Maybe This Time

Chapter 7

Pinky P.O.V

I am very surprise when I met Saeng Oppa today... I didn't expect that I will saw him... And I can't lied to myself that I really really miss him. And I know that I hurt him, when I said that me and Jaejoong are dating. I saw on his face that he is so shock on what I been said. I am still in the midst of thinking of Saeng Oppa when Jaejoong Oppa hold my wrist to make me stopped.

Jaejoong - We are very far now, and I am sure that Youngsaeng didn't see us anymore... So, can you please explained it to me, what did you said that to Youngsaeng. I think you own me an explanation.

Pinky - Sorry Jaejoong Oppa... I'll put you on the spot just now.

Jaejoong - It happens already... just please explained it to me... so I know what happened between you and Youngsaeng. Why do you need to tell him that we are dating.

Pinky - Saeng Oppa, confessed his feelings on me.

Jaejoong - Then... don't you like him?

Pinky - I love him... so much....

Jaejoong - then why don't you tell him what your really feel for him.

Pinky - I told him already that I like him too... but the problem is I'm going to Canada with my family.

Jaejoong - Really!!! When?

Pinky - In less than 2 months, that is after the graduation, we will fly to Canada.

Jaejoong - It so sad to hear that.... Is Youngsaeng know this?

Pinky - Yeah!!! I told this on the day that he confess... But I told him, that I can't accept him, that is because I am going to leave him. And I don't want to hurt him in the end.

Jaejoong - Did he accept it without objection?

Pinky - Ofcourse not, he object on my decision... but in the end he aggree with me, that is because he don't have any choice.

Jaejoong - Then, why you telling now to Youngsaeng that we are dating... do you think that you hurting Youngsaeng more, on what are you doing now.

Pinky - I know that I give so much pain to Saeng Oppa, but I think that is the best way so that he can forget me faster. It is ok with me, if he get angry with me... atleast he didn't get hurt more when the time that I need to go.

Jaejoong - Then, how about you? How long can you bared this pain that you doing now?

Pinky - As long that I can keep Saeng Oppa to get hurt more, when I leave him... whether I am the one who suppered, it's ok with me.

Jaejoong - If it's that your decision... I will respect it.

Pinky - One more Jaejoong Oppa... can I ask you a big favor? I hope you can help me with this?

Jaejoong - What it is?

Pinky - I'll already told to Saeng Oppa that we are dating... can you help me to pretend that you are my boyfriend, until graduation?

Jaejoong - Are you sure? I am willing to help... but make it sure that you can do it...

Pinky - I am very sure.... So, can you help me?

Jaejoong - Yes.

Pinky - Thanks Jaejoong Oppa.

Jaejoong - Your very much welcome.... So, where are you going now?

Pinky - If it's not so trouble on your part, can you dropped me on my friends place?

Jaejoong - Ofcourse... remember, I am your PRETENDING BOYFRIEND now... so I will do my job. I will go also on my friend place Yuchun.

Pinky - thanks again Jaejoong Oppa.... Let's go.

Jaejoong - OK!!!

Youngsaeng P.O.V

I've been walking for almost half an hour but I don't know where I am going... until I'll arrived at the near park and I sit at the vacant bench. I was totally surprise on what Pinky told just now... I can't believe that she and Jaejoong Hyung are dating, I thought she don't want to have a relationship, that's why I respect her decision to be friends only. So what's on earth that she's doing right now?

No matter what I think... I can't get the right answer, so I decide to make a call to Hyun Joong and I dialled his number. I didn't wait for so long and I heard his voice....

Youngsaeng - Hyun Joong.... are sleep now? Did I disturbed your resting?

Hyun Joong - Oh... Saenggie. Anio, I'm not sleep yet. Why? Is there something you want to discuss on me?

Youngsaeng - Yeah!!!

Hyun Joong - What's the problem?

Youngsaeng - How did you know that I'm having a problem? I didn't say any word to you?

Hyun Joong - Base on your voice... I know you have.... And I am sure that is regarding to Pinky. Am I right?

Youngsaeng - Yeah!!! your right. Ahhmm.. Hyun Joong, did you always talked to Jaejoong Hyung?

Hyun Joong - Yes. Almost everyday. Why?

Youngsaeng - Did Jaejoong Hyung told you something... like he and Pinky are starting dating now?

Hyun Joong - WHAT!!! Did I heard right? Jaejoong Hyung and Pinky? How does it happend?

Youngsaeng - Yes, you heard me right? I don't know either how does it happend. That's why I'm asking you if ever Jaejoong Hyung told you about this matter.

Hyun Joong - Anio... Jaejoong Hyung never told me about this. By the way... how did you know this. Are you sure that Jaejoong Hyung and Pinky are dating?

Youngsaeng - Pinky told me today.... I am going to meet her, but when I'm on my way to her place... I saw her and Jaejoong Hyung together and she told me everything that they are dating.

Hyun Joong - It so sad to heard that... I know that you are so down, and I don't know what I am going to do to cheered you up.

Youngsaeng - I can't say that I am ok... but don't worry so much. If Pinky really likes Jaejoong Hyung , I will respect her decision. Maybe we are not meant to each other.

Hyun Joong - Maybe you are right... Maybe theres a girls out there that meant for you. I'm still asking Jaejoong about this matter.. I feel something wrong about this.

Youngsaeng - No need Hyun Joong... Let's forget this matter... and just pretend that I didn't know this.... Ok.

Hyun Joong - Ok... If its that what you want... I will respect your decision.

Youngsaeng - Thanks Hyun Joong... Bye!!!

Hyun Joong - Your welcome... Bye!!!

After my phone conversation to Hyun Joong... I decide to go home. I lied to Hyun Joong that I am ok...but I am not. And I know Hyun Joong know this, I just let me off this time. All of us know each other very well so we cannot hide anything to each other. Specially Hyun Joong, he is very caring person... not because he is a Leader of our groups... If ever he can do something to help us... he will do it, no matter what.

Pinky P.O.V

Jaejoong oppa just dropped me and he went to Yuchun place. Lindie was surprised when she saw me in front of her house and also whose I'm with just now.

Lindie - Oh... Pinky, your here? Is that Kim Jaejoong of DBSK? Why the two of you together?

Pinky - Yes. Ahhmm... Lindie can I stayed here? My parents having dinner outside and I am the one left at home.

Lindie - of course... you know that you are always welcome here.

Pinky - Thanks Lindie...

Lindie - but... Specially if theres something you want to confess on me. So if I were you, speak now... before I get mad.

Pinky - What? What did I need to confess?

Lindie - Come on....Pinky. I know you very well, and I'm always say this.... You can't hide anything on me... I know you since we are seven and you know that I am always here to help you?

Pinky - I know... Ok... I'm going to tell you something, but promise me that your not getting mad at me.

Lindie - I can't promise... Just tell me first then you will know my answer after you speak.

Pinky - Ok!!! I ask Jaejoong Oppa to pretend that he is my boyfriend.

Lindie - You what!!!! Are you out of your mind? Is this a joke, because if it's, this is not funny. Are you doing this because of Youngsaeng again?

Pinky - Yes, you heard me right. And I'm not joking.

Lindie - But why? We talked this already right? That, you just keep avoiding Youngsaeng until he is the one who give up on you.

Pinky - I know Saeng Oppa very well, and I know that he is not kind of person that give up easily. That's why I think this ideas.

Lindie - Sorry, but I don't understand you anymore. Are you still the Pinky that I know? Because you are so different now. And besides... is Jaejoong know this?

Pinky - Yes. I explained to Jaejoong everything, why I'm doing this to Saeng Oppa. And he is willing to help me. So you don't need to worry about Jaejoong Oppa. All I want from you now is to understand me....

Lindie - No Pinky... not this time. I think your too much toward to Youngsaeng. You know Pinky... you always said that you doing this for Youngsaeng sake, but the truth is, you doing this only for yourself... Do you think, what you doing now is not so hurt in Youngsaeng part. If you just said, straight to Youngsaeng face that you don't want to see him anymore, that is much more easy for him to accept it... not like this. You told him before that you like him also, but you can't accept him because your going to Canada soon... Then your telling now to Youngsaeng that you are dating with Jaejoong.

Pinky - What did you said... I am too much and I'm just doing this just for my sake?

Lindie - Yes!!!

Pinky - Don't you think, what I've been doing now is not so hurt in my part.

Lindie - Then why you doing this? Wake up!!! Pinky, it is not too late.

Pinky - Sorry Lindie, I'll make a decision already and I will stand on my decision.

Lindie - I'll give up!!! If it's that what you want... do it!!! Sorry if I say something that hurt you feeling, I'm just trying to wake you up...

Pinky - It's ok... I know that you just concerned on me. I am going now... thanks anyway for letting me to stay here for a while. Bye...

Lindie - Bye....

As soon that I get out in Lindie's house, I let my tears flows in my face... I really want to cry when Lindie told me that I am so cruel to Saeng Oppa, but I keep myself calmed and pretend that I am not affected on what she said to me just now... I don't want Lindie saw me that I am crying. I decide to go home, eventhough my parent is still not coming..I'll go home and I go straight in my room and I cry again until I fell asleep.


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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links
DancingQueenHyoyeon #2
very cute story! please update soon!
Thank you hyunnielover26 for reading my fanfic and for leaving a comment.. i hope i won't disappointing you about reading this story..

Mhel Unnie (@kpopartory) thanks for cheering me to continue this story...hahaha.. I hope my loves motivate me to write..hehehe

@bluesky thank you for leaving a comments and reading my story...
hyunnielover26 #4
im crying reading this fanfics. please update;(
wow an update lol

Thank you for continuing with the story

aja aja aja Fighting!!
saengie ah . don't be sad ok ?<br />
saengie ah . hwaiting!!<br />
nice update ! althought it's sad :'( . love it .<br />
keep updating chingu .