Lavender Letter


Baekhyun's POV

"Baekhyun dear! Would you mind retrieving the mail for me? I am really busy at the moment!" my mum hollered from the kitchen and it was followed by a series of clanking and clattering noises of pots and pans. I can totally picture the solemn expression plastered on that entrancing face of hers as she tried to flip the fried egg over professionally, just like a highly-skilled chef at a five-star restaurant.


"Alright mum!" I murmmered with my face buried in between the pages of the Naruto comic book that i am currently reading. My voice was really soft and muffled, but my mother's bat-like ear managed to pick it up somehow.


"Thanks! Your help would be greatly appreciated!" replied my mother's enthusiatic voice. She has always been this sunny and optimistic person that I knew ever since she 'popped' me out into this world. I wish i was half as cheerful as she is; it's not that I'm a dull and boring person, I am someone who likes to joke and clown around and have dozens of friends(I am not exaggerating!), but still not as upbeat as her all the time.


I hauled my lethargic and heavy body off the couch that I was occupying and grabbed a random pen from the dining table to bookmark the page of my comic book that I had last browsed until before setting it back on the couch. I then dragged my indolent self towards the big wooden door and twisted the squeaky knob while i cringed slightly due to the ear-splitting sound that it has just produced. The door creaked open and i was greeted by the run-of-the-mill scenery and sighed deeply.


Just another boring old Sunday. I trudged towards the red rusty mailbox standing right beside the newly-painted gates and pushed the oxidized latch of the mailbox to the side, causing the cover to drop open and reveal its contents. I extracted the letters carelessly and accidentally dropped the last one onto the soft grass patch beneath my legs. I bent down reluctantly and glanced at it. It was lavender in colour and my name was printed neatly on it. I noticed that there were no stamps or return address imprinted on it, which symbolizes that this letter was delivered by hand.


Wow! It might just be my secret admirer! I snickered to myself and secured the rest of the dispatch under my armpit before attempting to peel off the bright red wax seal, with the word.O engraved skillfully on it. What doe.O means anyway? I pondered for a moment and proceeded to read its contents.


It was a peculiar-looking postcard which took the shape of a hexagon. The image on the front had completely captivated my attention. It was an illustration of a prestigious and eminent school, clearly showcasing an undisputed and high-ranking feel to it. It appears that it was categorised into three different sectors, and a huge grandfather clock with a pendulum encased beyond the shining glass casing stood tall at the top of the middle building. The walls were coated with a layer of hazel-brown painting which brings out the sophiscated aura of the school perfectly.


I flipped the postcard over to the back and squinted my eyes at the tiny text.


Congratulations Mr Byun Baekhyun! You have been accepted into E.X.O Academy! Our institution has learnt about your ability to manipulate light and we will provide you with full-scale training on how to make use and elevate the usability of your powers to the best extent. Food, lodging and other basic necessities will be provided. You can just refer to the red dot and arrow for directions below this text to locate our school. We hope to hear from you soon!

P.S. This letter is highly confidential and will ONLY be visible to you.


Sure enough, there was a blinking red dot and a blue arrow pointing towards the North direction. Wow this is so cool. Is it a GPS?! I eyed every corner of this mysterious letter but was unable to find any wires nor batteries conjoined. Curiosity killed the cat and I was determined to enrol in this academy.




And so, I found myself in awe as I stood outside E.X.O Academy. It was simply marvelous! Its altitudinous brick walls stretched across the horizons endlessly and the colossal black gates complemented them magnificently! However, that was all that i could see. The towering walls surrounding the school prevented me from even catching a glimpse of the high-rise buildings of the institution depicted in the postcard. I spotted two robust and burly men guarding at the two ends of the gates. They were clothed in smart and exquisite-looking tuxedos, accompanied with dark shades perched nicely on the bridges of their noses.


I approached the closer one out of the two and handed out the postcard in my hand timidly, evidently intimidated by his brawny appearance. He whipped his head towards my direction and yanked the card away from me impentuously. I am quite sure he did not do it on purpose; the muscles on his arms were bulging and prominent even under the layers of thick clothing he was wearing. He reminds me of the korean star with the distinct mosquito voice, Kim Jong Kook.


The burly man pulled out a strange object from his side pocket and it radiated a ray of violet light onto the back of the postcard. After scanning meticulously it for a minute or so, he nodded his head approvingly before returning the card back to its rightful owner. With a wave of his hand, the gates parted open!


"Daebak!" I mused aloud, completely blown away by his ability to do so. I then bowed politely to him before taking my very first step into the premises of the academy. My eyes closed instinctively as i inhaled the fresh and crisp air.


It's going to be a really exciting journey ahead, I am sure of that!



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Hi everyone! I have changed the story title from 'E.X.O Academy' to 'Delirium'! Just a notice to all of you!(:


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hyerin_park #1
I really like this story~! ^0^
hyerin_park #2
Chapter 2: Somehow similar to Gakuen Alice.
Update more please~ ^^
yourdearoonoon #3
Very good!!!
AhSongyi #4
Chapter 1: Hmm..It's good! ^^
AhSongyi #5
Good luck for the upcoming chapters~ ^^
opparisgay #6
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^