Christmas special double update

You Got Me

This chapter has a link to a danish track but I tried to translate it to english. It is a song which pretty much embodies Alex's life and it is so emotional. I hope it can come across to you despite the language barrier.





YongGuk stops instantly and looks up seeing Alex smirking at him from the door. She quickly greets Zelo who then leaves and closes the door behind him.

“Mama!” Both boys exclaims and jumps to the floor and runs over to her. She picks them both up and kisses their little faces “I wasn’t gone that long” she laughs as the boys cling to her and repeats mama over and over again.

“You were gone a lot longer than you said” YongGuk sounds just a bit accusing and he stands up slowly “We missed you”

“I heard” Alex smiles at Yongho who is sighing like his dad normally do when he hugs Alex after she has been gone “He reminds me of you more and more every day” Alex kisses the boys head and then looks at Namsok who is telling her all sorts of things she can’t understand “Dada cry mub me say no cry!” Namsok finally gets out a sentence that is somewhat easy to understand and Alex smiles widely at him “You told daddy not to cry? You are such a good boy” at this Namsok nods like it should be obvious and Alex laughs and gives his cheek a kiss “I’m gonna say hi to daddy now” she tries to put the twins down but Yongho is holding on “Yonggie let mommy go” Alex says but Yongho hides his face in her neck and refuses.

“Jepp!” Namsok yells a little awkwardly and stops his foot “No!” the stomping almost makes him trip but he manages to stay standing

Yongho looks at his twin and then lets go and the two walks towards the door. Alex opens it for them and watches them leave with a rather stunned look on her face “They learn too fast” she chuckles but then gets pulls into YongGuk’s arms before she can really do anything “I misses you” he mutters and breathes her in while holding her tight. Alex smiles and moves her arms around him as well “Sorry Guk. I didn’t mean to take so long”

He looks her in the eyes and then smiles and nods “I know. I’m just being overly needy”

“No you aren’t” Alex gives him a quick kiss and then hovers her lips in front of his “You are being absolutely perfect and I love you so much”

“Yea?” YongGuk’s smile widens and he looks at her with as much love as a year ago. It doesn’t matter how long they have been together or how much they go through he simply loves her from the bottom of his heart. “Yes” Alex nods and kisses him again “I don’t know if I can ever explain to you how much I love you”

“It’s okay” YongGuk rests his forehead against hers and closes his eyes “As long as you always come home”

“I’m home” Alex whispers and closes her eyes as well “I promise”

“Ey are you two gonna stay in here all evening?” G.O.’s chuckle sounds by the door “You are the host for tonight remember”

“Coming” Alex grins and takes a good hold of YongGuk’s hand before they head out to the rest. Seungho has shown up and is currently very occupied with talking to his little baby girl.

“Soo, you promised to bring your girlfriend” Alex sends her best friend a scowl but SooHyun shrugs and smirks “She was a little intimidated about coming seeing the only other females here would be Ayaka, Dara and well… you”

“You didn’t tell me to bring my girlfriend!” DooJoon complains and frowns

“You got a girlfriend?” Kiseop looks at him and frowns

“No Alex scared her away but I’d like to have had the option” DooJoon whines and crosses his arms “I don’t get what your problems with the last one was”

“She was not good enough” Alex simply states and leans against YongGuk who chuckles at her. DooJoon has had two girlfriends in the last year and Alex scared them both of pretty badly. She did not like them at all and DooJoon just kind of accepted that if Alex didn’t approve he wasn’t even gonna try, hasn’t stopped him from wining about it afterwards though. SooHyun found a girlfriend just a few months ago and Alex approved but she is still keeping an eye on her which is more likely the reason SooHyun didn’t bring her. Alex looks after her friends and only the best is good enough for them.

“Alex…” Seungho gestures at Alex who nods and gathers everyone around her. “I want to thank you all for coming today, it really means a lot to me that I get to spend this day with the people who means the world to me” She looks around at all the faces and smiles “It’s been crazy through these last years and I know your lives would have been a lot simpler if I hadn’t turned up but you can blame Seungho for that”

A few chuckles sound here and there and Seungho sends Alex a big smile while he the back of his wife.

“There have been many ups and downs and sometimes it has been very hard” Alex continues and looks at YongGuk “Lots of tears…”

“Why you look at me when saying that?” YongGuk frowns but it only makes the others laugh again and Alex gives him a hug which quickly puts a smile on his face again.

“I don’t think I’ll ever be able to fully express how much you all mean to me” Alex looks around again with a soft smile on her face “But I want to try and since today is a day to spend with those I love I see no better day to do this”

There are some semi confused looks here and there and YongGuk is looking slightly confused as well. Alex never told him that was the reason to gathering everyone.

 When Seungho walks over to the piano and sits down it all becomes a little more strange and YongGuk tightens his holds slightly onto Alex as if asking what is going on. “Sorry I was late” Alex turns fully to YongGuk and smiles at him “But I wanted to be sure I could do this right and in this group of people this is the only way to do this”

YongGuk frowns confused still not getting what she means

“I love you” Alex gives him a kiss and then frees herself from him before she walks over to Seungho who gives her a smile. Everyone else just kind of turns towards them silently and YongGuk steps closer and watches confused as Alex turns back towards all of them. She nods at Seungho and he hits the first key on the piano. Alex sends YongGuk another smile and then she opens and sings for the first time in a long time. The last time she was singing for real in front of YongGuk she was dressed like a guy and did it to win a bottle of booze and ended up being carried home on YongGuk’s back which for him was really the beginning of his love for her.

Nothing happens without a reason
Someone told me when I was young
I’ve tried everything
And every time I fell I got up again
I can show you on my body and on my soul
I’ve tried everything
I’ve tried everything
Like a verse that found it’s song
Am I standing here and even though the road was long
I’ve come home
I’ve come home
There is nothing luring me back
Out of this moment, this hour, this day
Cause I’ve landed here
And I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be
Am figuring out the human that I am
I’m not afraid to fail anymore
If you’re alive that’s what happens
Like a verse that found it’s song
Am I standing here and even though the road was long
I’ve come home
Like a verse that found it’s song
Am I standing here and even though the road was long
I’ve come home
I’ve come home
Ohhh oh oh ohhhh oh oh ohhh oh oh oh oh
I’ve come home
I’ve come home

When the last word leaves Alex’s mouth and the piano goes quiet YongGuk doesn’t hesitate for even a second before he walks over and pulls Alex to him letting his tears fall freely down his cheeks. Alex is a bit emotional as well and closes her eyes tight while she clings to YongGuk. She has been wanting to do something to show not only YongGuk but everyone how much they mean to her and also to kind of express that she feels centered finally. She is happy and for the first time since she came to exist she has gone a year without almost ruining herself and her life and she knows these people are the reasons for that. She talked with Seungho about and it was his idea to write a song. He thought that considering the company it would really be a great gift and they have worked on it for months. Alex is not a singer, she isn’t tone deaf  but she is not a singer and Seungho had to help her out with this quite a bit but she wanted to do it and like everything else she sets her mind to she did it.

“I love you so much” Alex whispers and feels YongGuk’s hold on her tightening. She opens her eyes and looks around at the others who are all smiling back at her with. HimChan looks like he is ready to break down and is holding on tight to Kiseop while DooJoon is looking down and SooHyun just smiles and wipes his cheeks quickly. Seungho quickly heads back to Ayaka and the sleeping baby girl and gives his emotional wife a soothing hug.

“Mama?” the twin boys waddle over to their parents and tugs on their pants.  Alex and YongGuk parts a little and looks down at them. “Dada no cry!” Namsok scolds and YongGuk lets out a soft laugh “When it’s from happiness daddy is allowed to cry” he crouches down and picks the big boy up while Alex picks up the youngest and the little family gathers. Yongho hugs Alex’s neck while Namsok is trying to remove the tears from his dad’s cheek but it ends up being more like just patting him on the face. YongGuk moves his free arm around Alex and she turns around to the rest of the people in the room “I guess I just want to say thank you all for sticking with me no matter how big a pain I have been and how much I have messed up” she looks over at SooHyun who smiles a little bigger when their eyes meet “Honey what would I have done if you hadn’t forced me to tell you I wasn’t alright?” She turns to DooJoon who bites his lip but keeps looking dry eyed… barely “DooJoon my friend…”

“Don’t” he cuts her off and sighs “You got me off a murder charge and my ex tried to kill you… you don’t have to say anything, I’ll always be here” he gives her a sly smile and then looks down. Alex nods and looks on to MBLAQ “Without you guys I wouldn’t even have come to Korea and you always looked after me. It feels like ages since I lived with you guys but I’ll never forget how much fun it was”

“You are always welcome if that one becomes too annoying” G.O. smirks at YongGuk who pulls Alex a little tighter and gives her a kiss on the cheek. “No!” Namsok points at G.O. and then leans against YongGuk “My dada mama” he smiles sweetly and everyone lets out a little laugh.

“Off course the boys will be as possessive as their parents” YoungJae smirks with his arms crossed

Alex then looks over at B.A.P and Kiseop who is holding a very emotional HimChan. “I know I stole away your leader” Alex starts and sends them a smirk “I’m not sorry about that” she adds and everyone lets out a laugh. “Zelo I still remember when you followed me around all day”

“It was a great day” Zelo says and smiles at her.

Alex nods and smiles back at him “You’ve all been great and you help taking care of our little angels”

“Aish just stop it” HimChan scowls slightly at her “You know we love you and I wouldn’t have my Kiseop if it weren’t for you so just stop before I start crying”

“No cry” Yongho mumbles without really seeming to realize he is saying it. He looks a little confused when everyone laughs at him but a kiss from his mom makes everything better and he sighs happily and leans against Alex.

Seungho then takes the word and Alex and YongGuk turns towards him. “I think we can all agree that the road to getting here was… it got us to here and I can’t wish anything was different”

“From here we look ahead” G.O. says and nods “People are getting families and kids and… I for one will love to watch Alex and YongGuk try to control a pair of mini versions of themselves. Maybe Alex will find out how bothersome she was” he winks at Alex who laughs but YongGuk frowns worried “I’m gonna die of worry if I have to worry about all three” this makes everyone laugh again and Alex gives her husband a kiss on the cheek “Don’t worry. I’ll keep them in check”

“We should have some champagne right now” Sandara exclaims happily “It feels like we should drink to this. You know… those who are more than 2 years old” she smirks over at Ayaka and then the twins. Fujiwara nudges her side and makes her look back at him “You are forgetting something aren’t you?” he smirks at her. Her eyes widen and a rosen color spreads on her cheek “Holy…” she quickly covers and stares at Fujiwara “I forgot!” she moves her hand and holds onto Fujiwara while grinning big “Sorry no alcohol for me”

Now everyone turns and looks at Sandara and Cheondung takes a step forwards “What do you mean you aren’t drinking alcohol?”

Alex lets out a laugh and leans against YongGuk “I think you’ll have to cut back on Fuji’s hours Guk”

YongGuk nods and smirks over at Fujiwara who smiles and places a hand on Sandara’s stomach. “What?” Cheondung’s eyes goes huge and he walks over in front of his big sister “You… seriously?”

Sandara nods excited and despite the complete shock Cheondung hugs and and the Fujiwara telling him he better do his sister right.

“Don’t worry” YongGuk laughs “Alex and I will make sure he will”

Everyone starts congratulating and soon the chatting has returned and the room is filled with laughs and happy voices. The twin boys are playing around again and YongGuk pulls Alex aside and holds her to him “Was that why you took so long to get home?”

“Yes” Alex nods and looks him in the eyes “Did I make a fool of myself?”

“No” YongGuk shakes his head and leans his forehead against hers “Welcome home love”







Merry Christmas again xD xD I could so easily be ending the story here as you can see and well I'm considering it but there will at least be one more chapter.. It is just a very natural place to end the story now but if I do it right here I know I'll be wanting to write about them all again so... yea... Don't you just love the twins??? So adorable and I hope the song had the same effect on you as it had on me..

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You got me is done... The story of Alex is over... for good. It's been more than 2 years since she first appeared in my head. I miss her already


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user555 #1
Chapter 63: yep I cried, such an amazing ending! thank you much for the adventure, ive grown quite attached :( alex and yongguk forever! THANK YOU
Chapter 63: Damn it! You made me cry towards the end ;_______;

I'm sooo gonna miss you updating this story :(
Thank you for writing it though :3 I'm coming back to read it from the beginning, that's for sure ^^
user555 #3
Chapter 61: I really enjoy this story and have been followering her ages! I understand what you mean about your attachment aswell hahaga I think you wrote this story perfectly well so no regrets there either :) I'll be sad to see it end but thank you for even writing it
Chapter 59: The title fit with the chapter, which I really like also :3 It was kinda intense and I liked it ^^
Chapter 58: That son of a b* of a CIA Agent! Was it really damn necessary to do this to Alex, I mean really?! >.<
user555 #6
Chapter 56: Lovely update, alex is so thoughtful now haha. thanks!
user555 #7
Hello! How have you been? Ive missed you and the story hahahaha go alex!!
user555 #8
Chapter 53: AW THIS STORY IS COMING TO AN END! at least its mostly peaceful now :) how have you been author? i dont want you to think anyone forgot about this story okay!!! eheheh happy new year as well, although a bit late :S
Chapter 53: Finally caught up!! Omg this chapter was so good..cant even explain it.
user555 #10
Chapter 53: Omg these were sooo sweet! A beautiful wrapping up aw everything's so different hahaha thanks and merry christmas!