D-63 [Part 2]: Royal Seoul High&BAP;

Her Last Journey
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My head was crooked back as I stared up at the tall building of my school. I've attended tihs school for 3 years now, this year being my fourth and I haven't realized until now, how big my school really was. I looked at my watch and saw that I already missed 4 periods and lunch 

"Oh crap," I cursed and headed towards my 5th period Humanities class. 

I stood in front of room 405 and could hear the teacher lecturing inside and I breathed heavily as I tried to calm myself down. I gripped onto the straps of my backpack as my knuckles started to whiten. I closed my eyes, trying to calm down my fast beating heart and once I started to relax. I grabbed the handle of the door and gained the courage to step inside. 

Once my entire body was inside of the classroom, everyone's attention was on me and I started to fiddle with my fingers before I headed towards my seat 

"Well it's nice of you to finally join us," the teacher said as I sat down in my chair and proceeded to teach but everyone's attention was still on me 

"Umm Ms. Park, it's unfair that SHE gets to get in here for free. She is late and she didn't get detention," a jealous female student pointed out and the others started to agree with her, mostly the girls as the guys didn't care 

"," a girl in front of her whispered and usually if Yumin hears someone call her names and such she would just let it slide because she was naturally patient, but she didn't want to hold herself back anymore 

I backed up and got out of my chair and walked around the desks until I was face to face with the girl that called me a . She smirked once she saw me so I slammed my palms onto her desk, earning the attention of the teacher and scaring the people around me. The girl jumped back in surprise causing her smirk to disappear and I smiled victoriously.

"Shin Yumin sit down," she ordered 

"I'm sorry for interrupting your class Ms. Park," I said but my attention was still on the girl as my hands were on her desk. I smirked and turned towards the teacher 

"I'll take it outside," I informed. I turned back around and grabbed the girl's uniform collar dragging her outiside while the others just watched 

The rest of the class, along the teacher ran out the classroom right behind me. Once we were outside the classroom I threw the girl against the lockers and stood on the opposite side of her 

"Say it again," I threatened and the smirk she had in the classroom was replaced with a look of fear 

"You said it before, so say it again," I ordered as I started to close in on her 

"I'm sorry," she whimpered and I chuckled at the horrified look on her face. This is what I hated about peeople, they are capable of trash talking about someone else behind their back but they never have the courage to say it in person. If they can't say it directly to that person then they shouldn't say it at all, that's why I kept my mouth shut during those 3 years but knowing that I have only a little time left with my life, I knew and I felt it was unneccessary to hold in everything I felt: pain, lonlieness and anger. These are the 3 emotions I hid since I was young, so that's why no one is able to detect my true feelings, making it easier for me to slide past a lot of dangerous situations

"If you're sorry you shouldn't say it at all," I growled and raised my hand,people around me gasped but I threw the punch.

The students around me murmured as blood started to trickle down my arm. The girl in front of me fell to the floor and her friends ran towards her, pulling her away from me as quickly as possible 

"SHIN YUMIN TO THE PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE!" the teacher yelled and I walked away with no expression but the pain in my arm was excruciating, it was unbearable and I needed to get to the nurse fast. Once I turned the corner, I sprinted towards the nurses office. I arrived and discovered that it was empty so I started to rummage through the cabinets, looking for medicine but couldn't find any as all the drawwers were locked. After searching for a while, my body started to weaken and the pain in my arm started to grow stronger. I fell to the floor and groaned as I held my hand. 

"Oh my god," I murmured as I clenched my teeths, trying to hold back my scream 

"Yumin-ah Yumin-ah," I heard a familiar voice call and soon enough, the door of the nurse's office slammed open and I saw the principal and my doctor standing before me with a look of shock on their faces 

"Goodness, I knew you'd cause trouble," the doctor stated as he bent down my level and started to look at my injury

"The reason why the pain is unbearable is because of leukemia, Yumin-ah. That's one of out of the few complications for chronic myelogenous leukemia. Not only will the pain be excruciating but you'll experience excessive bleeding," he explained 

"God damn it, this won't do. Principal Moon, please call 911 she needs to be taken to the hospital NOW!" he said as his voice started to tremble in worry 

"D.Doctor," I called before I felt my eyes close and darkness to overcome


"Is that the girl?

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VocaThaDesu #1
Chapter 3: Owhh. This is so cute~
And so sad.
And oh my God I love this story.
Chapter 3: hahaha... this is getting interesting
missya #3
Chapter 3: Woah....pls update very soon....
The story is getting.....so intense....