Forbidden grounds.

What I need
" Just enjoy yourself and have a wonderful day further." My friend, who's also my boss, said to me while giving me a bear hug.
I gave her one of my biggest smiles before grabbing my leather bag and thanking her for letting me leave work an hour earlier than normal and left my workplace.
Quickly making my way home, where I knew my lovely boyfriend would have probably infiltrated my livingroom already, I stepped on the bus and sat down on one of the old looking seats.
I sighed softly and looked outside the window, seeing the loads of people who were enjoying the beautiful and warm weather. 
After approximately 30 minutes I finally arrived at my destination and suddenly I began to burst with lots of energy again. I quickly made my way out of the bus, not forgetting to nod politely at the bus driver who's name was Jin. 
"Hey Lin, happy birthday....that was today right?" Jin tapped his chin, looking thoughtful.
"Yes and thank you but I gotta go now, my boyfriend is waiting for me at home." 
A chuckle was what I got in return before the doors to the old bus closed which, in return,  was my cue to continue the rest of my short trip home.
After another 5 minutes of walking I finally reached my appartement complex and entered my building.
I hastily made my way up the stairs to the second floor while searching in my brown-coloured bag for my housekeys.
After fishing and struggling to get my keys out of the small bag, that seemed like an endless pit once you're searching for something in it, I finally opened the door and placed my bag on top of my oak dresser. 
While trying to untie the tight knot in my shoelaces, my ears met the wonderful sound of my sweetheart singing his heart out.
"nae modun sarangi 
ddeona ganun nari
dangsine gu oosum 
dwieseo hamke hanunde"
I followed the sound of his voice and noticed it coming from my small kitchen, I frowned when I heard the sound of an inox cookingpot falling on the linoleum floor with a small "oops" coming from Yoongi before he started singing Kim Hyunshik's 'My love by my side" again.
"Baby, what are you doing?" I placed my hand on the white-wooden door, bracing myself, last time the guy tried to cook me something, I had to spend 5 long and tiring hours cleaning up together with him. "I thought it was butter" was his defending reply.
"WAAAIIIT!!" Came a startled reply before several other pots seemed to have fallen down.
A flustered Yoongi came out of the kitchen, his both arms and his chest almost completely covered in what seemed like dough. "Hey're here...?  How come?" 
"What do you mean how come?" I crossed my arms over my chest and playfully raised an eyebrow. 
"You know, you're supposed to be working until 5 o'clock and it's only around 3....I think." He said, nervously scratching the back of his slender neck.
"Yeah but the boss decided to let me out earlier since lately I've been working more hours than needed and since it's my birthday today I wanted to spend some quality time with you too but seeing how you came out of MY kitchen made me realize that this will be another birthday spent on cleaning." 
An embarrassed chuckle escaped Yoongi's lips before he embraced me in a warm hug. 
"Yoongi, didn't we agree on you not cooking anymore?" I pulled back from the hug, only to realize that I got covered in dough too....It is dough right?
"I just wanted to make you a homemade birthday cake this year. Hoseok's girlfriend even explained all the steps to make one but somehow I must've skipped one or two steps...And yeah....I may or may not lost one of my contact lenses while preparing the icing." He gave me one of his famous cheesy grins.
I heartily laughed and pursed my lips making him lean in for a kiss. But before his lips could come in contact with my pink ones, I turned his cute face and kissed his flushing cheek instead.
"No kiss?" 
"Not before I see the state of my poor and most likely destroyed kitchen."
I opened the door and gasped at the sight that was in front of my hazel eyes.
The kitchen, that I cleaned from corner to corner yesterday was covered in flour, eggs....and is that coconutmilk?
I pinched the bridge of my petite nose and closed my eyes trying hard not to go into ragemode. I mean, I absolutely appreciate the thought of him baking me a selfmade birthday cake with icing and all but the way he cooks is more worse than a whole classroom of 7-year olds trying to make a 5- course menu.
"Hey babe, I bought a swiffer set just in case....Do you perhaps wanna lie down and count to 10?" Sensing my current emotions he backhugged me and nuzled his face into my neck.
"Honestly, counting to 200 wouldn't even help me anymore but sweetie the kitchen has become forbidden grounds for you."
"Well as long as the bedroom doesn't become forbidden grounds for me I'm happy!" He gave me a peck on the cheek like I did to him before. "Can I get my welcome home kiss now?"
"After we cleaned up." A dissatisfied grunt came in response before he gently pulled me back and hugged me lovingly again. 
"Can't I give you my present first?" He gazed into my hazel orbs with a gentle smile. I gave him an soft okay in response and was met with him going to on one knee. I gasped and covered my mouth with my hand in shock.
"I swear Yoongi, if this is a joke then I'm going to ram the baking sheet in your fart box." He is a master at trolling after all. I tried to pull him up but he stood his ground and pulled a red velvet box from his backpocket and winked ...was that supposed to look seductive..?
"Sweetie Linnie pin, you know that I love you right?" Tears of happyness filled my big eyes and not trusting my voice, I decided to nod in reply.
 "I have been meaning to ask this for quite a while already because you are what keeps me going and you are all I need to keep me happy for the rest of my life. Meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me. I wanna spend every second of my life together with you by my side. No matter what, I'll love you unconditionally since you're my everything. you're more important to me than the air I breath so please do me the honor of being my wife? Would you please marry me?"
 He opened the petite box revealing a simple yet beautiful engagement ring. Tears sprung out of my eyes and I embraced him while saying yes repeatedly.
Yoongi seemed to let out a relieved breath he unconciously was holding as he pulled back from the hug and placed the expensive ring on my finger.
"Do I get my kiss now?" And without further ado I placed my glossy lips against his thin ones. 
Feeling him instantly respond to my kiss I, for the umpteenth time, circled my arms around his neck in an attempt to deepen the kiss. 
"You know, we better start cleaning that mess up in the kitchen because Ines and Hoseok will be here soon." He told me after our intimate moment.
"You mean you're going to clean it right?" I jokingly asked and gave him another quick peck on the lips before grabbing all the things I'd need to give the kitchen a rough cleanover.
"You know, now that we're going to get married, we can start trying to spawn a baby...or 2?" Another fail wink came from my, now, fianceé.
"Oh and I prepared something else for you. Every proposal needs a serenade." 
There we go again....
"I'll sing Kim Hyunshik sunbaenims My love by my side"
I know I'm lacking 500% in writing. Please don't brick me
/Hops onto failtrain.
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Chapter 1: I love this story so much that this is pike my 3rd time reading it
Riaurika #2
Chapter 1: Hahah this was a funny and sweet shortstory ^^