New Friend


Baekhyun's POV

"This batch of first years are much more accomplished and powerful than i orginally thought." Ms Baem smiled crookedly, her eyes glinting with a sly humour. "Your seniors will tour each class around the entire academy, and also at the same time, inform all of you about the do's and don'ts in this school." she finished her sentence with a minacious hiss, sending shivers down my spine. I guess discipline masters has always been this scary.


The said people rose up from their positions and i trailed behind the senior who was supposed to lead the freshmen of Class F. He was a thoughtful-looking young man dressed handsomely in the school uniform, and his eyes bore the telltale traces of laugh lines at the corners. "Hey freshies! i will be your tour guide for the day, except that i don't expect any allowance or salary to be paid to me!" he started humorously, earning a few chuckles from us. "My name is Chen, a.k.a Kim Jongdae and i wield the power of lightning. Throughout the tour, all 25 of you are expected to stick to the group as i won't tolerate any lost kittens in some corners of the school and then expect me to save your sorry asses afterwards, get it?" he switched his joking expression into a solemn one in a split of a second. We nodded our head submissively. Is he bipolar by any chance?


We breezed through some flight of stairs, hallways and classrooms. I must say that this school is VERY rich. All the tables, chairs, cupboards and even the trashcan was manufactured from top-grade materials - that's what i heard from Chen. But anyone who is here can deduce the amount of money spent on the furniture alone, not to mention that the taps in the toilet are made of pure gold too! (I noticed that when i went to answer nature's call just now!)


Glamorous, antique lamps decorated the hazel walls along the hallways, the floor was sprawled across with red carpet and faint light spilled throught the tinted windows. It was a close-concept.


"Okay we have reached the South Wing of E.X.O Academy. Feel free to take a look around the classrooms and function rooms. Meet right back at this spot after 10 minutes. You can go for toilet break but no loitering around too far away!" Chen boomed so loudly that i was starting to wonder if he was a commander in his past life. The group dispersed momentarily.


I strolled up to Chen and tapped him lightly on the shoulders, who had planted his hands on his hips and sending death glares to some mischievious students fooling around without knowing their place in front of the controlling senior. "WHAT?!" he jerked his head around at such lightning speed that made me recoil in surprise. "I-i have a liiiiiiiitle question to ask." i stammered a little.


"Shoot away."


"Why is our school called E.X.O Academy? Is there any meaning to it?" i asked inquisitively. There was an intent look on Chen's face. "Hmm.. Good question. According to what i have heard from my seniors: if you look down from the top of the school, you can see that it actually looks like a hexagon. And if you combine the word.O together, it forms the shape of a hexagon. Interesting, isn't it?"


"Yes, it is." I never knew that these three words can actually cast a shape out like that.


"Then what about-" I was about to inquire about the exquisite fountain crafted into a shape of a mermaid right beside me and Chen when the walls alongside us broke apart! A piano went sailing through the air and crash-landed right onto the mermaid fountain, sending water spills everywhere! Sadly, what's left of the mermaid was its scaly tail, sticking out pathetically under the weight of the piano.


The students freaked out and some started screaming their lungs out. Water was everywhere, broken concrete pieces of the walls and fountain were spewed all over the carpet flooring. It was utter chaos.


A few of us, including me and Chen, hurried towards the gaping hole at which the piano travelled through with. There stood the three culprits who was staring back at us cockily, as if they have done nothing wrong. They were in school uniforms, so i guess they are not freshmen like us. The one standing at the front, who was also in the middle of the trio, had a smug look on his face and his arms were folded across his chest. He was tall, with pale skin and dark half-moons were evident under his eyes. The other two were like duplicates of each other, totally indistinguishable. They sported tangled blonde hair, baby-faced and their tawny eyes glittered like chips of amber.


I half-expected Chen to lash out at the arrogant trio, but he didn't. Instead, he dropped his tone and started whispering to me. "The guy with the dark circles and has the most frightening aura; his name is Tao. He owns the most dangerous and destructive power among the students and none of us dared to go against him."


I cupped my hand over my mouth partially and i whispered back into his ear. "No wonder they can act like some jerks and destroy the school as they liked."


Just then, one of the blonde twins' ears perked up and pointed a threatening finger straight at me. "You, the one in black! What did you just call us?" His expression glittered like poisonous water and there was a creepy look embedded in his tawny eyes.


"His name is Sehan and he has supersonic hearing. Not even a pin drop can escape his ears even from miles away. The other twin brother, Luhan, wields the power of telekinesis. No one can tell them apart except when they triggered their powers." Chen explained.


"You are absolutely right, lightning boy." Sehan smirked, as he rested his arm lightly on the shoulder blade of his twin brother. Then Tao spoke up. "We just passed by to check on the inferior and miserable-looking Class F. Turns out that they are just as miserable as they look!" He cackled like an evil witch, causing all of us to slit our eyes at him.


To our surprise, a courageous and sharp voice spoke up. "Just what is wrong with you guys? Who gave you the right to look down on us just because you guys hail from a better class?!"


It was a young lady somewhat my age, long jet-black hair wound into two thick braids that fell past her waist, and she was frowning so hard that her eyebrows were almost meeting each other in the center.


Rage flared in Tao's aggressive eyes. He was about to retort harshly back at the audacious girl who spoke against him when a teacher butted in. "Tao, Luhan and Sehan. I order all of you to proceed to 'The Healing' right this moment!"


Tao shot a threatening look at me and the girl before slotting his hands suavely into his pants pocket and trotted off with the obnoxious twins. "What does 'The Healing' do anyway?" I questioned Chen once again. "It's a really special yet perculiar room. You will not be able to use your powers once you're inside; it's something like a detention room. The three of them frequent that room like it's a play room for them. As for the name, it was said to be able to heal your 'tormented' souls inside. Seems ridiculous to me though." Chen said before rushing off to clear the mess that the trio had created.


The crowd slowly dispersed. My gaze was fixated on a particular person staring into space situated quite a few meters away from me. It was the girl from earlier on. I took big strides towards her and stopped right in front of her. "You were really brave just now." I complimented. She roused out of her reverie and snapped her head in my direction.


She shrugged her shoulders. "It was nothing, really. I was just stating out the fact."


I smiled lightly. "But i think you really did a great job of telling them off straight in their faces! And you sort of helped me out just now." I held out my free hand. "My name is Baekhyun. You?"


She extended her arm and reached for my outstretched palm. "Alice."




A/N: Sehan is just a character I came up myself to fit the story! So imagine that there are two Luhans, as in the twins haha!(:


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Hi everyone! I have changed the story title from 'E.X.O Academy' to 'Delirium'! Just a notice to all of you!(:


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hyerin_park #1
I really like this story~! ^0^
hyerin_park #2
Chapter 2: Somehow similar to Gakuen Alice.
Update more please~ ^^
yourdearoonoon #3
Very good!!!
AhSongyi #4
Chapter 1: Hmm..It's good! ^^
AhSongyi #5
Good luck for the upcoming chapters~ ^^
opparisgay #6
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^