The Fashionista and His Model: Laundry Service Pt. 2


Key is a student studying to be a fashion designer. One of his final projects is to design an outfit entirely from scratch based on their model's look. They day his class picks their model's is the day he meets Jonghyun, a song-writer and musician, who model's for extra cash on the side. 

The real surprise comes when Jonghyun suggests a change in the course plan; letting the models pick their designers. 



Rated M for language and possible ^.^


This is a sequel/spin off thingy to "Laundy Service," only with a JongKey twist! I hope it doesn't for my first time writing JongKey. Please wish me luck! I hope you enjoy!

Thanks Again to all of my subs, friends, and readers!



I began walking faster, seeing my building approach. Today we are picking our models for our final projects. Create an entirely new look and design based on your model's characteristics.


“Umm, professor?”


“Ah yes Mr. Kim?” She was slightly taken aback by the boy’s loudness.


“What-what if the models choose their designers?” The students went into shock as the professor widened her eyes in astonishment.


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Chapter 4: So romantic and very beautiful~~you make me miss jongkey very much...;-; ( Is it weird that i read this one first?)
miharujk #2
Chapter 4: OMG Why would you think this ???
It's perfect! You should definetely write more JongKey ^o^
Chapter 4: OMFG THIS!!!
Oh my god .. That ending .. That chapter .. Just ... Oooh my god
It was perfect in every way ;u;
Chapter 4: DEAR GOD NO!!!! Don't you DARE say this !!! >< It's my favorite JongKey ever! I feel like you hit their personalities dead on! Key the fashonista diva who is really timid and shy beneath it, and Jjong the protective puppysaurus who would do anything for the love of his's too perfect! Please say there will be more of this!! <3
Ayoi_kpop-fangirl #5
Chapter 4: Ooooooohhh it is finished D':
i love this story ^^
It is a perfect last chapter
so fluffy and sweet
ahhhhhhhhhh how jonghyun waited for key and just...... cutness overload
thank you so much for this wonderfull story
~fighting! ^^
Chapter 3: ahh, your crazy!!!
that is SHOOO CUTE><
Chapter 2: Awe, I love the story already ^^ It's an adorable piece.
I'll wait for the next update, take ur time :))!
Chapter 1: Wow I love this please continue! You are an amazing writer!!!
shiningdorks #9
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^
Kyumin #10
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^