

Soft beats of melodious notes flowed through the streets.  Devastation.  Lost.  Sadness could not be heard any longer.  For they have been blocked by the hope that sounded across the city.  She was lonely.  Insecure.  Full of frustration.  But when she sang, everything seemed to disappear.  She knew she wasn’t loved.  She knew she wasn’t respected.  But that one thing called hope always lingers in her mind.  The hope that she can succeed.  Start over.  Be herself.  That made her able to love.  Able to love herself, love the world.  Love music.  Because when she becomes famous with her singing, she can show the world, that anyone can be happy.

Foreword's not that good.  Wrote it for a school project.  Very short.  Tell me how you think.


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Chapter 1: short but very nice story.. :)