Yoseob, The Frozen Statue

Love Squared

Hello guys! Finally, here's a IUseob chapter <3 hope you guys like it! comment and subscribe! Hehehe Thank you guys for keeping up with us! Especially those of you guys who stuck with us since the summer till now!!! It's cold... Take care of you guys' bodies ok? Protect yourselfs from the cold!! Gahh my feet are... cold...

Hey guys, em here! This chapter is a combination of both of our stories for this chapter, hope you like it! :)



“You…you…like me?” she whispered with large eyes. No.Way.

Wide-eyed Wooyoung stood there frozen. What do I do? Why the heck did I blurt that out? I need a filter. I can say that I didn’t mean it! He started to open his mouth and speak the words.

“I…” Wooyoung couldn’t finish his sentence. “I…I…” He looked at Luna’s face and he couldn’t say the words. “I...”

“Do…do you like me?” Luna’s voice was filled with curiosity, amazement, and nervousness and…could it be…hope?

He took a big breath and tried to say it again, “I…” I can’t do it. The twenty-one year old stared at the girl and tried to continue…but he couldn’t. With an inward sigh, he displayed look of determination. Man up Wooyoung, you can do this. For yourself…and for her. You can do it; it's just three words, simple.

He walked towards the waiting girl and put his hands on the wall next to her head, surrounding her with his presence. Luna just stayed still and looked earnestly at him, just…waiting.

“Luna, I-,”

The elevator doors opened and the loud noises of the crowed mall seeped violently into enclosed room. Both surprised idols turned to look outside the open doors and found and old, glaring grandma looking back at them with a small shopping cart in front of her.

In a split second, the two kids were at opposite sides of the elevator, blushing as if the world depended on it.

With an upturned nose, the grandma walked into the elevator. The doors closed and an awkward and uncomfortable silence descended on upon the people inside. After a few minutes, the contraption arrived to the predetermined destination. The grandma started to leave but just before she stepped out of the elevator, she gave a snobbish sniff and frowned arrogantly, “Kids these days. Publically displaying emotions so easily, shame. And in an elevator too!”

Luna and Wooyoung just blushed even more deeply, if that was possible. As soon as the doors closed shut, they relaxed and sighed, breathing much more easily.

In an elevator… Wooyoung glanced at Luna who look relieved at the absence of the old woman. In an elevator…that grandma is right. I shouldn’t confess in an elevator. Confession is something special, and I want this one to be remembered by Luna forever. Plus, if it’s really good, maybe… He looked over to her again with longing. Maybe…just maybe…she’ll accept my feelings…

“Luna.” Wooyoung said with determination. She looked up with that same mix of emotions as before. He took a huge breath and blurted it out. “SoIhavetogoIwillseeyounexttimebye!” he sprinted out the open elevator leaving a confused Luna behind. But she wasn’t confused for long, her confusion quickly turned into fury.

“GAHHH!” She yelled in frustration. “AND I THOUGHT…” her words dragged on. “What did I think?” Luna sighed, “What is wrong with me?”


Ji Eun stared at her phone. 5 missed calls? That's weird. She was about to look at the caller when her phone rang. Ji Eun's caller ID stated that it was Luna. Huh... She answered the call. "Hello?"

"Ji Eun... Ji Eun... JI EUN!!!!! Why weren't you picking up the phone? I was worried! Ok, so should I beat him up or what? What kind of an idiotic, sarcastic, horrible, weirdo guy is he? Oh my goodness. I'm never ever,ever,evergoing to help him with ANYTHING!!! You heard me! Nothing in the world can make ME like that idiotic, horrible, dumb..."

Ji Eun distanced her ringing ear from her phone. Something got Luna on a rampage, and not very many things can piss her off this much. Just what kind of special abilities does this 'idiotic, sarcastic, horrible, weirdo guy' have? Ji Eun brought to the phone. "Luna, calm down and explain so I'll know how to help you."

Luna fell silent as she took several minutes to calm down her racing heart. She breathed in and out, keeping her head clear of that confession-. Wait. No, there was no confession. Just a guy who was joking around with a girland ran out on her! That guy is NOT normal! What kind of a guy does that? Who would do that to me? Why would he do that?Luna grew angrier and angrier until she forgot any thoughts of her 'calming down' and started bellowing into the phone. This time, it was about the insensitive and evil player who broke a poor, innocent girl's heart. That girl may not be me, but there must be a girl like that in this world, due to the existence of THAT guy.

Ji Eun again took her phone out of the vicinity of her poor ear. Maybe I should keep some earplugs handy sometimes. "Luna. Let me ask the questions. Who is this guy? What did he do?"

Luna thought about it. Should I tell Ji Eun? It is HER problem, since he might taint her reputation and then make her popularity fall; making her sad and I would have to beat this guy up and...Luna’s train of thoughts led her into another long and loud speech about the ‘guy who’s going to ruin Ji Eun’s future’.

Ji Eun sighed into the phone. Focusing her attention at Beast’s photo shoot, she was immediately awed by their powerful presence, especially Yoseob’s. She had seen his live performanceof Fiction and his feelingsin his music had brought sadness to her heart. I wonder who he was thinking about when he sang those sad lyrics...

“JI EUN-AH!!!! ARE YOU LISTENING OR WHAT????” Luna’s voice shocked the entire studio, as they turned to look at her. She got up and bowed deeply in apology. Yoseob smiled reassuringly at her. He walked over to her, followed by a flurry of protesting make-up artists and clothing specialists.

Patting her head, he couldn’t help but catch some of the words that were being spitted out of Ji Eun’s phone. “You know, you need to be careful of the stalking guy! I bet he’s going to somehow hurt your heart, Ji Eun! Arasso? Get away from him! Don’t you ever fall for him! I know he’s pretty cute and that he’s your type BUT don’t get close to him! OK?” Yoseob’s easy smile grewslightly strained as he heard Luna blabber over the phone.  

Ji Eun, noticing the dead silence over the studio quickly ducked out of the door, eager to escape. She was soon out of sight.

The Beast members kept an eye on Yoseob’s now-forced poses throughout the shoot. It kept getting stiffer and stiffer as Ji Eun took a longer and longer time to come back. This photo shoot is going to be a disaster.They thought in unison.

Ji Eun returned to see that Beast had finished their shoot and was changing into their own clothes. She spotted Yoseob, with a smile frozen on his face, was being told how he looked especiallyadorable in this shoot. “Your frozen poses were excellent! Just a work of art! You were like a still statue! While the other members were animatedly acting, your stillness added a flavor of artistic sense in this magnificent shoot! Thank you, Yoseob-sshi! You have a bright future ahead of you!” The director gave him a pat on his back. “Now, now, you don’t have to always be so artistic, loosen up a little!” He turned away to discuss things with his cameraman.

Cautiously, Ji Eun crept up to Yoseob. His frozen smile was unceasingly cute but it just didn’t fit the easygoing Yoseob that she knew. “Yoseob? You ok?” She smiled tentatively at him.Did he eat something bad?

Yoseob turned and his frozen smile melted into a terrifying glare. Ji Eun had shivers go down her back. What did I do?

Taking her arm, Yoseob forcefully dragged her out into the cold. s’ protests were ignored as hekept going until there was no person in sight. His back faced her as his voice spoke, wavering with tension. “Is it true that you have a stalker? Why didn’t you tell me? Do you not trust me?”

“Ehhh?” She said, shocked,“No! Luna was just kidding! There’s no way I would have a stalker-“Ji Eun suddenly had a chill down her back. Someone’s watching us.

Yoseob stayed quiet for several minutesandJi Eun looked around to see if she could see anyone. Maybe it was just me? Luna is making me paranoid.

Suddenly, Yoseob turned and yelled. “Why? Why didn’t you tell me sooner? Maybe before you left the studio, you could have given me some kind of reassurance that you don’t have a stalker! Do you know how worried I was? Of course you wouldn’t! This is the first time that I actually care about someone enough to... to...” He staggered off as he realized what he was doing to Ji Eun. Her chocolate brown eyes were round and her body was shaking in the cold. It was then when he realized that she hadn’t had the chance to retrieve her coat because she went to him first. She was worried about me...

His heart sank. What have I done?She’s just in high school. Here I am, 3 years older, making her freezein the cold. Yoseob felt guilt grip his stomach in an unrelenting grasp. With apologetic eyes, he shrugged off his thick jacket and draped it around Ji Eun’s shivering body and sighed. “I’m sorry…I’m over reacting. I won’t do it again.”

She looked up at him with big eyes and shot him a small smile. “It’s okay; you were just worried about me.” Ji Eun shuddered into the jacket, holding it tighter around her body. It’s warm...and it smells like…like shampoo and sunlight, it smells like Yoseob. Unknowingly she closed her eyes and smiled, engulfed in Yoseob’s scent and presence. This is nice. Although her body was cold but quickly warming up, her heart felt warm.

“Are you still cold?”

Ji Eun looked up to see Yoseob’s soft and caring brown eyes, “I’m fine.” She smiled, “Thank you.”

Yoseob gave her a worried but happy smile back, “Anytime, but let’s go back inside, it’s cold and my jacket isn’t going to cut it.” He put his hand on the small of her back and guided her back into the building.

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ChickenLover #1
Chapter 58: You just highlight the part you want and then click on the colour part. (lol sorry I can't really explain it without showing) Just experiment with hidden chapters.

Ironically I'm listening to Good Day (Jap Vers) - IU xD
LOL~ OMG Ji Eun....... I just.. omg lol I hope Yoseob doesn't take it the wrong way. though~~~ a jealous Yoseob is cute haha
Chapter 57: OMIGOSH YOU UPDATED!!!!!!!!!
You don't know how ecstatic and happy I was when I saw this story updated. I literally rubbed my eyes and blinked like a hundred times. THANK YOU!!!!!
LUNA AND WOOYOUNG! WOOHOOO!!!! (this is so weird because I'm actually a Luna-Onew fan but... Luna and Wooyoung is fine with me too)
Eh wait
/shoves 2PM and f(x) members away from the apartment
ChickenLover #4
Chapter 57: OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG~!!!! Wooyoung!! hahaa can't wait to see what happens next :D
Chapter 56: I upvoted your story because I love it! :) It's one of my faves...
AND! Update please?
Julettums #8
I like Iuseob here. So cute xD

I kind of wished to have some jelly Wooyoung though....like, he kind of grows out of his sibling love and starts feeling different feelings or something. Oh well. It's too late. It's all Luna and Wooyoung. I don't mind...really...