The Promise


"Don't you remember me? Like, seriously?"

You looked at him, confused. "Aah...should I?"

He let out a sigh. "Of course you should! I've been your fiancé for the past eight years of your life!"

You tried counting on your fingers the years that you've been alive in this earth. "But I'm still young. I'm just twenty-one..."

"Yeah, you're only twenty-one but you have a degenerating memory already," he said while shaking his head. He grabbed the remote control and started flipping channels on the television. He stayed silent on his side of the sofa while you stared at his face and wondered what you have done to piss him off.

Your conscience kicked in. "C'mon, just say what you have to say."

"Didn't your mom say anything, just ANYTHING, about me eight years ago?"

Trying to dig into your long lost memories, you started to think back when you were twelve years old...



[Eight years ago]

"Mom! I'm home!" you said, right after opening the door, taking off and throwing your sneakers away to a certain part of your house that you can only find. You ran to the living room and called to your mother again. "Mom! Where are you? Mom!"

"I'm here in the kitchen, darling!"

After tossing your bag in your room, you went to the kitchen to see what your mom was doing. A delicious aroma filled your sense of smell, and suddenly your stomach growled. "Is that my favorite, Mom?"

"Uhuh! For my favorite daughter," she placed the bowl of carbonara on the dining table and smiled at you. She went back to the sink to get forks. "Here, my darling. Dig in. I know you are hungry."

"You really know me, Mom." You speared a few on the macaroni pieces and stuffed it into your mouth.

"Of course! You're my daughter, aren't you?"

"Yummy~! I can eat these everyday."

You noticed that your mom is not eating her share of the carbonara. She was just playing with the fork, and that struck you as something strange. Your mom doesn't want someone playing with food. And that's what she was doing.

"What's wrong, Mom? It's not like you to play with your food," you asked her.

She sighed heavily, then turned to you with a serious face. "I have something to tell you. You know that your father has a bestfriend, right?"

"Uh...y-yeah?" You thought for a moment, then nodded. "Yeah! It's a pity that I haven't met him yet. It was Uncle Andy, Dad's bestfriend since highschool, right?"

"And they were... until this uncle of yours unfortunately died in one of their operations in the army. Your father promised to watch over your Uncle Andy's wife and son, and to make sure they're safe."

"Where are they now, Mom?"

"They migrated to Canada after that incident. I haven't heard from Vivian since then."

"Oh. That's what you wanted to tell me?"

"Well... partly. You see here, my dear daughter, your Uncle Andy has a wish, and me and your father also approves..."

"What? Mom, no! I'm still young, and... And..."

"I know how you feel, dear. But it's not yet now. When you grow up, maybe after a few years-"

"You don't understand, Mom! I... I want to get married with somebody whom I love! Not just some stranger you and Dad wants me to marry!" You lost your appetite and suddenly stormed out of the room.



"You're Uncle Andy's son..."

"That's me, alright." He still looked calm and composed. "But don't you remember meeting anyone back then?"

"What do you mean?"

"You are really making my head hurt, woman." He massaged his temples with his hands. "Let me remind you about that day eight years ago," he started, then whispered, "You can't even remember this handsome face, really."

"I can perfectly hear you, you know?"

Kris positioned himself on the sofa so that he was facing you. "It was around this time eight years ago. It was raining that day. Me and my mom went back here in Korea to process some papers needed before permanently migrating to Canada. This place just remind me of good times, and I just wanted to relive those memories so I went strolling around. I was running while it was raining, it was cold but I felt great. I don't know where I was going, but then I bumped into a girl..."

"Raining... You bumped into..." You suddenly went back to what happened before.

You stormed out of the house, but it was already late when you realized it was raining hard that day. You don't really cared, as long as you can get far from your home, to somehow have a breather, calm your self down. But you also know that when you stay long in the rain, soaking wet, you will get sick. Whatever, you thought. It was around five in the afternoon, and a few minutes more, it will be dark. Still, you kept on half-walking-half-running to no particular destination. Because the rain was heavy and the raindrops were kind of hurting you, you covered your face with your hand. You ran, but then you were thrown to the ground suddenly, your hit the cool, wet pavement.



"AISH~!" Confusion enveloped you; you didn't know who you're angry at, or why. You let all of the frustrations out and screamed at the top of your lungs. "Aaaish!!! Wae, wae, WAE?!"

"oh, mianhaeyeo. Mianhaeyeo, agasshi."

You looked at the stranger with your most deadly stare. "YAAAH! WAE?! Why did you bump into me? Do you have a problem, huh?!"

"Ah, no, no, no." He was taken aback and shook his head a couple of times. "Don't get me wrong, miss. I'm really sorry. Here,let me help you." He offered his hand.

"Thanks, but I don't need your help." You tried standing up, but slipped on the ground. You were so furious that you smacked the sidewalk. "Aw! Ouch. Pabo! Stupid, stupid, stupid!" With your hand hurting, you don't know if you'll blame the road, or the boy in front of you, or the sidewalk. You chose to blame the sidewalk.

The boy carried you abruptly, then walked to a nearby bench under a tree. He set you down, and unexpectedly held your injured hand. He meticulously inspected it, then pulled out a gray handkerchief from the backpocket of his pants. "You have a scratch." With all caution and care he could muster, he wrapped the cloth around your hand. "I'm not really good at first aid, but this may help to prevent possible infection. I'm guessing you don't want to go to the hospital?" he asked, then gazed at you directly in the eye. You quickly looked away, then responded, "Yeah, I don't want to go to a hospital. I'm perfectly fine." You withdrew your hand, but his grasp was firm. With annoyance, you blurted out, "If you don't mind, I want my hand."

"Just wait. I'm just tying this tighter." He did what he said but still didn't let go of your hand.

"You're done, right? Can you release my hand now?"

"I need to hear you say it."

"What?" What the hell is this boy saying? You tried to pull your hand, but his hold was unyielding.

"Just say it, and I'll let go."

"Say what?" You were getting tired of what was happening, so you repeated what you said earlier. "Can you release my hand now?"

He raised his brows, as if waiting for you to say another thing.

You sighed. "Please?"

Just then, he set your hand free. You were not sure if it was the rain or something else, but your hand suddenly felt cold and kind of empty. Ashamed about your behavior, you thanked him so loud only you heard what you said.

"What did you say?"

"I said, 'Thank you.'"

A small smile appeared on his thin lips. "You're welcome." Are you not cold? Why are you out here in the rain, anyway?"

Since you were with this boy for a while, you decided that a little chat would not harm you. "For your first question, I'm getting a little cold, but it's okay. And for your second question, it's my choice to stay out here. How about you? Did you just wanted to be soaked out here in the rain?"

He turned away, and had a faraway look in his face. "I guess we have the same reason, then."

You laughed. "Haha. Really?"

He turned to face you again. "Really. What's your name?"

That time, you looked directly at his eyes and you held your hand out.


"My name is..."













A/N: Finally! Posted this update after 6576517687 years! XD

I'll edit the conversations some time in the future, or do you guys prefer to let the text be black? > I've edited it, hahaha. And the grayed out text depicts the past. ^^

Anyway, I hope you enjoy reading this, and I will be finishing this fic in a few chaps. So, yeah. :)

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I'm thinking of finishing this fic immediately so that I can focus on writing the last chaps of my EunHae fic.


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ThebabyELF #1
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^
Bang-Jello #2
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^