Just Give me a reason



<<< weare still on flashback ok >>>






“Hello Dara? Why are you calling?” BOm asked on the other line but Dara’s still not talking making her worry


“Dara!!! Answer me is everything ok?” Bom asked again then finally Dara answered


“Bom, I can’t break up with him…” Dara faintly said on the other line


“Why? Because you realize that you can’t live without Jiyong?” Bom asked with sarcasm on her tone


“No, Bommie…I made up my mind weeks ago that I’ll breakup with him on the day of his birthday” Dara said


“Remind me again why you choose to break up with him on his birthday…which I find really cruel Dara” Bom told her


“Because he will be with his so called “clan” on that day…and if I break up with him I figured it will be less painful for him if he is around with those who makes him happy” Dara reminded her


“Then why did you change your mind?”


“Because I’m one month pregnant Boomie”


There was suddenly silence between them…


After a few moments….


“Does Seunghyun know about this?” Bom asked


“Seunghyun? Why should Seunghyun know? Don’t you think Jiyong needs to know first?” Dara was a bit shock


Bom face palm herself…She felt stupid mentioning Seunghyun at the moment. But she was also curious to know how would Seunghyun react if he’ll knew that the woman he loved for so long is now pregnant with his friend’s baby.


“Oh yeah…I mean Jiyong Dara. Does Jiyong know about this?” Bom tried to recover


“I’ll tell him tonight…I’ll fix a nice dinner and tell him about the baby” Dara give details to Bom


“I thought he’s going to be with his “Clan” to celebrate?” Bom asked again


“Yah, but he said he’ll be home early to celebrate with me, he promised he’ll be here” Dara said


“Dara, you have to take care of yourself now ok, Don’t tire yourself, just order some food and rest…Do you want me to keep you company?” Bom is really worried about Dar right now


“No, Bommie…I need some time be alone, it’s really confusing…Just when I realize I can let go of Jiyong, That’s when I find out that I am pregnant. I’m really afraid how Jiyong will react Bommie, I mean, he is still young to be a father…But even if he refuse, I will still raise this child, but I really think I would be better if we’ll be able to raise the baby together, who knows Bommie…we might be able to rekindle our love for each other.” Dara lengthy explain


“You’ll figure it out Dara…But you must know that Me and Seunghyun will always be here for you, and if you ask me, even if you’re pregnant or not you should be with someone who truly loves you and puts you on top of his priority.” Bom said


“I know Bom…I just think I will be unfair for the baby if I break up with her dad now…I don’t want to deprive my child of his father…I have to go Bom, I need to prepare for dinner” Dara


“Ok, remember to be extra careful ok…and good luck, I hope the baby will put Jiyong on the right track” Bom said then sigh realizing Dara’s difficult decision


“Ok…I’ll call you tomorrow. Bye Bommie”


Then Dara dialed another number


“Hello Ji” Dara said on the other line


“Hello…Dee my really busy right now” Jiyong answered


“I know…I just want to confirm about our dinner later, I’m already preparing for it, so I want to make sure that you are coming” Dara irritatingly said


“If you would just go with me on the party you wouldn’t need to tire yourself in making Dinner” Jiyong replied


“You know I don’t like those kind of party, just go home tonight and I have to tell you something important” Dara said then cut of the line…


Dara sat down on the chair beside her and caress her tummy…


“Don’t worry baby, Mommy and daddy will learn to love each other again ok…don’t get mad at mommy ok, I didn’t mean to learn to stop loving Daddy…things just happen, but now that you are here, I will do anything and everything to make you happy” Dara said then stood up to start preparing for dinner


After 3 hours…


“There finally finished!!!” Dara announced even though she is the only one in the house


Then she felt a sudden striking pain in her pelvic area making her hold on to the table…


“I think I tired my self too much, I just need a warm bath then rest for the rest of the night till Jiyong comes home” Dara convinced herself


But after a bath the pain didn’t go away… Instead it keeps on increasing making her breath uneven…



She lay on her back and once again caressed her belly. She looked for her phone and dialed Jiyong’s number, but he didn’t answer. She tried Chaerin’s number because she was also at Jiyong’s birthday party but she didn’t answer too.


She was really irritated that Jiyong won’t answer…When was about to throw her phone against the wall but she knew she needs to get some help.

She scrolled down her contacts to look for Bom’s number and when she was about to connect the call she cancelled it.

Bommie will panic in this kind of situation…She scrolled down again and called the next best person for her.


“Hello, I’m at the apartment, I need your help Tabi and Tabi…Don’t tell Jiyong” That was all Dara said then she ended the call the pain was too much for her


“Baby…be strong for mommy ok. Uncle Seunghyun is coming now” Was her last words before she lost her consciousness


The next thing she knew…she was inside the hospital with Bom crying beside her.


“Bommie, what happen?” Dara asked in her weak and lifeless voice


Bom looked up to her but was not able to say anything, she just kept on crying, she looked at the guy sitting in the sofa and it was Seunghyun…she noticed that Seunghyun was mad. She looked around trying to see if Jiyong was somewhere inside the room when someone talked.


“Jiyong is not here…I don’t think he went home to your house, I’ve been trying to call him but, He doesn’t answer” Seunghyun informed Dara


Dara looked at the sobbing Bom again, when realization finally hit her. Everything that happen last night returned to her memory in a flash.


Talking to Bom

Talking to Jiyong

Preparing Dinner

Talking to her baby

Then she remembered the sudden pain…

The words pain and baby keeps on popping up alternately in her memory…


“Oh my God!!! Bommie, how’s my baby? Tell me she’s ok Bom!” Dara hysterically asked Bom


Bom hugged her trying to calm her down


“Dara calm down, the doctor said you need to rest” Bom said trying to change the topic


“No, Bommie tell how is my baby? Seunghyun please” Dara said then looked at Seunghyun


“We’ve lost her Dara…” Bom finally said to Dara


“My baby is …..gone?” Dara could barely say the last word


And those where her last words…she didn’t cry, she didn’t so anything. She just lied on her back blankfaced. She just seems like to have shut off herself from everything.


And it scares the hell out of Bom, she knows that it’s bad for Dara, she knows how much pain Dara is going through and she needs to express it.






please ^.^ v

thank you





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gemith015 #3
Chapter 12: Please update author-nim juseyo!!! :'(
laizamae #4
Chapter 12: Thank you for updating...ive been waiting dis story for a 100years...jejeje..thanks..
dadedi #5
Chapter 12: Who is this other ex? No TOP don't go to the army.
gigi214 #6
Chapter 10: Omg u r also from gapo. I love this story.
leopardrusty #7
Chapter 12: ohh he's going army omgeee
jonangee #8
Chapter 11: Yaaaaaahhh!!!! Pleeeeaaasssseee1000x update..... have mercy on us!!!