My Story

Yuri: Yoong, where's the auditorium? The map says.... urgh I can't read the map! -squash the map, and give it to YoonA-

YoonA: You at direcition, don't you? It is this way, pabo -giggles-

The duos finally reached the auditorium, and are standing outside the main entrance, amazed by the crowd inside. 

YoonA: Wow, where is..... class A21? -scanning through the crowd-

Yuri: Is it the small crowd gathered at the top right corner of the auditorium? The label say- -BAM- Ouch!

?: A TWENTY ONEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! -point at the corner and run towards it-

Yuri: -rubs her right shoulder, pissed- Right, A21 -roll eyes-

YoonA: You okay? Let's go before we're the last to reach! -pull Yuri to their class "gathering" area-


Facillitator 1: Since everyone is here, let's take 5 to 10 minutes to mingle around and get to know your classmates for the rest of your highschool? 

So the ice-breaking session starts...


=Yuri's POV=

I really don't like this kind of mingling stuff, especially when I don't have the confidence to approach people, tsk. What can I do except for standing here, and sincerely praying that someone will approach me first. 

?: Hi! -wave excitedly-

Oh my, were my prayers heard? 

=End of POV=


Yuri greets the person with a smile, but her smile does not last when she realises that the person was the one who bumped to her earlier on.

?: I'm ChanYeol! Sorry for knocking into you just now, I'm just afraid that I'll be late -rubs his nape shyly-

Understanding the situation now, Yuri cooly greets him.

Yuri: Apology accepted! -smiles and extends out a hand- I'm Yuri.

ChanYeol: -shakes Yuri's hand but not letting go- Come, you got to know the others! -pull her towards a group of people-


After the whole session, Yuri got to know some of her classmates (XiuMin and Kyungsoo) with the help of the happy-pill ChanYeol, alongside with YoonA.

At the same time, at the other side of the auditorium....


=JongIn's POV=

I swear, this is gonna be the worst class ever. I mean, look, nerds are all over the class. 

Oh and look at the bunch of girls, are those uniforms for school or night clubs? Although i can't deny that I enjoy the view

I honestly think that Sehun and I are the only normal ones. 

=End of POV=


JongIn sits at the edge of the auditorium stage, facing the crowd, and screening through the crowd for his best friend. 

JongIn: -whispering to himself- Aish this guy, when will he start reaching on time? -shaking his head disapprovingly-


JongIn looks to his left and found a smiling angel sitting next to him.

?: -gets down the stage, and stands in front of JongIn- Hello, I'm Luhan -90bow-


=JongIn's POV=

Wow such a nice mannered kid. Seems like I earned myself another dongsaeng!

=End of POV=


Kai: -nods his head- Kim JongIn. You can call me Kai -smirks playfully-

Kai cooly pats on the space beside him, and softly muttered a "sit", motioning Luhan to take a seat. 

Luhan: Oh before you think wrongly, I'm born in the year of 1992, which is one year earlier than you. I'm still in the first year because I'm from China, and the standard of education is different, so.... yeah -blink innocently-

*Note: the year of birth i mentioned is not his real year of birth. Just assume that he's one year older than kai*


=Kai's POV=

Opps, he is a hyung...

=End of POV= 


Dumbfounded, Kai found himself speechless and can only nod to show acknowledgement, and to hide his embarrassment. Meanwhile...

SeHun: Kim JongIn! -hugs Kai from the back- Sorry I'm a bit late... 

Kai: Again and always!

Sehun: -squeezes in between Kai and Luhan. Looks at Luhan, before turning to Kai- Who's this? 

Kai: Luhan... hyung


So let's fast-forward the introduction process, and move on! 


Currently the class:

A21: Yuri, YoonA, Chanyeol, XiuMin, KyungSoo.

A18: Kai, SeHun, LuHan

Author's note:

Sorry for the long awaited, but boring chapter! As you all know, the first chapter has to introduce the characters before I can add in spice to heat up the tension, so this chapter is a bit.. disappointing? 

Well, look forward to the upcoming chapters then!

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Yulsic143 #1
Chapter 7: Yaaaaaah when are you going to update again? :(
Chapter 3: I want YulHun!I love them so muchhh...but its ok if u dont pair them
minhoyyuri24 #3
Chapter 5: please update! <3
DinoPearl_Riza #4
Chapter 5: because he want to know where did she live :v
update soon~
Chapter 5: update soon :D
cheysa_deer #6
Chapter 5: Update soon!
vanilladream #7
Chapter 5: kaiyul moment <3
jealous maknae so cuteeee~
thanks for the update authornim..
vanilladream #8
Chapter 5: kaiyul moment <3
jealous maknae so cuteeee~
thanks for the update authornim..