
Love Squared

Thank you guys eheheheh! We love you subscribers and commenters! I've already noticed several people who continuosly give us support and love for the story! You guys know who you are! We thank you guys alot! Seriously, reading new comments is the highlight of our day. Truth of the day: I visit this page more than facebook. Ok, I just log on facebook and stay on alot, but I dont visit it OFTEN. Ahh----- I just announced that I had no life ;-; ANYWAY EHEMCOUGHEHEM Emjoy :] Love you guys!


Hey so this chapter was written by me~ kekeke well this chapter is kinda short but i think it's emotional...hopefully because i intended for it to be that way :) hope you like it!


. Yoseob tried to cover Ji Eun as much as he could from the cameras but he knew it was a failed effort.  We’re so dead now. Whatever chance we had…gone.

“Hurry! Go!” Yoseob covered her with his jacket and pulled her away. Running as fast as they could, Yoseob tried to put as much distance as he could between him and the reporters. “Elevators!"

The two sprinted into the open doors and Yoseob pressed the close button with such furry that Ji Eun was afraid that it would break. Thankfully and mercifully, the elevator doors closed right before the first reporter could get in.

Panting, no words were spoken but as soon as Ji Eun caught her breath, the enormity of the mistake she made by coming down struck her hard. Oh no…what did I do?

“…are you coming?”

Ji Eun looked up to see Yoseob waiting for her.

“Let’s get in the apartment. Come on, before the reporters come right?” a small smile came on his lips.

“Uh…right…” she ran to catch up to him. As soon as Ji Eun closed and locked the door behind her, she could hear Yoseob’s phone ringing.

“Faster than I thought.” Yoseob gave a half hearted laugh as he stared at the phone. Dread crossed his face before he picked up the call. He walked into another room so Ji Eun wouldn’t overhear.

With a slightly hurt expression, Ji Eun looked after Yoseob’s retreating figure. It’s nothing bad right? It’ll be fine right? She fell onto her couch without even an ounce of energy left to support her. God, please, let it be alright.

A long time passed before Yoseob finally came out of the room. In anticipation, Ji Eun abruptly stood and looked at the young man expectantly.

“So…how was it?” worry outlined her voice. “What did they say?”

Yoseob didn’t answer her; instead, he slowly staggered towards her, the march of a defeated man.

“Yoseob? Yoseob, don’t scare me like this, tell-,” Ji Eun stopped in surprise as warm arms wrapped around her waist. A fresh clean masculine fragrance lightly scented the air and the warmth of Yoseob’s body softened her. “Yoseob?”

“Please…just…just for a little while.” Yoseob’s words were slightly muffed as he leaned in Ji Eun with his head on her shoulder.

Yoseob-ah… Ji Eun looked at the usually excited and smiling man. She thought back to the times he cheered her up, the time he made waffles for her as Joonghee, the smiles, the laughter, the fun, and the elated and tender feeling he inspired in her. Yoseob-ah, don’t look like this. This isn’t…this isn’t you.

Her arms tentatively rose up and hugged him back, quietly giving him support. Please, please be happy. For a second, Yoseob stilled but then he held her tighter. Ji Eun’s heart beat faster and a content, gentle sensation rose in her chest. What is this emotion?

Holding her a bit tighter, Yoseob reluctantly let her go and Ji Eun already missed the warm, secure feeling that Yoseob had given her. Her heart ached at the absence.

“Ji Eun-ah,”

She looked up; it was the first time he addressed her so…intimately…

“Thank you.” Sincerity was obvious in his dark brown eyes, “For everything.”

I don’t like the sound of this. She forced a half hearted smile in her face, a heavy feeling settling in the pit of her stomach. “W-what are you saying? S-stop it, it sounds like you’re never going to talk to me again!” weak laughter faded from her lips. “…Yoseob…”

“Ji Eun-ah, eat and sleep well, make sure to take care of yourself, and don’t get sick.” A small, kind smile played on his lips. Then he stepped away and walked to the door.


A desperate feeling immersed her at the sound of her name being called in a remote, unfamiliar manner; “Yoseob-ah!” she blurted out in panic, but a soft smile was all she saw before the door closed. “Yoseob-ah!” Ji Eun took one step forward before she fell back on the couch.

“Yang Yoseob…what’s happening? Why did you call me that way?” a hand clutched at her chest as a cold, scary feeling grasped her chest. Why did you leave? Yoseob…

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ChickenLover #1
Chapter 58: You just highlight the part you want and then click on the colour part. (lol sorry I can't really explain it without showing) Just experiment with hidden chapters.

Ironically I'm listening to Good Day (Jap Vers) - IU xD
LOL~ OMG Ji Eun....... I just.. omg lol I hope Yoseob doesn't take it the wrong way. though~~~ a jealous Yoseob is cute haha
Chapter 57: OMIGOSH YOU UPDATED!!!!!!!!!
You don't know how ecstatic and happy I was when I saw this story updated. I literally rubbed my eyes and blinked like a hundred times. THANK YOU!!!!!
LUNA AND WOOYOUNG! WOOHOOO!!!! (this is so weird because I'm actually a Luna-Onew fan but... Luna and Wooyoung is fine with me too)
Eh wait
/shoves 2PM and f(x) members away from the apartment
ChickenLover #4
Chapter 57: OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG~!!!! Wooyoung!! hahaa can't wait to see what happens next :D
Chapter 56: I upvoted your story because I love it! :) It's one of my faves...
AND! Update please?
Julettums #8
I like Iuseob here. So cute xD

I kind of wished to have some jelly Wooyoung though....like, he kind of grows out of his sibling love and starts feeling different feelings or something. Oh well. It's too late. It's all Luna and Wooyoung. I don't mind...really...