Chapter 2- The memories

Break Up The Shell

Kyuhyun pov


I lay on the sofa, waiting for the time to go to the party. Without me knowing, my eyes fluttered close and soon sleep overcome me and I drown in darkness. 


"Kyuhyun! Why do you still believe in the truth? It will all be lies. The truth? There is no truth, people say that one day truth will overcome lies but they are wrong, the truth is fake. Don't you know that truth is just some lies? People say the truth to others which is a lie the person believe."


"I don't understand.."


"Just remember, they say that family and friends will always be with you, isn't that a lie? They regard it as truth. So believe in lies, your world is filled with lies. Why can't you just sink into the fake world then truth"


"Why are you telling me this?"


"Cause you believe in the reality that will never come true. Think what your families, friends and also teachers did to you. I don't want you to be hurt more than you have. Just don't believe in the reality anymore. Trust me, think of everything as a lie and you'll be safe. Just trust me, I'm sure you won't get hurt anymore"


"How do I sink into the lies?"


"Just be fake. Just don't let anyone see the pain you had. Smile, laugh and even get mad.. make it all fake. Then you won't get hurt anymore"


"I will.... I won't get hurt if I do this, right?"


"Of course not, I don't want to hurt you by doing this"


"Then I'll try.. thank you hyung"


"I'll see you in the future, take care."




I woke up, the memories, lingering in my mind. How I became fake come down to me. Its not because of me, its because of the people around me.


I heard a car horn outside my house. I quickly took my wallet and phone and went out of the house. Inside, I see Eunhyuk and his friends shouting at me to quickly come to them. I put on my fake smile once again and run to the car. They opened the door for me and pull me in.


"Why are you late?" The monkey asked as he drive.


"Too distracted, didn't hear the horn" I told him.


We then went to the party with music blaring from the car.


No one's pov


After the car drove away, someone came out and looked at Kyuhyun's house. He inspected the house with a picture someone send him.


"I guess this is the house he asked me to come. His younger brother might be living here. I wonder what hyung did to him that he asked me to come here from Japan"







Hey yoo~~ Guys i updated. Hope you comment and subscribe for those who didn't.

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Chapter 3: Yeay they finally meet....yes minnie you mist protect him... Cam't wait for the next chappie...
Chapter 3: :OO It's JOONGIE! ALKHAKLSHGLAKSH They met!!!!! I can't wait for the next chapter! I wonder what's going to happen!! :D
Aww~ Minnie already wants to protect his Kyu~
Kyung1Ari #3
Chapter 2: Poor Kyu, so his hyung is the reason why he is that way. I can't wait for the next chapter to see who is the mystery man.
Chapter 2: What does kyu's hyung want the man to do with Kyu? So THAT'S how Kyu came to be this way...
Chapter 2: Who is that man and how can his hyung tell him to be fake...
Chapter 2: :O I wonder who that person was, the one who told Kyuhyun to be 'fake'
I hope Kyuhyun doesn't keep thinking like that! T.T
Can't wait for you to update soon! :3
Ji-Hana #7
Great !!!!!
Selphina #8
Chapter 1: sooo sad....kyuhyun...please get better...

please update soon!!!
Chapter 1: Poor kyuhyu! I wonder what's going to happen next! Can't wait for the next update!!
Chapter 1: What happen to him in the past?? I am so curious! Nice job! ^^ update soon.