The Reason of Jessica

The reason

A/N: The words that are italicized are Flashbacks (Except for the lyrics)


“Be ready, you’ll be singing after Ms. Kim.” The organizer told me.


I just nodded and sighed. I’m very happy that I’ve reached this one big dream in my life; to become a singer. Since I was a kid, my mom would let me join into the contests. Win or lose, she’s proud of me. She’s my inspiration. She’s my idol. She’s my hero.


“Mom, I would like you to meet Taeyeon.” I said, smiling.


“Oh, hi Taeyeon. It’s nice to meet you.” She said, hugging Taeyeon.


“Hi Mrs. Jung, It’s nice to meet you too.”


“Jessica, lead your friend into the living room. I’ll get some juice for the both of you.”


I complied. While heading into the living room, I heard Taeyeon sighed. “What’s wrong, baby?”


Taeyeon shook her head and smiled lightly. “I’m nervous. What if---”


“Sshhh.” I pat her back. “Everything will be alright.”


Taeyeon sighed but nodded after. “I really hope so.”


“Here are your drinks.”


“Uhh mom, I have to tell you something.”


“What is it?”




“What’s with her?” She said while pointing at Taeyeon.


“She’s my girlfriend.” I confessed. I hold Taeyeon’s hands and she squeezed it lightly. I looked at her, telling the message “Relax, everything will be alright.” through my eyes.


“You’re kidding, aren’t you?”


I shook my head. “I love her mom. It’s okay for you, right mom?”


She didn’t response. Instead, she walked out the house and slammed the door, leaving the two of us.


“I told you. She’ll never---”


“She’ll accept us soon, baby. I know she will.”


Taeyeon nodded.


“Come on. I’ll drive you home.”



But then she died because of depression. Sad to say, I was the reason of her depression. I can’t help but blame myself but at some part, I can’t. Whatever I do, I can’t change myself. This is me.


“Jessica, break up with her.”


“Mom, I can’t! You now that I love her so much!” I protested.


You glared at me. “You MUST obey me. I’m your mother.”


“Mom, Taeyeon’s no harm! She loves me too!”


“She’ll just hurt you and I’m pretty sure about that. I don’t want you to get hurt!”


“I’m already hurt, mom. The way you told me to break up with her breaks my heart.”


“You’ll end up hurting yourself, Jessica.”


“No. Taeyeon will never hurt me.”


“If you don’t want to obey me, get out of this house.”


I was shocked. I never expect you to say such things like that. I sighed. “Okay. I’ll leave.”


Why did I choose her over you? Why am I so stubborn at that time? Why do I have to meet her? Why do I have to fall and love her?


“Why are you saying that? Why are you breaking up with me?” Taeyeon didn’t utter any words. I clenched my fist. “Tell me why?!” I yelled.


“My parents... They don’t agree with this as well. So I think you should go back to your mom.”


“I fought for you, Taeyeon. We’ve been together for almost 2 years. And now, it’s that easy for you to break up with me?”


“I’m sorry. I love my parents. I must obey whatever they say.”


I wanna hug you tight. I wanna say sorry. I wanna say I love you.  If I could turn back the hands of time, I would obey you. In that way, I’ll never lose you. If only I obeyed you, maybe I will still have you here, celebrating with me. We, celebrating the success I’ve reached.


I came home running, crying and suffering. I opened the unlocked door and went directly to your bedroom.


“Mom?” I said while knocking. “Mom, please open up.”


No one responded. “Where are you, mom?”


I entered her room and there she was, lying on the floor. She’s as cold as the floor. Why? I cried harder. I suffered more.


“Mom, why did you do this? Why did you leave me?” I cried. I, then, saw her hand with a small paper. I read the letter and it almost made me faint. I’m so broken. I can’t live anymore.


Jessica, I know you will read this letter soon. You don’t know how much thankful I am of having you as my daughter. I admit that I’m disappointed at you. Actually, until now, I can’t accept the fact that you have girlfriend. Sorry, but I can’t anymore. I’ll watch you up above, okay? Remember, whatever happen, don’t give up. Always take care of yourself. Reach for your dreams. I love you. - Mom


“Ms. Jung, it’s your turn to sing.” The organizer said which broke my train of thoughts.


I smiled softly and nodded. I take in a deep breath and sighed. I hear people yelling my name. It somehow eases the pain I’m feeling inside.


“Jessica.” I heard her call me. I turned around and saw her smiling softly at me.


I smiled back. “Yes?” Why do I have to see her again? Well, I know the answer. She wants to be a singer just like me so here we are. We’re at the same place, performing.


“Good luck.” You said.


“Thank you.” I let out a sigh. “You sang the song well.”


“Thanks. I’ll listen backstage. Good luck again.”


“Ladies and gentlemen, let’s give a round of applause for Jessica Jung who will be singing Someday.”


The crowd gets wilder while yelling my name. I can see cameras focused on me. I smiled and begin to sing.


Someday, you'll gonna realize
One day, you'll see this through my eyes
By then I won't even be there
I'll be happy somewhere
Even if I cared

I know you don't really see my worth
You think you're the last guy on earth
Well, I've got news for you
I know I'm not that strong
But it won't take long, won't take long

'Cause someday, someone's gonna love me
The way I wanted you to need me
Someday, someone's gonna take your place
One day, I'll forget about you
You'll see, I won't even miss you
Someday, someday

Right now, I know you can't tell
I'm down and I'm not doin' well
But one day, these tears
They will all run dry
I won't have to cry sweet goodbye


'Cause someday, someone's gonna love me
the way I wanted you to need me
Someday, someone's gonna take your place, Ooh
One day, I'll forget about you
you’ll see, I won't even miss you
Someday, I know someone's gonna be there


Someday, someone's gonna love me
the way I wanted you to need me
Someday, someone's gonna take your place
One day, I'll forget about you
you’ll see, I won't even miss you
Someday, someday



After my performance, I saw you once again. You were smiling at me. I stared directly into your eyes and I saw emptiness just like mine.


“You were great.” You said.


“Thank you.”


You nodded. “So, I gotta go. Take care.” With that, you left.


I entered the makeup room and sat on the couch.


“Jessica, you did well.”


“Thanks, Yuri.”


“I heard Taeyeon cried when she performed.” She knew about Taeyeon. Yuri is my best friend and my manager as well. I told her everything.


She cried? Why? “I don’t care. You know that she always become emotional when it comes to sad songs.”


“I know you care.”


“I don’t care.”


“She sang I love you.”


“So what?”


“If she asked for your forgiveness, would you forgive her? If ever she asked you to be her girlfriend again, would you accept?”




“Why?” Yuri keeps on asking and it’s pissing me off.


“The reason is she broke my heart. She didn’t fight for me. Why would I forgive her? Although what she did is right, I will not forgive her. I am envious. She still has her mother, unlike me. I lost my mother.”

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Chapter 3: ahh, finally... you're JJANG!!
moar TaengSic in the future please, author-ssi~~ xD
Chapter 3: "Oh. HER. Mmm, is that person beautiful?"
"Of course she's beautiful."
"Is that..."
"Don't ask anymore. It's you!"

KYAAA!~ love it sooo much.. thanks for the sequel :D you jjang!!~
189gds07 #3
Chapter 3: the best yeaaahh~~~~~~~~~~~
Awww.... a sequel please~~ make them together :/
Chapter 2: it is so sad
please write more
Chapter 2: my TaengSic feels~~ </3
waeyo author-ssi? :(
make a sequel please... let em be happy with each other /sigh
189gds07 #7
Chapter 2: yes sequel plezzz~~~
Chapter 2: so sad :-(,,,,pls make taengsic be together again authorshi,,,,i hope will forgive her...