Time Machine

Beat My Score


Tiffany walked towards the door as she heard a door slam. She opened the door small enough to see what was going on outside. She saw Taeyeon looking at the score sheet. She went out and approached her.

"Who's turn is it now?" Tiffany asked.


"So, Jessica chose you? How did you feel?"

"Yes. It felt... so weird. I don't want to do this anymore. I should have known." Taeyeon's voice cracked.

"No. It's you who started this. Let's finish it. Maybe after this game, you two will be okay again."

"I don't know. I feel betrayed again." Taeyeon said while holding back her tears.

"Maybe you should tell her."



A perfect day with a perfect girl. Everything she wanted is here on this beach. Sunset, food, the sound of the water, and her girl, Jessica.



"What do you want to do on our anniversary the day after tomorrow?"

"Hmm. I don't know. A date with you is good enough." Jessica answered.

After a few minutes of silence, Taeyeon asked a favor.

"We have been together for almost a year but... I still don't know how to... Uhm... Well, could you teach me how to asddgjkgc?" Taeyeon's last words were so soft that Jessica could not understand.

"What?" Jessica said.

"I said, could you teach me how to asfjskaa?" Taeyeon said in a bit louder voice but still the final words were distorted like she was embarrased saying it out loud.

"Taenggo, you know I don't like it when you mumble."

"Could you teach me... How to... Hasdhfjf" She answered while still shy.

"Taeyeon. Please speak up." Sica said in a command.

"I SAID IF YOU COULD TEACH ME HOW TO KISS?! There, I said it." Taeyeon turned into tomato red after saying it out loud while avoiding eye contact.

Jessica giggled in response.

"Now you're making fun of me." Taeyeon whined.

"No, you are just too cute." She answered between giggles.

Taeyeon bowed down her head as she was embarrased by her request. Then, Jessica stopped.

"Sure." She said.

This caused Taeyeon to lift her head up again while smiling. Jessica leaned closer to reach for Taeyeon's lips and the other girl was beggining to turn red. Taeyeon cursed her blood for making her look like a tomato.

"Relax." Jessica whispered.

She leaned closer and closer until their lips met. Fireworks only visible to Taeyeon shot across the sky and sparks flew all around. Jessica's lips were soft as it moved on hers. She felt her heart racing. Sica's tongue parted Taeyeon's lips and she explored .

"Do what I do" Jessica said between the kiss.

Taeyeon obeyed. She put out her tongue and rolled it against Jessica's. Then, Sica broke away.

"You are a fast learner! Haha. But, you know it's okay even if you don't know how to kiss. What's important is that we love each other." Jessica said.

"But kissing is a way of showing affection. And I want to show you how much I love you."

"You know, there are simple things that make me feel your love. Not just a kiss. You being here with me is enough." The two love birds smiled.

"Anyway, I have to get something. I'll be back." Jessica said as she ran away from where they were sitting.


Taeyeon thought that Jessica fell harder for her too.

Taeyeon thought she will finally make Jessica happier.

Taeyeon thought they will finally be together forever.

Taeyeon thought that if she follows Jessica, she will find her wanting for more.

Taeyeon got up and ran as fast as she could to find Jessica.

Taeyeon thought Jessica loves so much.

Taeyeon thought she was the only one in Jessica's life







Taeyeon's thoughts were wrong.



She saw Jessica inside a tent not very far away from where they sat a while ago. She saw her with another person. It was also a girl. Taeyeon's heart was shattered into pieces. But that was not the end. Jessica leaned in to kiss the girl. She could not see the face but that person was surely a girl. The shattered pieces of Taeyeon's heart were pulverized. She felt her tears run down her cheeks as she watched the two. But she could not stand it any longer. She ran back to their picnic place and sat there. She waited for a few minutes and her tears stopped falling. Maybe Jessica does not love her at all or maybe she was just imagining things. She wished it was the latter. Jessica came and Taeyeon felt her heart tighten again.

"Hi." Jessica said as she sat down beside Taeyeon.

She did not respond.

"Why are your eyes red? Did you cry? Tell me who did that to you." Sica said.

"Do you love me too?" Taeyeon asked out of the blue.

"Of course." Taeyeon cried again as she heard Jessica's answer because she knew it was a lie.

Jessica attempted to kiss Taeyeon but the other girl stood up and left. Not saying anything. She went straight home and there, she cried her heart out.

Oh, Jessica. Why pretend you love Taeyeon too? What if she did not see the girl and her? Then she would believe Jessica all along and she will just fool herself. She wished she had a time machine to turn back time and love Jessica much more so that Sica will not look for another girl.

*end of flashback*


"I'll wait for the right time." Taeyeon hugged Tiffany.

She wrapped her arms around her like her life depended on it. She was so thankful that she had a friend like her.

"Are you hugging me because I'm your victim or because you just want to?" Tiffany chuckled.

"Both." Taeyeon broke away then wrote her score on the paper.

"I'm the Criminal now." Tiffany said.




A/N: Hi guys!!! Hope you like this chapter although my updates are short. Well, comment and tell me what you think about it. No bashing please. I added photos because I thought it was boring without those. Hehe.

Oh, and have you heard of Jessica's condition? Well, our Mao Mao is strong and I know she will go through this (: Get well soon Mao Mao!!!

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mushroomfanyhwang #1
Chapter 3: please please please update!!! :(
lve4hyotae #2
Chapter 5: I really like this story. It has so much potential. I hope it wasn't forgotten..... :(
Chapter 2: Haha now I get it. It was way more complicated before you change chapter one
thanks Author-ssi ^^
Coiste #4
Chapter 1: I don't get how the game works XD sound. Interesting though... Jess got a point during Tiff's turn, maybe some JETI?!
Chapter 1: well I still don't get the game LOL
please continue therefore I'll get more clue