen just before Scar told Simba to leave.

“Oh my God, stop being so annoying.” I yelled.

He smirked and turned back the movie before again, breaking the silence I was working so hard to achieve. “Scar needs to stop LION about everything.” He joked.A small laugh escaped my mouth and I slapped my hand over my face.

“I’m funny, huh? Simba’s not running quickly enough. He needs to MUFASA.” He grinned. I shook my head, trying to suppress another laugh. I bit my lip as he scooted closer. “You’re laughing. You know I am simply hilarious. Come on.”

“Try to be a bit more SIMBA-thetic.” I said. He stopped and smiled over at me.

“Are you trying to start a pun war with me?” He raised an eyebrow.

“Yes. In fact I am.”

He got up and walked over to sit across from me on my bed. “Let’s do this.” And that is how World War 3 started. We were throwing puns back and forth like crazy, trying not to laugh and admit defeat. After the war had lasted for about a half hour, we both stopped and just began giggling.

“Okay, you’re not that bad. For a hobo.” I said. He shrugged. “I guess you’re kinda funny.”

“Don’t lie to me. I’m hilarious.”

“I think you say this MANEly to get attention." I smiled. It got silent after that, except for the squishy sounds of Baekhyun and Chanyeol in the other room. I fidgeted with the buttons on my shirt for a second, then looked up to see that Tao was staring at me.

I cocked my head to the side. It took me a while to notice that his face was getting closer and that his hand was resting on the back of my neck. I was about to protest before he carefully moved in and placed his warm, wet lips against mine. My eyes widened to about three times their original size. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, beginning to kiss him back. He had this unique smell to him… a very clean smell, but a musty one at the same time. And for a fleeting second I contemplated dropping the shoe charges.

It took me a while to finally realize that the noises coming from Baekhyun and Chanyeol’s room had stopped. I opened my eyes and glanced over. They weren’t there. I smirked, assuming they had gone to sleep.

♠ ♠ ♠
Oooh. Spiffy.
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Chapter 5: I loved the puns by the way XD
Chapter 5: Omgosh that was so cute and funny! I had to read the store scene twice. XD ♥
Chapter 1: *stops at kris's pov* Wow Tao robbing....Totally Not what i expected. I hope this doesn't come back to bite him in the future.
AlyCasi #4
Chapter 5: Kyaaaaaaaaaa I totally loved thisssss~~ yes yesssss sequel pleaseee ^^
Bliss_Destiny #5
I bet the shopkeeper was like 'wtf???!'
moon_up #6
Chapter 4: Omgggg Kris is really kind ;A;
I hate seeing Tao like this:(
My poor heart..<3
Can't wait for the next chapter!
Bliss_Destiny #7
Chapter 3: And I can't think about anything but now!!
emowk84 #8
Chapter 2: Lol! Can't wait for the next chapter!
--babystar #9
Chapter 2: all the tension. XD
--babystar #10
Chapter 1: This is interesting. :3 tao is being all bad boy n ayyy. Lol.