Always By Your Side

Always By Your Side (ONE SHOT)

"Oh no, dear, I don't think that'll be very flattering on you. Why don't you try this one on, instead?" Kyuhyun's mother advised, pulling a somewhat lacy dress off of the rack and showing it to Sungmin.

He smiled, acknowledging her wisdom. Kyuhyun's parents had always liked him, and, to his surprise, had even agreed to the marriage quickly. his mom had even offered to help him choose his wedding dress.

She'll be my mother-in-law soon, Sungmin thought, his heart fluttering. He took the dress from her gratefully, and went to the saleswoman to try it on.

The young lady smiled at him as both Sungmin and Kyuhyun's mother approached, but Sungmin saw her eyes darken a little. She seemed to pointedly turn from him, to the woman at his side. 

"Are you celebrating your wedding anniversary, madam?" she asked, warmly.

Mrs. Cho seemed taken aback. "Me? No, my anniversary is not for a while. We're here for my son-in-law's dress. Right, Sungmin-ah?"

Sungmin looked sheepishly at the ground, suddenly sensing that maybe this was a bad idea. He could practically feel the girl staring at him.

"Do you think this is his style, Miss?" Kyuhyun's mom asked before Sungmin could say anything.

"Well, I-uh..." the girl stammered, her eyes on Sungmin. She looked him up and down, pursing her lips. "Oh, well, I suppose I can't refuse a paying customer. And I do have to admit, you have a surprising figure."

"Isn't he lovely?" Mrs. Cho cooed, clapping her hands together. "Well, don't be shy, Sungmin-ah, go try it on! I'll wait right here."

The girl pursed her lips even tighter. "I'll have to call two of my co-workers over. They'll know how to handle this better than I would." Sungmin nodded, waiting as she disappeared through the store.

Soon, from the direction she had disappeared, came two teenagers, one boy, one girl. They bowed to Mrs. Cho, then took Sungmin by the arm into the large dressing room. Once they were safely behind the curtain, the girl turned to him, teary-eyed. "We knew this day would come!" she cried, in a forced whisper.

Sungmin started, backing against the wall. "What do you mean?"

The boy and girl both, very carefully, checking to make sure that no one was looking (slightly ridiculous, since they were in a dressing room, and no one could see them), pulled back their suit sleeves so he could see the sapphire blue bracelets on their wrists. He wondered what the secrecy was for, then realized that it was probably because they were supposed to act professionally.

"We're ELF," the girl explained, "and this is... I can't even express it. But we'll help you pick the perfect dress, I promise!"


Kyuhyun looked impatiently at his watch. What could possibly be taking Sungmin so long to find a dress? Probably his mother. He never should have agreed to let her go with Sungmin. As much as he loved the woman, she could be very picky when it came to shopping. Maybe he should have asked Ah Ra to go instead.

He, himself, had taken almost no time at all to find his tuxedo with Siwon, and had been hanging out with the other members in one of their favorite bars. It was his bachelor party, actually, with some of his other good friends there, like Changmin, Minho, CNBlue's Jonghyun, Minhyuk, and Yonghwa, but he just wasn't seeming to have any fun without his cute bunny there.

And soon, very soon, that cute bunny would be his. The thought made him repress evil peals of laughter. Mine. ALL mine! he thought, elatedly. He could almost feel himself floating.

Kyuhyun looked at the laughing multitude of guys around him, and was reminded of when he and Sungmin had told them that they wanted to get married. He'd expected them to be incredulous-- disgusted, even-- but they'd instead congratulated them for finally making that decision. Apparently they weren't in the least surprised. It had made him happy. One less hurtle to jump over. And there had been plenty. He was just happy that most of the arrangements had already been made, and the day was fast approaching, despite all of the obstacles they'd had to face. But it would be okay. He knew it would be. Of course, if Sungmin's perfect wedding was somehow ruined, he would hate himself for the rest of his life.


"Aaaaand... there! You're all laced up, Sungmin-oppa!" The girl called, wiping her brow. The two had been a good team, the boy helping him into a dress, the girl coming in for the final touches. "Gloves!" She nudged her companion, who held out a pair of long white velvet gloves. While Sungmin pulled them on, the boy disappeared out of the dressing room, and the girl stepped back to survey her work. "This one's definitely the best one," she remarked proudly.

It was the third dress he'd tried on, and the first she'd been even remotely satisfied with. The rest she had disregarded because he was "too pretty for them".

Finally, she nodded. "This is the one, I think, Oppa. Now, when my co-worker comes back with your shoes, we can step out and show your mother-in-law... Ah! Here he is," she remarked as the boy returned with three boxes of shoes, that he carefully opened up and laid at his feet.

"You had high heels in my size?" Sungmin gaped, stunned.

"We special-ordered them, just in case you decided to grace our bridal store with our presence," the girl explained.

Sungmin laughed as the boy slid the shoes on his feet. Perfect fit, like magic. The ELF would never cease to amaze him.

"You're like Cinderella," the girl commented.

"But that's Heechul." the boy argued.

She waved the correction away impatiently. "Okay, let's go out and show your mother-in-law!"

She yanked the curtain back, revealing him to Kyuhyun's mother, who had been waiting quite patiently.

She stood up immediately as he came out. "Oh, Sungmin, you're beautiful! I don't care if you're a boy or a girl, if you can make yourself this beautiful for my son, it doesn't matter!"


Kyuhyun laughed a little at Ryeowook's expense, after his only-barely-hyung had bragged about still being a bachelor, and Kyuhyun had retaliated by saying that nobody wanted to marry him because they thought he was a cute puppy. 

Kyuhyun looked up, though, when Sungmin entered the room, his cheeks flushed. Just the sight of him made Kyuhyun nervous for the wedding, and it was still a couple weeks away.

The guys made room for Sungmin next to Kyuhyun, and when Sungmin sat down, Kyuhyun put his arm around Sungmin's shoulders protectively, daring ayone to take him away from him. 

Donghae saw this and groaned. "Aish! They're going to make me sick! Hyukjae, help me!" He buried his head in Eunhyuk's shoulder, and Eunhyuk hugged him sympathetically, patting his back.

Kyuhyun felt Sungmin lean against him and laugh.

"What took you so long to find a dress?!" Kyuhyun exclaimed, now that he had his cute bunny in his arms. "Did anyone harass you? Make things difficult for you? You know, all you have to do is mention my father's name, and since my mother was there-"

"It was fine, Kyu," Sungmin laughed, "I had a little bit of difficulty at first, but then the people helping me were really nice. they even gave me the shoes and gloves for free, because they wanted to take a picture with me in my wedding dress."

"Really? Can I see the picture?"

"Yah! Kyuhyun-ah, are you stupid?!" Heechul yeled, "He can't show you his wedding dress! It's bad luck!"

"Oh right, I forgot."

"Anyway, they were very helpful. I invited them to the wedding," Sungmin continued.

Kyuhyun rolled his eyes. "Minnie, you can't invite everyone to the wedding! We won't fit everyone!"

"But... they were so nice..." Sungmin looked up at him, his eyes horribly sad. Kyuhyun couldn't take it. too... cute... can't... stay... angry...

"Fiiiine," Kyuhyun sighed, capitulating. He knew Sungmin had used aegyo on him, and completely won him, just like always. 

So, for revenge, he poured Sungmin a glass of soju and yelled, "So who wants to get Sungmin REALLY drunk?"


The coordinator had tears in her eyes when she added the finishing touches to Sungmin's makeup and stepped back.

"I never thought I'd do this seriously. Before, it was always a joke; something you guys did to be funny. But... it feels so different now. I just wanted you to know... I'm so jealous of how pretty you are. Especially right now, and I take no credit for that." She wiped her eyes, careful not to smudge her eyeliner.

"Now you go down that aisle and take that devil, Kyuhyun, always giving me trouble! Maybe if you're his wife, you can beat some of the disrespect out of him!"


Kyuhyun's heart was beating furiously as he stood at the altar, once again waiting for his bunny to arrive. The music began to play, and he gulped as the door opened. His palms felt sweaty with apprehension. 

And down the aisle, head as high and proud as it should be, floated Sungmin, on his father's arm, like an angel. Like the most beautiful, adorable angel in heaven.

As Sungmin ascended the steps to the altar and took his place next to him, Kyuhyun felt his heart flutter like a swarm of butterflies, and all of the clever things he'd planned to say go spinning away with the notes of the organ. "You're beautiful," he said as he looked down at Sungmin, meaning it with the very fabric of his being.

If the elaborate swirl of black hair on Sungmin's head was a wig, Kyuhyun didn't care. If the expanse in Sungmin's chest was just a stuffing to fill out the dress, Kyuhyun didn't care. He was beautiful. In every way that ever mattered.

Kyuhyun couldn't stop staring, and Sungmin couldn't stop noticing him stare, and blushing and looking at the floor. His hand found Kyuhyun's between the folds of his dress, and Kyuhyun felt his heart fly right out the picture window.

He was brought back to earth when he heard Siwon clear his throat and whisper "Hey, you two! Pay attention to the priest!" before focusing back on his spot as one of the bridal party while Kyuhyun began reciting his vows. The members had fought incessantly over who would be in the bridal party as soon as the weddind had been announced, and Sungmin, sweet as he was, had decided to let them all be in the bridal party. Kyuhyun had wanted to let none of them into the bridal party, just to annoy them, but of course Sungmin won.

So there they stood, proudly beside their two members as Sungmin began reciting his vows. They'd decided that thirteen best men were too much, though, so they had compensated by having Heechul, Ryeowook, Leeteuk, Eunhyuk and Shingdong be bridesmaids. And they shared the pink dresses (Sungmin's choice) with Sungmin's two friends and Kyuhyun's sister, Ah Ra, just as proudly as the rest of the members with their tuxedos, along with Sungmin's brother, and Changmin.

Sungmin had to admit, he felt much more confident knowing that he wasn't the only SuJu member in a dress.

Kyuhyun squeezed his hand, as if reading his thoughts, as if the hand-squeeze were saying "it doesn't matter what anyone thinks."

Finally, the priest reached the anticipated part of the ceremony, and Sungmin smiled at Kyuhyun. It was there at last. 

"Do you, Cho Kyuhyun, take Lee Sungmin to be your lawfully wedded... wife?"

"I do," Kyuhyun replied immediately, although it sounded more like "finally!" He grinned as he held out his hand to let Sungmin slip the ring on his finger, but Sungmin was blushing too deeply to look at him.

"Do you, Lee Sungmin, take Cho Kyuhyun to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do," he blushed again while Kyuhyun slid the ring onto his finger, as if in anticipation for what was coming next. 

"For any of those here who hold an objection to this union, speak now or forever hold your peace."

Just then, to Kyuhyun's horror, five girls stood up from places in the church he hadn't even known existed. 

"WE OBJECT!" They all said at once, beginning to come down the aisles. Kyuhyun held Sungmin's hand tighter as he felt it begin to shake. 

The entire congregation watched in horror as the girls started to approach the altar. 



"Can't you see that this is wrong?" they cried, tears running down their cheeks, "you'll see, this just isn't right. You both deserve REAL women! We can help you!"

Sungmin started to stand up taller, comingout from behind Kyuhyun. Even if it was his wedding day, he once again had to be tough...

But before he could say anything, figures melted from the pews, from the very center of the crowd, around a dozen of them. They all wore sapphire blue, Sungmin noticed. Either sapphire blue dresses, or sapphire blue shirts under their suit jackets.

Noiselessly, they had the girls by the arms, pulling them gently towards the exit. When the girls saw the sapphire blue, they calmed, but protested. "You're ELF! You're on our side, right? We're ELF, too!"

"People like you will never be ELF," one of those in sapphire blue said flatly, but with absolute power. Sungmin recognized her, with a jolt, to be the girl from the bridal shop, and the boy on the other side of the intruding girl to be the boy from the same place. 

The girls didn't even realize they were being forced back towards the door until they were being pulled through it, screaming "no, wait, OPPA!" but it was too late. the doors shut behind them with a resounding BANG, leaving the church in absolute silence.

Sungmin was reminded of what the girl had said to him when he'd invited her to the wedding.

"Since you invited us, we'll go, to protect you, Oppa, from those you didn't. What I mean is, the real ELF will protect you, no matter what. Just like we always have." he understood what she'd meant now.

The church remained slient, until Sungmin's father, annoyed, yelled, "Well, are you going to finish the service, or not?!"

the priest seemed broken out of a trance, and now was flustered. "Ah-ah, yes. Well. Alright, where was I? Oh, of course!" He cleared his throat, embarassed.

"Any more objections? Speak now or forever hold your peace!" He let the echo play out over the hall, waiting for the sound of any voice that wasn't his own.

As it played through the church, Kyuhyun looked down at Sungmin and felt a smile creep back onto his face. Sungmin was laughing, happier than ever at the way things had turned out. He had the love of his life, despite all odds. He had his friend and family by his side, and he now had the assurance that his fans, his real, true, EverLasting Friends, would stand by him, always, no matter his choices.

Sungmin smiled up at Kyuhyun, trying desperately not to fluster the priest even more than he already was, by laughing. He failed, of course, letting out that wonderful high-pitched giggle that Kyuhyun loved so much. 

He almost made Kyuhyun laugh, too, if the priest hadn't chosen that exact moment to declare, "I now pronounce you Man and... Wife."

Kyuhyun tensed, tired of waiting. Goodness, he loved church, but did the marriage ceremony have to be so long? Those adorable eyes were looking up at him, teasing him to step out of line, to break the rules, because it was always Kyuhyun who ended up doing so. Oh, you're so not going to win this time, you awful, adorable bunny. I'm not letting you win. I'm going to wait.

"You may kiss the bride."

And Kyuhyun did. Happier than any man with any woman, he did.

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venzsuju #1
Chapter 1: sweet!! hahahahahah XD
theirs family so supportive :')
phoenixwarrior #2
Chapter 1: The whole idea came when I thought about renaming my Tumblr page "KyuMin'sMaidOfHonor". Things just spiraled from there. XD
Chapter 1: hiks.. Sobs forever :')
bedhairrrr #4
Chapter 1: Awwwwwww so sweeet!!! :D
Chapter 1: That was so beautiful! I totally love it *_* just amazingly beautiful. God, I'm speechless