
You're Kinda y When You Get Angry


I dove behind a tree, clutching the $600 dollars I had just taken from the neighborhood grocery store. The gun fell from my hands as I ripped the ski mask off and removed my shoes and clothes, changing into something less suspicious. The police sirens were already blaring a few miles away, and I had to be quick to strip the disguise. I tore out the shoe lifts that added a few centimeters to my height and shoved them into my coat pocket. Once I was done, I emerged out into the streets, money in my pocket and an accomplished grin spreading across my face. A police car pulled up behind me and honked for me to stop. I turned around as a cop jogged up to me.

“Have you seen any suspicious people run through here? Wearing all black, about 190 cm?” He asked. I shook my head. “If you do, report it immediately.”

“What happened?” I asked, keeping a blank expression.

“There was a robbery.” He replied simply. “700 dollars gone.”

I nodded and he walked away. “I thought I only took $600.” I muttered, recounting the money once he had driven away. Sure enough, I had taken 100 more. That would pay for the airfare. Carefully I placed the money back in my pocket and continued home. I opened the door and walked inside to see my mom sitting at the table with a calculator, tapping a pencil against her cheek.

“We just need a bit more.” She said. “Just a couple hundred more.”

“I don’t have to go, you know. I don’t have to go to college.”

“You were accepted into one of the most prestigious colleges in the world.” She sighed. “I will not let you pass that up.” She grunted. I pulled $200 out of my pocket.

“Here. I made it mowing lawns and walking dogs today.” With that I walked into my room to continue packing.


“It’s the first day of schooooool! The first day of schoooool!” My friend Chanyeol skipped in front of me, bellowing the verses of a song he had just made up.

“Shut up, would you? Everyone’s staring.”

“Gonna get EDUCATED.” He continued.

“People are going to think you’re on crack.” Another boy I had gone to high school with sighed. “You have the chance to start over and calm down a little bit.”

“I happen to think his crack-ho personality is cute, Luhan.” Baekhyun walked up and held Chanyeol’s hand. “I’ll race you to the library.” Chanyeol winked at him before they took off, various papers spilling from their open bags.

“You think we should tell them that they’re missing half their paperwork?” Luhan nudged me.

“Nope.” I sighed, examining all the people who had also managed to get into the school. They were all either studying around a book or practicing some type of dance. After all, it was a performing arts school. However, one person in particular just didn’t belong. He leaned against the clock tower, already in a slightly dirtied uniform, holding a tattered backpack that completely clashed with the pristine nature of the campus. I sighed. Didn’t he know that this was the best school on the entire continent of Asia? He could have at least bought a new bag. I rolled my eyes and made my way to the library, where I was going to pick up a few textbooks I had ordered. The first class didn’t start until about 2 pm, so I met Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Luhan, and a few other boys we had met during orientation at a large staircase in the commons area.

Luhan sat next to a boy named Sehun, who I assumed had graduated early. He was younger than all of us and had a slight lisp that caused Luhan to giggle occasionally. Baekhyun and Chanyeol were huddled in their own little place. I sat near Yixing and Kyungsoo, two guys who had a few classes with us. It was fairly quiet as we sat, making small talk about school and majors and stage names and things like that, until someone managed to stumble in. I immediately recognized him as filthy backpack kid.

“You.” I said. He stopped and looked at me expressionlessly. “What’s up with the backpack?” I asked.

He shrugged and continued walking, accidentally stepping on my foot as he walked up the stairs. I looked down to see the shoes with the nastiest scratch I had ever seen. “That will be $200 for repairs!” I called after him.

“I don’t have that kind of money.”

“So why are you here?”

“Because I can be. And unlike you, I worked for it.” He turned and shot another look at me. “If you don’t mind, I have to go.”

“Not without paying for my shoes.” I got up and walked up a few steps.

“Kris, you’re being ridiculous.” Luhan sighed. “Just let him go. I have some shoe polish in my dorm.”

“Your shoe polish,” I growled, “Won’t match it.”

“With all due respect, I am not here to get into fights with people like you. I’ll be on my way.” He spat. I sighed and grabbed him by the shirt collar, spinning him to face me. His facial expression didn’t change. “You seem like you can afford your own shoes. After all, it looks like you spend copious amounts of money on hair dye anyway.” He said.

“Ohhh!” Chanyeol howled.

“Listen here, punk…” I hissed, moving in closer.

“You’re kinda y when you get angry.” The kid smirked before ripping my hands away from his shirt. Then he walked away, leaving me standing there, shocked.

“What’s your name?” I called after him.

“Tao,” He yelled from the above floor. “Huang Zi Tao.”

♠ ♠ ♠
Not great, I know. But I'll make up for it in following chapters.
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Chapter 5: I loved the puns by the way XD
Chapter 5: Omgosh that was so cute and funny! I had to read the store scene twice. XD ♥
Chapter 1: *stops at kris's pov* Wow Tao robbing....Totally Not what i expected. I hope this doesn't come back to bite him in the future.
AlyCasi #4
Chapter 5: Kyaaaaaaaaaa I totally loved thisssss~~ yes yesssss sequel pleaseee ^^
Bliss_Destiny #5
I bet the shopkeeper was like 'wtf???!'
moon_up #6
Chapter 4: Omgggg Kris is really kind ;A;
I hate seeing Tao like this:(
My poor heart..<3
Can't wait for the next chapter!
Bliss_Destiny #7
Chapter 3: And I can't think about anything but now!!
emowk84 #8
Chapter 2: Lol! Can't wait for the next chapter!
--babystar #9
Chapter 2: all the tension. XD
--babystar #10
Chapter 1: This is interesting. :3 tao is being all bad boy n ayyy. Lol.