Maybe This Time

Chapter 5

Pinky P.O.V

From the time that I get inside in my room, I lay down in my bed and I close my eyes. I feel that I am so exhausted for the whole day. And when I opened my eyes, I saw the pictures beside on my bed... that's the picture of Saeng Oppa and I. I looked at the pictures and I started to cry again. I cried because, I think I am so foolish... If I confessed to Saeng Oppa from the time that I realize that I love him.... maybe I will know also that Saeng Oppa have a feeling for me too. Now, it's too late for both of us. I was in the midst of crying when I heard my phone ring...I don't want to talked to someone that time, but when I looked who's on the other lined... and it was Lindie's so I decide to picked it up. Because I think Lindie is the right person that I really need to talked that time.

Pinky - Oh... Lindie!!!

Lindie - Pinky.... Aahhmmm, I just want to asks, how's your dinner with Youngsaeng.

Pinky - It's alright... I just got home, when I recieved your calls.

Lindie - What happened to your voice.... it's sound that your crying. Is there something happened between you?

Pinky - Anio!!!! I'm just too tired that why my voice like this.

Lindie - Pinky!!! If you didn't tell me now, I will barged to your house in this time and I will force you to tell me what happened.

Pinky - Ok... Ok...

Lindie - Then, what?

Pinky - Saeng Oppa, confessed to me... he said that he likes me.

Lindie - Oh really!!! that's great. But... why are you crying? You must happy right, because you know that he likes you too.

Pinky - I am very happy when he said that he likes me, but that is for a short time only... because when I remember that I am going to Canada in 2 months... I can't help myself but to cry.

Lindie - Then... did Youngsaeng ask you why did you cry?

Pinky - Yeah!!! And I told him that I am going to Canada.

Lindie - What did he said?

Pinky - He still want to be with me, even for a short time... but I am the one who refused.

Lindie - What!!! Why?

Pinky - Looked, Lindie... if I aggree on what he wants... in the end, where both going to be hurt... much more in my part.

Lindie - Yeah!! your right. Then what is your planned now?

Pinky - I told to Saeng Oppa that we can still be friends....

Lindie - I am sure, Youngsaeng aggreed with you because he don't have any choice.

Pinky - Your right. Aahhmm... Lindie, let's talked on Monday... I want to rest now, I think my head will going to blowed up because of what happened today.

Lindie - Ok.. let's just talked on Monday. Bye!!!

Pinky - Ok... Bye!!!

at the other side....

Youngsaeng P.O.V

I already drink a two cans of beer when I saw Hyun Joong coming with the others. They are hurriedly coming and sit beside me. I thought the one whose only come is Hyun Joong so I am very surprise when I saw Kyu Jong, Jungmin and Hyung Joon.

Hyun Joong - Saenggie... I'd bring the others, I thinks we can solved what's bothering to you now if we are so many.

Youngsaeng - Thanks Hyun Joong....

Kyu Jong - Hyung!!! We still didn't know what is your problem... so don't thanks us.

Hyung Joon - Yeah!!! Tell us whats the problem... we are here to help you.

Jungmin - When Hyun Joong Hyung called us, and he said that your having a problem... we are very worried about you.

Hyun Joong - So... what is your problem? It is about Pinky right?

Youngsaeng - Yeah!!!

Jungmin - What??? Is there something happened between you and Pinky?

Youngsaeng - Anio!!!

Kyu Jong - Then, what's about Pinky?

Youngsaeng - I ask her to have a dinner with me today... And I confessed to her.

Hyung Joon - Really!!! What did she said? Did she likes you also?

Youngsaeng - Yeah!!! But....

Hyun Joong - But... What???

Youngsaeng - She said that we cannot be together, because she and her parents will going to move to Canada.

Hyung Joon, Kyu Jong, Jungmin and Hyun Joong - WHAT!!!!

Youngsaeng - Yeah!!! You heard me right.

Kyu Jong - When they are going to Canada?

Youngsaeng - After the graduation... she continue her studies in Canada.

Hyun Joong - That is so soon....

Hyung Joon - Yeah!!! So... Youngsaeng Hyung, are you ok?

Jungmin - BABO!!! Of course, Youngsaeng Hyung is not ok.... (then he hits Hyung Joon)

Hyung Joon - Ouch!!!

Hyun Joong - Enough the two of you... we are here to help Youngsaeng, not to hear your not stop bickering.

Hyung Joon - But Jungmin started it, not me....

Kyu Jong - Araso, araso.... Just stopped it, Ok

Hyun Joong - So... Saeng, what are you going to do now?

Youngsaeng - Pinky told me to be friends only.... she said if we start dating, and when the time has come and she need to go... that is very hard for both of us to separates, most of all on her parts.

Jungmin - Pinky has a point...

Youngsaeng - So I followed her decision, because I don't have any choice.

Hyun Joong - I know that is a tough decision for you... but I think that you make a good decision. Just filled with a good memories, the 2 months that your going to be together.

Kyu Jong - Hyun Joong Hyung is right.... even though that your going to separate in the end.... at least you leave her a good memories when your together.

Jungmin - Or maybe... we cannot say, what will happened in the future... you still be together at the end... so don't feel so sad Hyung.

Youngsaeng - Thanks guys for lifting me up.... I am very lucky to have you in my side in the times likes this. I really hope that someday... we still be together at the end.

Hyung Joon - That is nothing Youngsaeng Hyung... We are "FIVE AS ONE" remember....

Youngsaeng - Yeah!!!

After I heard what Hyun Joong and the others said.... I feel more relaxed not like before they come... I feel so depressed and I don't know what I'm going to do. Now... I think that, I will spend more time to Pinky.... eventhough that I know that she's still leaving me in two months.

Pinky P.O.V

Monday morning and it's been 2 days since Saeng Oppa confess his feeling for me. I was preparing to go to school, when I heard my phone ring... and when I looked who is calling, I saw that it was Saeng Oppa, but I didn't answer it. Because last Friday night, after Lindie called me, I make a decision that I think that is the best way for me and Saeng Oppa. When I make sure that I didn't forget anything... I go out in my room and went to school.

And when I get there... I stay at the library for a while, because it's still early for my first class. I'll read all our note's that we take last friday... I want to busy myself, so that I cannot think of him. I just went out to the library when my first subject will going to start. Then, when I get inside in our classroom, Lindie came over me and she ask me what's happening on me, but I keep ignoring her, she stop asking me when our teacher come. But she asking me again when we're having our class break.

Lindie - Pinky, what's wrong with you??? I've asking you since morning... but you keep ignoring me. Youngsaeng, asking me if you came here in our school early, he said that he called you this morning, but you didn't answer your phone. He is worried about you.

Pinky - Really!!! Oh... my phone is in silent mode, that why I didn't hear that he is calling. And you asking me, what's wrong with me.... I am very much ok, so don't worry too much.

Lindie - Are you sure.... then why you keep ignoring me this morning?

Pinky - Sorry!!! I didn't sleep well last night, I'm having a head ache that is why I am not in a good mood this morning.

Lindie - Ohh.... so are you ok now?

Pinky - Yeah!!! Thanks for your concern. Let's go now... we are to be late in our next subject.

Lindie and I was heading in our classroom when I saw Saeng Oppa was standing outside of my classroom. I told to Lindie, that she going first to our classroom and I will going to the restroom....I didn't wait her reply and I hurriedly leave her. Lindie didn't know that I'm not really go to the restroom.... I just don't want to meet Saeng Oppa....I'm just hiding at one of the classroom that don't have a class that time... I just went out on the room, when I saw that Saeng Oppa leaving.....

Youngsaeng P.O.V

I called Pinky early in the morning, but she didn't answer her phone.... I been trying to contact her, but still she didn't answer my calls. When I call on their home phone, her mom is the one who answered the phone... when I asking her mom if I can talked to Pinky, her mom said that she go to school early. But when I got there, I've looked her to her classroom, but she's not there. When I saw Lindie, and ask her if she see Pinky to go to school early, but Lindie said that she still not coming. So I told to Lindie, to tells to Pinky that I've calling to her phone many times but she didn't answer. I told her also that I will going back to thier classroom on thier lunch break. And I go to my classroom, because my first subject will going to start.

My teacher was discussing at the front, but I didn't listen on what she talking about... because my brain was occupied... so I didn't hear when my teacher calls my name... All my classmate was laughing at me, because my teacher was teasing me... she said, the reason why I'm not listening, is because I've been thinking about my girlfriend. I never correct my teacher, because it is true... I've been thinking of Pinky. So when it time of lunch break, I went to Pinky's classroom. I ask of one of her classmate if Pinky is inside... but she told me that Pinky is went outside with Lindie... so I wait outside of her classroom and wait for them. I didn't wait for so long, when I saw Lindie is coming....

Youngsaeng - Lindie... are you with Pinky?

Lindie - Yeah!!! but she said she going to the restroom, so I go back here first.

Youngsaeng - Did you tell her that I've calling to her phone since morning.

Lindie - Yes. But she said, she didn't hear that you are calling because her phone is in a silent mode.

Youngsaeng - Ohh... I see. What do you think to Pinky? Do you think she's ok?

Lindie - She said that she's not in the good mood this morning, because she having a headache last night, but she said that she ok now.

Youngsaeng - Oh... Why she still not coming back.. your class will going to start in 5 minutes?

Lindie - I don't know either.

Youngsaeng - Ahh... Lindie, I am going first now... my class is about to start also. Please tell her that I want to talked to her.

Lindie - Ok... I pass to her your message.

I didn't meet again Pinky... I don't know but why I having a feeling that Pinky is avoiding me. I go back to my classroom still thinking about Pinky.


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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links
DancingQueenHyoyeon #2
very cute story! please update soon!
Thank you hyunnielover26 for reading my fanfic and for leaving a comment.. i hope i won't disappointing you about reading this story..

Mhel Unnie (@kpopartory) thanks for cheering me to continue this story...hahaha.. I hope my loves motivate me to write..hehehe

@bluesky thank you for leaving a comments and reading my story...
hyunnielover26 #4
im crying reading this fanfics. please update;(
wow an update lol

Thank you for continuing with the story

aja aja aja Fighting!!
saengie ah . don't be sad ok ?<br />
saengie ah . hwaiting!!<br />
nice update ! althought it's sad :'( . love it .<br />
keep updating chingu .