Chapter 9 : The Risk



"Why are you looking at me like that?" Agent C.M asked JB when she and Chaerin entered the room, she saw her looking at her

"Hmm nothing Unnie but there's nothing out of ordinary about your wearing so.. What took you so long?!" she said, almost yelling, Dara laugh at her

"Sorry J, i did something important.." she answered, she grab a cue stick and proceeded at the table

"And may i know what is that?" Bom asked, she look at her before she place the cue ball on the table

"About work, you know, just checking if they find something.." she answered, Bom sense something but she let it pass for a while and decided to tlk to her later

"So what kind of game are we playing?" Ryo asked

"9 ball.." Minji answered

"Can we please change teams?" JB said, Chaerin hit her with a cue stick on the causing them to laugh

"You don't want to be teamed up with your Chaerin-Unnie?" Bom asked

"No because she's always lost her focus everytime Agent C.M is closer to her.." JB said directly but she walks far away from Chaerin before she can hit her again

"Oh my Baby Chaerin-ah, do i make you feel uncomfortable?" Dara asked, walking closely to her

"Huh? Uh, i, of.. of course not!" she answered, Minji shook her head while smiling

"She always denying it but the way she acted she's already busted.." she whispered to Ryo

"Well you know Unnie, most of the girls she dated showed her that she likes them, this is the first time that Unnie like someone.." Ryo explained, they look at her again, Agent C.M is standing beside her looking at the table while Chaerin is facing her not saying a word

"Why you don't just ask her out.." they heard JB speaks, Bom look at her smiling

*This kids has guts!* she thought to herself

"What?!" Chaerin ask

"Ask Agent C.M out, you know like a date instead of staring at her like that, it's kinda creepy.." JB said then Dara remembered something

"Oh by the way guys before we start playing, can i ask you girls something.." Dara said

"Shoot!" Minji answered

"Did you girls put your bears on my bed??" she asked while looking at Minji to Ryo and to JB

"JB!!" Ryo said looking at her

"What?! What did i do?!" she asked

"Why did you put our teddies on Unnie's bed huh?!" Minji asked her too

"I did not!! Why would i do that?" she answered

"Oh come on, your the one who likes to scare us.." Chaerin said they all look at her

"Well yeah i admit that i like to scare you guys but come on why would i put those bears on her bed? It's not even scary or creepy.." she answered, they all went silent for a while, if JB didn't put it on her bed then who did?

"Maybe your Maids put it on her bed, you know maybe they wanted to clean them up.." Bom said felt goosebumps all over her body

"No Unnie, they won't do that. They alway asked our permission first and beside those teddies never leave our room.." Chaerin explained

"Yes Unnie, even were in Japan, it's always in our room.." Ryo explained too.."

"Maybe it's Uncle Cheung-ho.." JB said

"Yah JB!" Minji yelled

"What?! He's the one who gave us those bears, maybe he's telling something to us, like a clue who killed him or.. i don't know.." she explained, they all look at her

"Do you mean Uncle's ghost?" Minji asked, JB nodded

"You two stop it okay! Let's just play.." Chaerin said, JB stand up and grab her cue stick

"My team would be Minji-Unnie and Agent C.M.." she said

"You don't want me on your team?" Ryo said

"No baby, sorry. Your not good at playing billiards.." she answered, Minji laugh same with Dara

"Hah! You know Chaerin's good at this one" Ryo answered

"Well yeh but don't forget we have a main weapon, right Minji-Unnie.." JB asked looking at her

"Yes! Like what they say 3 heads are better than one.." she answered smiling

"I thought that's only 2 heads.." JB said while scratching her head making them all laugh


"Here she is sir.." a man wearing black jeans and a leather jacket push a young girl towards his Boss

"So Ms.Heo, do you have some information for me?" he asked, the girl shook her head, feeling scared for her life

"I-i'm sorry s-sir but i haven't got a chance to talk to her these past few days.." she explained, he bang her fist hard on the table causing the girl to almost jump on her sit

"Because you are not doing anything!!! Your scared that someone might caught you!!" the girl didn't answered

"Or you want me to show you what i'm capable of.." he added then she heard someone's groaning, a group of men is carrying her father, almost beaten to death

"Dad!" she screamed, someone block her when she decided to run towards her

"Please let him go, i'll do anything you want just don't kill my father.." she beg while kneeling down

"You know what i want right? Bring me the disc and i'll let your father live.." he said, they drag the girl outside his office while the latter is screaming her dad's name



"Okay it's our turn now.." Ryo said when Dara hit the wrong ball, she took the cue ball and gave it to Chaerin, they are leading now 2-0

"Finish this game Chaerin.. Bom said, Chaerin nodded her head, Dara is standing at the other end of the table, Minji look at JB and gave her a wink

*Okay phase 2 initiate..* she said to herself, Ryo who knows what's going on pretends that she's busy looking at Chaerin who will take a shot, she saw Minji approached Dara, on the other hand Chaerin is busy too calculating her shot when she glance at Agent C.M talking to Minji, she lost her focus again when she saw her put her hands on Minji's waist, the latter laugh and touch the Agent's elbow, they stare at each other for a while then laughs

"Yah Unnie! Take your shot now, aisht!! Dinner is almost ready and we're still not finish!" JB exclaimed, she glared at her but she just ignore her Unnie

*What are these girls up to? Are they trying to make Chaerin jealous? First it's JB then now it's.. Minji?* Bom asked herself, Chaerin focus her attention on the cue ball, she start to move the stick when she heard Minji said

"I Like You.." Chaerin look at them, they are both smiling, she tighten her grip on her cue stick and took a shot

"Hmm nice shot Unnie.." JB said

"Shut up!" Chaerin said and give her cue stick to Ryo, the cue ball didn't hit anything

"Look like someone is pissed.." Ryo whispered to Minji when she went pass her, Minji gave Ryo a smile

"Okay my turn now.." Minji said, Dara handed her the cue stick

"Thanks Unnie.." she said, JB tried hard not to smile or laugh at Chaerin who is giving deadly stares to Minji while the latter ignores her

*Damn! What is this i'm feeling.. Am i.. Am jealous?!! Oh no that can't be..* she said to herself, she look at Minji again who now find a spot to take her shot

*But why i'm so irritated like this, like i want to hit JB and Minji for getting to close at My Agent C.M... woah stop, you Agent C.M?!* she breath in and breath out

*This can't be happening... Do i like her??? O M G.. i think i liker her..* she look at Agent C.M who's sitting now beside Ryo

*No erase that because i... i... i think i like her... i really do like her... a lot!!* her mind yelled, she was lost in her thoughts that's why she didn't saw Agent C.M standing in front of her

"Chaerin.." she said but she's still looking at something, JB laugh while Ryo cover JB's mouth with her hand

"Ahm Unnie, let me.." Minji said, Dara nodded, Minji took Dara's place, she stand in front of Chaerin , she shook her head

*I haven't done my part yet she's lost in her own world again* she thought, she then place both of her hands near Chaerin's face and clap harder to make her Unnie came back to reality, the other girls laugh at what she did

"Yah!!" Chaerin said who immediately stood up after Minji clapped her hand loudly

"Your spacing out again.." she said and walk towards Ryo and JB

"I-i'm not.. Haven't you take your shot?" she asked but before anyone can answer her question, she look at the table and saw no ball left on top

"Oh.." she said

"Minji finish the game and they decided to let us win 2-1, it's almost dinner and we need to change clothes.." Ryo explained it to her, Chaerin nod then they heard a phone ringing, they saw Agent C.M fish out her phone from her pocket, she gave a sign to Bom that she'll be heading out to take the call, the latter nod her head

"Okay you 4 go upstairs and clean yourself up, i'll follow you in a minute.." she said, she followed Dara oustide, the 4 of them walk but stop at the first step of the stairs

"What if we'll see Uncle's ghost?" JB said, Ryo slap her head

"Will you stop that, okay?" Ryo said to her

"But what if JB's right? If she's not the one who put those bears on Unnie's bed, then who did?" Minji said

"You know what, let's forget about the bears alright" Chaerin said, they all look at each other

"Okay your go first.." JB told her

"Why me?" Chaerin asked

"Well your older than us, then Ryo will follow you, then Minji and me.."

"Aisht Fine!" Chaerin said, she look at the stairs and make her first step



Dara's talking to Daesung then she saw Bom talking to the guard on the gate, she can't hear what they are talking

"Are you sure about that?" she asked Daesung

"Yes Noona, i already sent some pictures on your e-mail, you can check it out later.." he answered

"Okay, oh one more thing Dae, can you please send me the exact location of Cheung ho-ssi's exporting site and if you can give me the overview layout of it also.."

"Ahm sure Noona, i'll give it a try but why do you need it?"

"Oh nothing, i just want to see it.." Daesung didn't respond for a while

"Okay Noona, i'll send it to you and Bom-Noona.."

"No, just send it to me, no need to send to Unie.."

"Okay Noona, be careful.." he said and hang up, she let out a deep sigh, she then notice that Bom is escorting a girl, the latter look at her way before they enter the house

"Who is that?" Dara asked the guard when she saw him leaving the front door

"That's Ms.Ga yun, Agent C.M. She's one of Chaerin-ssi's close friend" he answered

"Oh i see, thank you.." she said, she walks toward the door when it opens and Bom came out

"Have you seen this?" she asked Dara when she hand over her phone to her, Dara took it and look at phone

"This are the people Cheung-ho ssi gets in touch with 2 days before he was killed.." Bom sid to her sister, Dara is busy scanning the pictures when she saw a familiar face on one of the pictures



Chaerin, Minji and Agent C.M's room

"What are you doing here?" Chaerin asked Ga yun, she was surprised when Agent Bommie came in with her, Minji and JB are sitting on Agent C.M's bed looking at the two

"I thought Unnie told her already that she only love her as a friend?" JB whispered to Minji

"Yes, that's what i know too but that girl is not going to give up that easy.." Minji answered back

"I-i just want to see you Chaerin.." they heard Ga yun said, she's not facing her instead she's looking around her like she's looking for something

"I know that but you know how dangerous your doing right? You could at least call me so i can send someone to fetch you.." she said

"S-sorry if i didn't call you again.."

"It's okay but next time please do.." Ga yun nod her head

"How are you guys doin'?" she asked

"We're okay, Agent C.M and Bommie is always besides us, they are over protective that's why those people who sent us those death threats can't come near us.."

"Is that so? How about the disc?"

"The disc? We still haven't--" Chaerin stop talking, she look at Ga yun

"How did you know about the disc??" she asked, JB and Minji look at each other, they wait for Ga-yun's answer but she's not talking

"I'm asking you, how did you know about the disc?!!" Chaerin said

"You don't need to know, just give me the disc Chaerin.." she said still not facing them

"Aisht what's with that disc? why there are a lot of people interested on that thing.." JB said

"SHut up JB, give me the disc before i do something bad.." she answered

"We don't have the disc Unnie!" Minji answered

"Okay you leave me with no choice" she put her hands inside her bag and grab something when she turned around the 3 girls are shock on what they saw, Ga yun is pointing a gun at them

"Unnie!" Minji said, she grab JB's hand and run towards Chaerin but Ga Yun is fast, she took JB's other hand and pulled her hard, she wrap her arms around JB's neck and point the gun on her head

"Give me the disc or i kill her!" Ga-yun said

"Ga-yun please don't, let her go.." Chaerin said, she don't know what to do, she won't let her cousin died because of that disc

"Where's the disc?!!! Tell me where you hide it!!" she yelled, Ryo who's in their room heard the commotion, the door of their room is opened so she can easily hear the yelling voices

"What's going on?" she asked herself and quickly run to Chaerin and Minji's room

"We already told you we don't have the disc, you can take a look around if you can see one.." she heard Chaerin's voice, she peek her head on the door slowly so no once can see her, she saw Ga-yun's holding JB on her neck while pointing the gun at her head

"Baby.." she whispered

"That's why i don't like you at all !" JB said

"JB please stop talking.." Minji said, she's on the edge of crying because the thought of they can loss JB

"I'm getting impatient here girls!!" Ga-yun said, when Ryo heard it she think fast, if she will come in and rescue JB but failed later on, no one can tell to Agent Bommie and C.M what's going on, she quickly run downstairs to find the two


"What is it Dara?" Bom asked when she saw Dara's eyes got widen like she saw a ghost

"Dara!" she said and slightly hit her arm

"Huh?" Dara asked

"What's wrong with you? You look like you've seen a ghost"

"Oh nothing, i ah, i thought i saw this man somewhere else.." she answered, she look at the picture again

*He really looks familiar* she said to herself then all of a sudden they saw Ryo running fast towards them

"Ryo?" Dara asked, she almost collided with the two

"Hey slow down kiddo, what's wrong?" Bom asked

"Ga-yun.. Ga-yun, s-she's holding JB and points a gun at her head.." she said, tears falling from her eyes

"What?!" the two said

"Please hurry.. She might kill JB.." Ryo said, Bom quickly run but Dara went the other way

"Where are you going?" Bom asked

"Just go upstairs! I'll meet you there!" and she dissapeared into darkness. Bom and Ryo run fast as they could hoping that nothing bad happened to the 3 girls, when they reach the 2nd floor, Bom run into their room and grab her gun

"Stay behind me.." she said to Ryo, she just nod her head, they quietly walk towards the room, they can still hear voices shouting at each other

"Please let her go, take me instead.." they heard Chaerin's voice

"I don't need you, i need the disc!!! Where the hell is the disc!!!" Ga-yun yelled then Bom came in and points her gun at her, Ga-yun did the same thing

"Drop your gun Missy.." Bom said

"Why you don't do that, it's your idea anyway.." she answered, Bom didn't do what she said

"Drop your gun or or i blow her head off!" Bom slowly drop her gun on the table beside her, she can't do anything but to obey, she can't risk JB's life

"Good at least you know how to listen, okay this will be the last i'm going to repeat my question. WHERE DID YOU HIDE THE DISC?!" she said, emphasizing those last words she said

"I swear to you Ga-yun, we don't know where it is. If we have it we will give it to you, please let her go please.." Chaerin said almost begging then Bom saw a shadow on the window, it's Dara

"Okay, okay, you want the disc right?" Bom asked, Chaerin, Minji and Ryo look at her

"It's right here.." Bom said, lucky for her she saw one of Dara's disc on the table, she slowly took it and let Ga-yun see the disc

"Give it to me!"

"I will just make sure you let her go.." Ga-yun slowly releases her arm on JB's neck while the 3 can't do nothing but to wait, on the other hand Dara came in through the window like a cat, she carefully walk behind Ga-yun and when she's ready she nod at Bom

"Now!!" Bom shout, she grab JB's hand and Ga-yun startled when she heard Bom's voice then she felt a hands on her arm, when she turn around she saw Chaerin's bodyguard, Bom give JB to Chaerin

"Are you okay?" she asked her cousin who just nod her head to respond, she hug her tight then look at Dara who's still struggling to hold Ga-yun's hand to take the gun, Bom immediately run to her sister to help her when Ga-yun kick Dara's stomach making her to fall down, she points the gun at Bom but she quickly grab Ga-yun's hand and point the gun upward then they heard gunshot, Chaerin help Dara to get up, she pulled her to the bed while Bom is the one struggling now to get the gun from Ga-yun

"Lead your cousins donwstairs.." Dara said to Chaerin

"No, we will not leave you and Agent Bommie here.." she answered

"Do as i say and head downstairs!" she said, she stand up again, Chaerin grab Minji and JB's hand while Ryo is following them but before they got out of the room, Ga-yun pushed Bom hard on the table then point the gun at Chaerin and her cousins

"Where do you think your going?!" she asked, she keeps on pointing the gun at the 4 girls then to Dara who's a few meters beside her

"Do you think i'll let you go that easy?!!" she added, Dara look at her sister who still down after she pushed her hard on the table

"You have the disc Ga-yun! Let us go now!!" Chaerin yelled

"Of course i will let you go and your cousins but not them.." she answered, she point the gun at Dara

"This is for interfering with our plans Agent C.M, Goodbye now!" she said

"No!!" Chaerin shouts then they hear a loud... BANG!


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che21lo15 #1
Chapter 32: Oh I miss it so I re read it again I cant get enough pls hope you will update soon the bodyguard 2...pls
che21lo15 #2
Chapter 32: Well ill be waiting for the update of the body guard 2.0 hope you will finish the story tnx
che21lo15 #3
Chapter 32: Very funny and romantic story...hope the next story will also be more nice and most romantic and ended well....
Aigoo its my bday and this is a recomended one by my master so ill fully enjoy reading this...the beginning was so funny aigoo hahaha thanks in advance authornim :-)
bittersweetlover #5
Chapter 32: Nice story... I hope you'll update bodyguard 2.0 though... It's been ages!!!
This sounds a little insane but this is my 4th time reading bodyguard... but its just sitting there on the list of stories when im checking for updates so i cant help it
Chapter 32: Funny,lots of action. Its like Charlies 'Chaera' Angels. I love it. Thanx 4 sharing. N look forward for your another story. ^_^
Chapter 32: this the second time i'm reading this and it's really great story...
huskylover #9
Chapter 32: my fav fic right now hehe ^^
keep on your good work author-nim.
You worked hard ^^