Rehearsal with Henry

One Year


Quick note before you read. English parts are going to look like this from now on.
(Alyssa POV)
I stirred in bed not wanting to wake up. It felt like there was ten
million hammers attacking my brain. 
"Alyssa, wake up!" 
I opened my eyes to see Leeteuk standing above the bed with a 
tray in his hands. 
"Here sit up!" He pulled me up so I was sitting up in the 
bed and handed me the tray. 
"I got you orange juice and some asprin to help with your 
hangover." Leeteuk sat next to me and ruffled my hair. 
"Wait...I GOT DRUNK LAST NIGHT?" I sat straight up hoping that 
he was lying. 
"Yeah, you and Abby both. Keke, you guys are really entertaining
when you're drunk." 
"Please don't tell me we did something embarrasing." I looked up
at Leeteuk with pleading eyes.
"Oh, it wasn't that embarrasing. Unless you count telling Onew
you like the way he moans embarrasing." 
"Now he probably thinks Abby and I are freaks right?" 
"No, don't be ridiculous! Now take your medicine drink the juice
and get some rest ok." Leeteuk got up ruffling my hair again.
I swallowed the asprin and chugged the rest of the juice. I might
as well just go back to sleep, then this headache might go away
I layed back into bed and drifted of into sleep.
~5 minutes later~
I felt a creak in my bed, like someone just sat on it. I was 
honestly too tired to open my eyes to check it out so, I just left
it alone.
All of a sudden I got this tingly feeling, the one you get when
someone is staring at you. Finally, I got so curious that I opened
my eyes.
Laying right next to me just staring at me was Eunhyuk.
"AAAH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY BED???" I shrieked at Eunhyuk.
Eunhyuk sat straight up and fell out of the bed. "ALYSSA! UM,
"Usually, when you check on someone. You don't crawl in bed with
them and stare until they wake up." I got out of bed and walked 
past Eunhyuk out the door.
"Alyssa, I said I'm sorry. I was going to wake you up but then
I got distracted." He followed me out the door and into the living 
Abby looked up from the book she was reading on the couch. 
"Are you two ok?"
"Don't worry about it Abby." I sat down next to her and layed my
head on her shoulder. "I heard we got drunk last night."
Eunhyuk laughed and I shot him a glare. "Sorry, but you two were
hilarious. You guys are funniest when you're drunk." Eunhyuk said.
"What ever, I just want to forget that night ever happened." I said
rolling my eyes.
*Ding dong*
"Who's at the door?" Sungmin called from the kitchen.
"I'll get it!" I said getting up from the couch. I looked through
the peep hole to see Henry standing outside the door.
"Oh hi Henry!" I said opening the door. 
"Alyssa, this is perfect!" Henry said walking straight into the
"What is perfect Henry?" I said walking back to the couch.
"I was looking for you; I want you to help me rehearse." Henry
said pointing to his violin case on his back.
"Why can't you have Abby rehearse with you, I'm too tired right 
now." I whined.
"Because, I asked you." Henry started tugging on my arms. "Come on
Alyssa please!!!" 
"Fine, just let go of me, that tickles." I said giggling and
trying (yet failing) to shove his arms away.
"Yes, lets go!" Henry led the way to the door. 
"Henry, where are we going to rehearse?" I asked him following
him into the elevator.
He pressed the first floor button, "At the SM building. I just
use a dance studio that no ones in and practice there." 
"And how do we get to the SM building exactly. We can't take a 
bus you're not even wearing a disguise." We walked through the 
lobby and out the front door.
"Alyssa, you ask too many questions." He looked at me and laughed.
"I have a car you know." He pointed to a blue car parked in front
of the building.
"Oh, well that makes a lot of sense." I said shrugging my shoulders.
"Ladys first." Henry opened my car door for me and closed it after
I got in.
He started the car and we just sat in a comfortable silence.
"Hey Alyssa...I've been meaning to ask you. How did you even start
playing the viola?
"I guess you can thank Abby for that." I giggled. "When I was about
10, there was this strings program at mine and Abby's school. And
since Abby and my other friend both signed up for it, I didn't want
to be left out, so I talked my parents into letting me do it. After
like that I just stuck with it." I laughed remembering how it all
I didn't even notice that the car was parked and stopped infront
of SM. "Um...maybe we should head in now..." I said unbuckling 
my seatbelt.
"Haha...yeah." Henry said awkwardly.
I followed Henry into the building with my head down, trying
not to attract any attention from fangirls.
We got inside the building and I followed Henry into an empty
dance room.
"Alyssa, do you mind setting a music stand up for me?" Henry
asked me while uncasing his violin. 
"Yeah sure." I said strolling over to his stand. "Hey
come we don't speak english when we're alone toghether?"
Henry put his violin down and looked at me with a confused face.
"Oh my gosh. Alyssa I didn't even notice that." 
"Hehe. Henry you're so silly." I said punching his shoulder.
"This is kind of awkward actually." He scratched his neck.
"We could use it to our advantage though." I said thinking of
evil plans. "Like speaking in english when we don't want the other
Super Junior guys to know what we're talking about!" 
Henry chuckled under his breath while setting his music on the
stand. "Ok, all I need you to do is listen to me and tell me if it sounds
Hmm even I couldn't mess that up. 
He set his bow on the string and started with a slow haunting tone.
He swayed with his on music and slowly closed his eyes.
Slowly,the song started to pick up and Henry added in a moonwalk to 
emphasize the tempo change. 
He slid down on the floor and did a back bend without breaking his
bow from the string.
Again picking the tempo up he stood back up. And with one final
chord he broke off from the string.
Henry looked over at me expecting an answer or some critic, but
I was speechless. 
"Was it that bad?" He asked me.
"Oh no. NO! I-it was amazing!" I said a little too excited. "You
have to teach me how to dance while playing. I've tried and its
way too hard!" 
"Its really easy!" Henry said walking over to me. "Here, use my
violin right now and I'll help you." 
I put his violin up into position and waited for his instruction. 
"Now try to do like a body wave with the instrument up." Henry
I attempted to wave but epicly failed since my body was too stiff.
Henry chuckled and walked over to me. "No! Your hips need to be 
looser." He put his hands on my waist and swayed them to loosen
them. "Yeah, like that." 
"What are you two doing??" 
I looked up to see Eunhyuk and Leeteuk standing at the doorway.
Henry immediately stepped back from me. "No, its not what it looks
like! I was just helping her dance." 
Before Henry could finish explaining Eunhyuk already stormed out
of the room. 
Leeteuk looked at the two of us, shook his head, and ran after Eunhyuk. 


MUAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! I've always wanted to do a cliff hanger....It feels kind of good, like I have a super power or something. It was really fun....But now I feel bad....Anyway hope you enjoyed comment, subscribe suggest!  <3333 flipflops34

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I like Seungri in real life; he's so annoying that is funny hahaha. But yeah, sometimes he seems to be like that!
Go Eunhyuk!! And Yesung, you too... ¬¬
Update soon plz =D
ljoesaranghae_11 #2
MY BABY SUNGMIN DX and LOL oh hyukie, way to go! Still love you seungri! WHOOOOOO. UPDATES YEAH I LIKE DEM UPDATES. Drunk scene= PERFECT. And psh, flipflops always acts like that whatchu talking fools XD. Love how this storys playing out! I CANT WAIT TO SEE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT.
onewbby005 #3
Yes! I'm so glad Eunhyuk stopped her. Alyssa! Open your eyes Eunhyuk is amazing Seungri . That is all. hehe
onewbby005 #4
Buahahahah I love when Alyssa and Abby get drunk they are so funny!!!! I need more eunsa moments that knock knock joke was TOO CUTE! <3 IT UPDATE SOON
ljoesaranghae_11 #5
LOL cool two updates[:
Teukie is a... >:O
Yeye-Abby couple!!!
Update soon plz =)
onewbby005 #7
YES! I love the eunsa couple! Back off seungri!
ljoesaranghae_11 #8

oh well hyuk/lyssa = ok with me:D SPUER CUTE.
ljoesaranghae_11 #9
Keep one eye open when you sleep darkkeltha, flipflops34 gave me permission to hunt you down. LOL SEUNGRIxALYSSA & SEUNGIExABBY FTW.
cloudprincess_wendy #10
i agree with kkkdulce!
Although I like the love triangle between yeye abby and eeteuk(i've always been looking for a story where eeteuk and yeye are rivals.xD), i still want it to end as yeye/abby. Then alyssa/eeteuk. :3