The reason

It’s been a year, and I still have this beloved career of mine. It’s been a year since I last saw her. I miss her so bad. If only I can talk to her once again. If only I can say sorry for the last time.


“Are you all excited?” Tiffany, the MC, asked the people. The people yelled, I smiled. My fans really make me happy. “They are all excited, Yoona.”


“Alright. So, what are we waiting for? Let’s give a round of applause for Ms. Kim Taeyeon!!”


The people clapped and cheered for me as I entered the stage, lights were all focused at me.


One year later

It feels like I’ve been dreaming for a long time.
I’ve wandered and wandered around for a while
As if we made a promise
standing here in front of each other
like that day from four seasons ago.

Those beautiful stories that we wrote down together
Those eternal promises that we prayed for at that time
They’re all coming back to me now and
I don’t think my heart can take it
I’ve even restrained myself at the thought of you
How has your one year been?

For a long time I’ve been living, having forgotten of you
For a while, I thought I was doing fine
However I started to realize it as time pass by
That I am nothing without you.

At that time, If only we had been a bit more mature
If only we knew how we would be right now
I have no confidence in overcoming these endless regrets
So I’ve had to just repress them
One year has pass like that.

Could your feelings perhaps be the same as mine?
Will you give me another chance?
I know now that we can never part of each other
the one person I love and love again.

I wish we can go back to our first days
To the beautiful, happy and loving days
Those heart-breaking stories and vain arguments
Just bury all of that now
And promise that we won’t take them out again
No matter how many seasons pass and how many years go by
I hope we won’t meet like today again.


The people yelled once more after my performance. I smiled, bowed and waved at them. I exit the stage with a sigh.


“That’s a very sad song.”


I looked at the person intently. Who would’ve thought I’ll see her again? My heart, once again, beats fast, almost looking for its way out of my body. My hands begin to tremble. My throat runs dry. I am shivering. Am I dreaming? I blinked my eyes a multiple times but she’s still standing in front of me. I’m not dreaming.


“How are you?” She smiled.


“I... Well, I’m good.”


“Can we talk? Privately?”


I unconsciously nodded like a puppy. I gulped. I can’t stop staring at her.


She then walked directly into my makeup room. She really has a good timing, huh? No one was around.


“So...” Did I say the right word?


The next thing happened is the one thing I’ve been missing. After all the days, weeks, and months that have passed, I’ve been waiting for this to happen again. She hugged me tightly.


“I miss you so much, Taeyeon.”


My tear rolls down my face. “Did I hear it right?”


She nodded. “I’m very sorry.”


“I’m the one who needs to say sorry, not you.”


She breaks the hug and stared at me. “No. Your mom told me everything. I should be thankful to you.”


I smiled. “I’m sorry. I didn’t explain myself well. I don’t want to see you cry at that time. It hurts me so much.”


“Why didn’t you explain yourself when we met last year?”


“I was about to explain but I overheard your conversation with Yuri.”


She frowned and tried to remember everything. “Ahh. You didn’t wait until our conversation end?


I shook my head. “Why? Your words hurt me so I---”


She cuts me off by her soft lips. “Listen to my story.”


I blushed and nodded.



“If she asked for your forgiveness, would you forgive her? If ever she asked you to be her girlfriend again, would you accept?”






“The reason is she broke my heart. She didn’t fight for me. Why would I forgive her? Although what she did is right, I will not forgive her. I am envious. She still has her mother, unlike me. I lost my mother.”


“But what if she has other reason behind it?”


I didn’t response at that time. What if Yuri’s right?


“Look, why don’t you try to talk to her mother first and clear everything?”


After the show, I directly went to your house. Glad you’re not there yet. Where did you go at that time?


“At the bar. I’m hurt at that time ya know.”


Okay. So I went to your house and your mom let me entered.


“What are you doing here?”


“I’m just here to ask some questions, Mrs. Kim.”


She stared at me intently, as if she knows what will happen next. It made me shiver.


“Spill it out.”


“Are you really the reason of our break up?”


I was shock at that moment. She cried in front of me. I really don’t know what to do at that time.


“I’m sorry. I know I’m hurting the both of you. The real reason is her manager told me to do that. He told me that if Taeyeon and you continued your relationship, you will both lose your dreams. I told her to break up with you but she really wants to fight for you. I then told her to choose over you and me. She chose me, so she broke up with you. I feel happy because she chose me but I also can feel guilt eating me up. She won’t eat unless I bring food for her. Every night I would peek inside her room, I could hear sobs. I think she couldn’t sleep too.  That’s how much she loves you. She doesn’t want you to lose your dream. So she sacrificed her love for you. I’m sorry.”

*End of Flash Back*


(Still Jessica's P.O.V.)

"I was speechless. I don’t know that you suffered too. I thought I was the only one who suffered. I thought you don’t love me anymore."


“My mom never told me about that.”


“I told her not to tell you. I told her that I’ll look for you since we are on the same world, showbiz.”


Taeyeon nodded lightly. “What took you so long?”


“I’m sorry. I got a problem with my career.”


“What happened?”


“I resigned.”




“All I want is to focus with the person that I really love.”


She blushed. “The person you love? Do I know that person?”


“You really know her well.”


“Oh. HER. Mmm, is that person beautiful?”




“What?!!” She glared at me. I laughed at her reaction.


“Of course she’s beautiful.”


“Is that...”


“Don’t ask anymore. It’s you!” I kissed her and she kissed me back. I love this feeling. “I love you, tae.”


“I love you more baby.”





I really don't know. I'm not satisfied with my work... Sorry if you don't like the sequel.. You can suggest. :D Thank you for reading my story, guise~

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Chapter 3: ahh, finally... you're JJANG!!
moar TaengSic in the future please, author-ssi~~ xD
Chapter 3: "Oh. HER. Mmm, is that person beautiful?"
"Of course she's beautiful."
"Is that..."
"Don't ask anymore. It's you!"

KYAAA!~ love it sooo much.. thanks for the sequel :D you jjang!!~
189gds07 #3
Chapter 3: the best yeaaahh~~~~~~~~~~~
Awww.... a sequel please~~ make them together :/
Chapter 2: it is so sad
please write more
Chapter 2: my TaengSic feels~~ </3
waeyo author-ssi? :(
make a sequel please... let em be happy with each other /sigh
189gds07 #7
Chapter 2: yes sequel plezzz~~~
Chapter 2: so sad :-(,,,,pls make taengsic be together again authorshi,,,,i hope will forgive her...