Room Mate


Baekhyun's POV



The tour carries on. It turns out that the South Wing belongs to the students of Class D to Class F while the North Wing is for elite students of Class A to Class C. This institution is also open to people of all ages; depending on the period which the institution was informed that we are superior to normal humans.


They provide everything here. Dorms for us to stay in, nicely-furnished classrooms, and even a town area which sells all kinds of mysterious stuff that we have never imagined before! Most importantly, we don't have to pay any school fees at all! Instead, the school sends a huge amount of money back to our families every month, BUT,  in exchange of our freedoms. None of us is allowed to step out of this school at all, not even making a simple phone call or sending letters back home. However, there is an exception: Honoury Student Award. That student who is able to attain the award will be able to return home for a short span of 2 days. But, to my dismay, I heard that to achieve the award would be quite a feat; not many students were able to fulfil the strict requirements. Excellent grades, perfect conducts and absolutely no breaking of the school rules.



The sun had slipped entirely past the horizon, and i expected the school to be engulfed in darkness by the time the tour has ended. But no, i was wrong. The night sky rippled overhead, the pewter gleam of stars washed out by the brilliant lamp posts scattered all over the campus. It was an entralling sight.


I trudged languidly towards the direction of the dorms while clutching onto a small yellow card in my right hand. "Room 265.. 265." I mumbled to myself as i walked down the long and wide corridors of the dorm. Doors were set an intervals along the corridor, all of them closed tight. Glass lamps blown into shapes of roses hung beside each door, and the air smelled like lemon-flavored perfume. There were at least 40 rooms on each level.


At last, i stopped in front of an arch-shaped wooden door, an acrylic plate with the number '265' was nailed right above the doorhole. The door was ornate neary carved wood, patterns of roses and rayed suns.


I reached for the door handle and jerked at it. The door didn't budge and stayed firmly shut. Eh?! Am i supposed to sleep in the corridor if i can't open it? I panicked slightly and used more force to pull at the handle.


A familiar voice roared from the other side of the door. Someone is inside. "Stop making such a ruckus outside, for goodness sake! You can just step right through the door if you really belong to this room!"


Carefully, I edged my right feet towards the door and it went straight through the solid surface! Wow this is incredulous! I laughed to myself unknowingly out of triumph. I laid my inserted feet down onto the ground; the wooden flooring squeaked a little under my weight. I flung my entire body towards the door with my eyes shut and i was inside!


I slowly peeled my eyelids open.


In the center of the room was a magnificent desk. It was carved from a single slab of wood, a great, heavy piece of oak that gleamed with the dull shine of years. Next to it was a double-decker bed with its gray coverlet and flat pillows unmade, the top of the bureau covered in loose change. The room was considerably large for two person. The floor was polished wood, inlaid with chips of glass and marble and bits of semiprecious stone. That's when i noticed my new roommate leaning against the brick wall, staring back at me with an amused look on his face. He was dressed in a light-blue pocka-dot pajama, with a cup of hot beverage in his hand. It was Chen.


"Hey it's you, Baekhun-sshi! By the way, thanks for the performance you put up for me just now! You know... inserting one foot through the door and laughing to yourself. It was really entertaining!"


"Thanks, and you're welcome." I grumbled. "Oh, and the name's BaekHYUN."


Chen raised an eyebrow. "It sounds the same to me though." He settled the dark-slate grey cup onto the oak table, walked towards me and slung an arm over my shoulders. "I hadn't had a roommate for ages since the previous one left!" He half-dragged me towards the double-decker bed and pushed my shoulders down, forcing me to sit on the lower bunk of the bed. Chen himself then climbed onto the upper deck, poked his head out and looked at me upside-down with his doe eyes. "How do you find this school so far?"


"Incredible!" I mused and held out a thumbs-up sign at him. "Especially that door! So, i'm guessing that only you and me can enter this room?"


He wagged a finger at me and shook his head. "Not really! The door handle is there for a reason. It can only be opened from the inside. Therefore, if anyone else other than you and me wants to enter, either one of us have to be inside and open the door for them. Also, if you have noticed, there are no windows in here so no even an ant can invade this room! Extremely high security!"


"I see... I'm sure there are at least one student in this academy that can... you know, walk through walls? So are they able to infiltrate the rooms?"


"Definitely not! You see, all the rooms in these dorms, and even the entire academy, are protected by an invisible safety barrier. It cannot be penetrated by any means, regardless how strong and destructive your power is. There is nothing to worry about; the shield have safeguarded the institution for as long as i know; no one is able to disintegrate the protective shield." Chen said and he let out a yawn. "Let's leave any more questions till tomorrow, yeah? I'm totally worn out, thanks to the three musketeers from earlier on."


I nodded my head, completely understanding how he felt at the moment. "Goodnight hyung!" I killed the lights,went back to the bed and made myself comfortable under the soft and comfy sheets. Drowsiness took over me and i drifted off to dreamland.




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Hi everyone! I have changed the story title from 'E.X.O Academy' to 'Delirium'! Just a notice to all of you!(:


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hyerin_park #1
I really like this story~! ^0^
hyerin_park #2
Chapter 2: Somehow similar to Gakuen Alice.
Update more please~ ^^
yourdearoonoon #3
Very good!!!
AhSongyi #4
Chapter 1: Hmm..It's good! ^^
AhSongyi #5
Good luck for the upcoming chapters~ ^^
opparisgay #6
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^