What Can Never Happen

Love Squared

omg i'm sooooo sorry guys, i thought i uploaded that previous chapter like weeks ago!! i'm really, really, really sorry... TT~TT well i decided to upload another chapter! However, i'm still stuck at what to do from here i guess. I know the general way the story is going to go but deciding whether or not to take the detour. So this chapter i decided to give a little insight on a few characters! This chapter is focusing on Wooyoung especially. :) i'm sorry that it's short but i think there's a lot of feeling and thoughts of the characters. i hope you like it! :D



Wooyoung sighed and took a break. Like clockwork, he reached into his jacket pocket and unlocked the screen. A picture of a beautiful smiling girl stared up to him and Wooyoung automatically smiled. Luna…

“Wooyoung, you’re going to be after!” someone called out. The sound of his name being called shocked Wooyoung and he quickly jammed him phone back into his pocket, breathing a little heavily from the nervousness. No one can know. No one can find out. For Ji Eun…

As soon as he was sure that nobody was watching, he slowly took out the phone again.

It’s been three months. Wooyoung thought as he glanced softly at the picture. I’m sure you hate me by now. I mean, I haven’t contacted you ever since that time in the elevator… I want to call you Luna. I want to see you, to hold you, to…tellyou.

The phone screen stared back at Wooyoung as his finger hovered over the ‘call’ button that led to Luna’s phone. For the hundredth time just that day, he contemplated calling her. And just like every other day, he hesitated and sighed. I can’t. I’m so sorry Luna. I can’t contact you as long as Ji Eun is near me. I can’t risk ruining your careers.

Wooyoung mussed up his hair in anger, his hands automaticly gripping into fist as his brain again replayed the day three months ago. He couldn’t do anything then. Nothing. Nothing to help them. And three months later, he still couldn’t.

Wake up, eat, work, ‘date’ Ji Eun, work, eat, go home, sleep, and then repeat. Every day he would go through the same routine.

Every day he would see the ragged and defeated face of his sister like friend.

Every day he would see her try to smile.

Every day he would see that it pained her.

Every day he would see the energy that was once overflowing start to dry up.

Every day he would see her brown eyes get duller and duller.

Every day he would see her turn more and more…lifeless, zombie like. The living dead.

Every day he would see this and every time, it would kill him further and further, like a knife that repeatedly sliced his heart. The pain never ebbing. Always white-hot and agonizing.

The searing anger carefully disguised behind an ever present charade rammed against its restraints, threatening to explode. Wooyoung’s fist curled up tighter until his nails bit into his skin. Unending fury boiled under his control and he felt as if he would snap.

 I feel so damn helpless!

Then a thought crossed his consciousness. One that had never been formed before, even when the stress was at its peck and the days and the work never ending and even when he felt as if he was sweating blood instead of water. Never had that thought crossed his mind…until now.

If only I had never been a singer.

Wooyoung physically reared back from the thought, roughly snapping up, his chair crashing behind him. Resentment and shock mixed into a bitter taste in his mouth. No.



“Wooyoung oppa? Are you alright?”

A worried voice crept into Wooyoung’s brain. He looked up. What greeted his gaze was a lanky girl with clothes that now hung off loosely on her body. Her brown eyes seemed to reflect the emotion she felt. However, Wooyoung knew that under that thin blanket held no feelings.

“Ji Eun.” He whispered. Another part of his heart bled at the sight of her.

She blinked and for a split second it seemed as though a spark of true emotion flashed in her eyes but just as quickly as it appeared, it was gone. “Wooyoung oppa, you’re worrying me. Are you okay?”

Pull it together, you can’t fall apart now. Stay strong for her. Honor the promise you made to him.

He forced the corners of his lips to move into what resembled a smile. “I’m fine. How was your day?”

That’s right Jang Wooyoung. You can’t break right now. You’re the only thing that’s holding her together. You promised to protect her. To be there for her. He thought back to that moment. The promise that he made him. He remembered that the second he agreed, both of them felt the pain. It was as if they both knew; knew that it was the last thing that that person may ever be able to do for her and the pain of knowing that the person wouldn’t be able to do it himself.



A cold voice quietly echoed through the phone. Although quiet, the single word radiated more seriousness than Wooyoung had ever heard uttered from the caller’s lips before.

“I’m listening.”

“I said goodbye…to her.”

“To Ji Eun?” Wooyoung took a deep breath. Why am I so distressed? I knew this was going to happen. “How did she take it? Is she okay?”

“I need a favor hyung.”

“A favor?” shock could be heard clearly from his voice.

“Take care of her…for me. Protect her.” because I won’t be able to do it myself.

The unspoken words after his request were heard by both of them. There were so many things that Wooyoung wanted to say.

Do it yourself!

I’m not going to do it because it’s your job!

You’re the only one that’s going to be able to do that well you idiot!

No one else can take your place!

I can’t take your place.

But he swallowed his words. He knew the pain that Yoseob was going through. Putting Ji Eun in his hands was close to impossible for the man, but he was doing it. He was killing his pride and laying an unspeakable amount of trust in Wooyoung because of Ji Eun. For Ji Eun.

“With my life.”

“Thank you.” Then he hung up.


That was the last that Wooyoung had heard of him. Occasionally news of BEAST’s achievements would travel down to him but he would never utter a word of it around Ji Eun. Every day since then, Wooyoung became Ji Eun’s pillar of strength, never showing weakness. He shielded her from every insult, gossip, and rumor.

Ji Eun knew what he was doing. She knew that Wooyoung was trying his best to be the person Yoseob was to her. But they both knew.

They both knew that that could never happen.

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ChickenLover #1
Chapter 58: You just highlight the part you want and then click on the colour part. (lol sorry I can't really explain it without showing) Just experiment with hidden chapters.

Ironically I'm listening to Good Day (Jap Vers) - IU xD
LOL~ OMG Ji Eun....... I just.. omg lol I hope Yoseob doesn't take it the wrong way. though~~~ a jealous Yoseob is cute haha
Chapter 57: OMIGOSH YOU UPDATED!!!!!!!!!
You don't know how ecstatic and happy I was when I saw this story updated. I literally rubbed my eyes and blinked like a hundred times. THANK YOU!!!!!
LUNA AND WOOYOUNG! WOOHOOO!!!! (this is so weird because I'm actually a Luna-Onew fan but... Luna and Wooyoung is fine with me too)
Eh wait
/shoves 2PM and f(x) members away from the apartment
ChickenLover #4
Chapter 57: OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG~!!!! Wooyoung!! hahaa can't wait to see what happens next :D
Chapter 56: I upvoted your story because I love it! :) It's one of my faves...
AND! Update please?
Julettums #8
I like Iuseob here. So cute xD

I kind of wished to have some jelly Wooyoung though....like, he kind of grows out of his sibling love and starts feeling different feelings or something. Oh well. It's too late. It's all Luna and Wooyoung. I don't mind...really...