Panicked Yoseob; Sick Ji Eun

Love Squared

Hey guys, i'm backkk! (this is emm) i'm sorry but this is kind of another small chapter, and i'm very sorry to say that we might not be updating that quickly anymore because i'm starting school tomorrow... sigh... but please keep reading, suscribing, commenting, and supporting us! thank you guys soooo much!! We love you!! :DD


“Key, key, key,” Yoseob franticly searched under the doormat for the spare key. Because of his agitation he almost threw the mat in his hurry. “Found it!” he tried to fit the key into the hole. Yoseob tried it this way and that but it wouldn’t go in.

“GO IN GO IN GO IN GO IN!” he almost yelled in frustration before the key finally slipped in and he heard the most beautiful sound in the world, the sound of the key turning and opening the door.

Rushing in, he barely remembered to take of his shoes and to close the door behind him. He had only been to Ji Eun apartment once but had never looked around. Now that he was in, he was annoyed by the number of doors.

He opened the first one, “Ji Eun? Nope.”

The second one, “Ji Eun? Not here!”

Third one, “Ji Eun? WHERE ARE YOU?”


The fifth door was the right one. “JI EUN?? OMG ARE YOU OKAY??” he ran towards her bed and saw her laying there, completely still. Yoseob went into full panic mode and started running around her room.

“SHE’S DEAD! SHE’S DEAD! JI EUN’S DEAD! WHAT AM I GOING TO DO??” He clutched his head while making serious tracks in her soft carpet. “WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO? WAIT I NEED TO SEE IF SHE IS ALIVE!”

Yoseob ran to her bed and lean his ear down to , waiting to hear sounds of breathing over his thumping heart. Then he heard another sweetest sound in the world again, the sound of Ji Eun’s labored breathing.

“SHE’S ALIVE, SHE’S ALIVE AND SHE’S NOT DEAD! NOW WHAT DO I DO? CALL 911! WAIT NO I CAN’T DO THAT, PUBLICITY. I SHOULD CALL JI EUN’S MANAGER!” he grabbed his phone, struggling with his pocket before he unlocked the phone and looked into his phone book. “WAIT, I DON’T HAVE HER MANAGER’S NUMBER! WHY DON’T I HAVE HER MANAGER’S NUMBER?” he slapped his head. “YOSEOB GET HIS NUMBER ASAP!!” He ran around the room again. “WHAT DO I DO? WHAT DO I DO??

He glanced at Ji Eun while running again and noticed that her face was really red. He touched her cheeks. It’s hot! He leaned his forehead on hers. “HOT! SHE HAS A FEVER OF BAJILION DEGREES!” he quickly ran back to the hall of doors.

“Towel? No.”

“Towel? No.”

“Towel? No.”

“WHERE ARE THE FREAKING TOWELS??” he yelled as he ran from door to door searching for towels. “Oh, here it is.”

Yoseob ran to the kitchen he saw before and opened cabinets until he found a deep, large bowl. He quickly filled it up with cold water and ran back to her room careful not to spill any water.

“Ok, I can do this.” Dragging a chair next to her bed, he dunked two towels into the ice cold water. Wincing against the cold water he wrung out one towel and folded it nicely and placed the cold towel on Ji Eun’s forehead. While waiting for her forehead to slowly cool, he tucked the blanket that she kicked away around her. Using one dry towel, he wiped away her sweat. Ji Eun, please get better…

Throughout the night, Yoseob switch the cold towels repeatedly and dabbed her decreasing sweat until her temperature went back to normal. But by that time it was 7am. Yoseob had pulled an all-nighter.

Stifling his yawn, he looked at the clock. 7am…I need to go soon…schedule starts at 9… Unable to contain his second yawn, he walked to the kitchen. I remember that my mom told me how to make this… let’s see if I remember all the steps…

After he was done, cleaned up the mess, and checked to make sure that Ji Eun’s fever didn’t break out again, Yoseob left the apartment for his schedule.


Ji Eun yawned and stretched. She felt a lot better. Puzzled, she slipped out of her bed. That’s weird, I was tucked in. And my fever is gone.

She walked to the kitchen still confused. There she saw a covered bowl on the table and a note. “What the…”

Walking towards the bowls, she took off the covers to reveal food! It was jjuk (soup that Koreans eat when they are sick, good for you.)

“What?” she reached for the note and opened it.


Ji Eun,

      Are you better now? Do you feel okay? I made this jjuk for you! JBut if it doesn’t taste good, you don’t have to eat it. I hope you feel better. I’m sorry I had to go before you woke up but I had schedule… sorry… LI hope I see you later! By the way, if you don’t feel good, skip your schedule and just heal, okay? Feel better!


“Yoseob…” That’s so sweet. But how did he know? She picked up the spoon and tasted the soup. Not bad. She giggled, it taste like something he would make, slightly burnt. Oh well, its fine. Thank you Yoseob.

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ChickenLover #1
Chapter 58: You just highlight the part you want and then click on the colour part. (lol sorry I can't really explain it without showing) Just experiment with hidden chapters.

Ironically I'm listening to Good Day (Jap Vers) - IU xD
LOL~ OMG Ji Eun....... I just.. omg lol I hope Yoseob doesn't take it the wrong way. though~~~ a jealous Yoseob is cute haha
Chapter 57: OMIGOSH YOU UPDATED!!!!!!!!!
You don't know how ecstatic and happy I was when I saw this story updated. I literally rubbed my eyes and blinked like a hundred times. THANK YOU!!!!!
LUNA AND WOOYOUNG! WOOHOOO!!!! (this is so weird because I'm actually a Luna-Onew fan but... Luna and Wooyoung is fine with me too)
Eh wait
/shoves 2PM and f(x) members away from the apartment
ChickenLover #4
Chapter 57: OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG~!!!! Wooyoung!! hahaa can't wait to see what happens next :D
Chapter 56: I upvoted your story because I love it! :) It's one of my faves...
AND! Update please?
Julettums #8
I like Iuseob here. So cute xD

I kind of wished to have some jelly Wooyoung, he kind of grows out of his sibling love and starts feeling different feelings or something. Oh well. It's too late. It's all Luna and Wooyoung. I don't mind...really...