Caught at Lunch

One Year


(Alyssa's POV)
"Well, that was awkward." I said with a chuckle trying to
clear the awkward silence. 
Henry looked up at me and smiled,"Yeah, it was"
I walked over to him and sat down,"Do you think we should
try and find them?"
"I guess we could, but I'm not sure if it would fix 
anything." He said standing up.
Standing up with a sigh I followed Henry into the hallway.
I don't understand why Eunhyuk freaked out, its not like
Henry and I even did anything. Even if we were making 
out or something its not like he should care. He doesn't
even like me. Boys are so stupid. UGH!
"Alyssa, ALYSSA!" 
I stopped talking to myself and noticed Henry was waving
his hand infront of my face.
"Oh sorry, what'd you say?" I said rubbing my neck in
"I asked the secretary if she saw them, and she said they
left a couple minutes ago."
"What should we do now then?" I said raising my eyebrows.
"Well, I'm kinda hungry. There's this place acrossed the 
street where we can eat." He said grabbing my arm.
"Sure let's go!"
He pulled me out of the building still holding my arm
and started heading towards this small little restaurant.
"This place is really nice. The foods good, the owners
are nice, and the best part no crazy fangirls." He started
grinning to himself.
"Oh thank god, I don't want to be attacked. Its not really
on my agenda." I said breathing a sigh of relieve.
We walked in the building and we were greated by this cute
little old woman. She sat us down at a table at the back
of the restaurant and left back to her post.
I looked around and the only people in here were two old 
men, a family of four and me and Henry. Perfect!
I browsed through the menu and realized that I still 
didn't know much about Korean food.
"Um, Henry." I called out. "I don't really know what to
order. I haven't eaten much Korean food."
"Aw! So cute." He reached over and pinched my cheeks.
"Hey! Don't touch my cheeks." I shot him a death glare
and rubbed my face.
"I'm sorry, you're just too cute. Like a puppy!" 
"You shouldn't talk. You're cheeks are chubbier than mine."
I said poking his chubby cheeks.
We both started laughing and held our cheeks.
"Ok, I'll just order for you." Henry said after we both
settled down.
The old woman walked back over to us asking if we were 
ready to order.
"Can I have two orders of the Mul Naengmyeon please." Henry
asked and the woman nodded and walked away.
We were just relaxing and making conversations of nothing
when all of a sudden all you could here were two loud
obnoxious voices.
I looked up and saw two girls who both looked to be about
16 walk in and sit down at a table close to us.
I turned over to Henry who was unnaturally cal,
He leaned in closer to me,"Not all teenage girls in Korea
are ELFS you know."
I chuckled and nodded back at him. The ahjumma came back
with our bowls of noodles and the two girls noticed
"HENRY OPPA?" One of the girls shrieked.
He froze with his mouth full of noodles and looked over
at them.
"Omo! It is it is! Its Henry oppa!!" They ran over
to our table full of shrieks and giggles.
"Oppa, we're such big fans. We love Super Junior M!"
Henry looked over at me with fear in his eyes. Making the
girls notice my presence. 
"Who is this?" They said giving me dirty looks. "Is she your girlfriend?" 
"Oh n-no. She's just a friend." Henry stuttered.
"Why are you friends with someone like her. She doesn't
deserve you oppa."
"Excuse me!" I said obviously pissed off. "Who do you girls
think you are interrupting someone when they're trying
to enjoy a meal." 
"Alyssa calm down." Henry said tugging on my arm.
"No! They pissed me off!" I said pointing at them.
Henry pulled out his wallet and slapped some money on
the table. He stood up grabbed my arm and started running
back to the SM parking lot.
We reached his car and I opened the door and slouched
in the seat. He pulled out of the parking lot and started
driving back to the dorms.
"Alyssa, you really didn't have to say anything to those
girls." Henry sighed.
"I didn't do it for you. If someone pisses me off I'm
not gonna let them get away with it." I said crossing
my arms.
He chuckled and shook his head. "You really are different
We reached the dorms and I got out of the car. "Henry,
aren't you gonna come in?" 
"Nah, I have some other stuff to do." He said waving and
driving away.
I walked inside and went straight to the dorm. I opened
the door to see Abby still on the couch reading a book.
"Have you not moved at all today?" I said hitting her leg.
She stuck her tongue out at me. "So, did anything interesting
"Well, Leeteuk and Eunhyuk walked in on me and Henry when
his arms were around my waist trying to teach me how to 
do a body wave while playing. So Eunhyuk over-reacted and
ran out." 
Abby gasped and finally looked away from her book.
"Oh wait there's more." I said laughing at her expression.
"Henry and I got hungry so we went to this place across
the street. Only to be bothered by two teenage ELFS who
made me mad and I yelled at them.
"Alyssa, you can't just yell at random teenage girls." 
Abby scolded me.
"But they were annoying!" I said.
All of a sudden Leeteuk and Eunhyuk walked in the dorm.
"Oh hey guys." Abby said looking up.
Eunhyuk looked over at me and stormed past us into his
Leeteuk sighed and looked at me. "Alyssa you need to go
talk to him." 
I stood up defensivley. "Me? Why, I didn't do anything!"
"Please, for me?" Teukie said moving closer to me.
"S-sure." I said walking away.
Ugh, I hope I didn't blush. I made my way to Eunhyuks 
room and knocked on the door. I waited a couple seconds
for a response but just barged in anyway.
Eunhyuk was laying on his bed with his eyes closed. Not
even aware of my presence.
"Eunhyuk, can we talk." I said squatting next to his bed.
"What do you want." Eunhyuk opened his eyes and looked
over at me.
"Well, why did you get so angry back at the SM building.
He was just helping me dance." I said.
"I wasn't angry! I was just, jealous." He said looking at
the ceiling.
"Jealous? Why would you be jealous, I thought we hated 
each other." 
"I don't hate you Alyssa. I'm jealous because you looked 
really close with Henry. I wish we were that close." He 
I gasped and just looked over at him. I wasn't really
sure how to respond.
There was a knock on the door and Leeteuk popped his head
in. "Are you two ok?"
"Yeah we're fine." I said getting up. "I was just leaving."
I ran back into Leeteuk's room and layed down on the bed.
This is just too crazy. I thought that Eunhyuk couldn't 
stand me.
I grabbed my Ipod and stuck it in my ears. I picked the
first song I saw and closed my eyes. I'll just deal
with this drama in the morning.


Huhuhu~ I was really supposed to upload this chapter yesterday but, well I'm lazy. Hehehehehehehe!

Anyway I don't have anything funny or witty to say in this author's note so....Subscribe, comment, suggest.

Really do it, I love reading comments they make me happy!

<3 Flipflops34

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I like Seungri in real life; he's so annoying that is funny hahaha. But yeah, sometimes he seems to be like that!
Go Eunhyuk!! And Yesung, you too... ¬¬
Update soon plz =D
ljoesaranghae_11 #2
MY BABY SUNGMIN DX and LOL oh hyukie, way to go! Still love you seungri! WHOOOOOO. UPDATES YEAH I LIKE DEM UPDATES. Drunk scene= PERFECT. And psh, flipflops always acts like that whatchu talking fools XD. Love how this storys playing out! I CANT WAIT TO SEE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT.
onewbby005 #3
Yes! I'm so glad Eunhyuk stopped her. Alyssa! Open your eyes Eunhyuk is amazing Seungri . That is all. hehe
onewbby005 #4
Buahahahah I love when Alyssa and Abby get drunk they are so funny!!!! I need more eunsa moments that knock knock joke was TOO CUTE! <3 IT UPDATE SOON
ljoesaranghae_11 #5
LOL cool two updates[:
Teukie is a... >:O
Yeye-Abby couple!!!
Update soon plz =)
onewbby005 #7
YES! I love the eunsa couple! Back off seungri!
ljoesaranghae_11 #8

oh well hyuk/lyssa = ok with me:D SPUER CUTE.
ljoesaranghae_11 #9
Keep one eye open when you sleep darkkeltha, flipflops34 gave me permission to hunt you down. LOL SEUNGRIxALYSSA & SEUNGIExABBY FTW.
cloudprincess_wendy #10
i agree with kkkdulce!
Although I like the love triangle between yeye abby and eeteuk(i've always been looking for a story where eeteuk and yeye are rivals.xD), i still want it to end as yeye/abby. Then alyssa/eeteuk. :3