
The Love Helper

"So cold" Xiumin shivered as he wait for the bus to came. He was squeezing himself in his jacket. He keep his lips to stop them from drying because of the cold weather. He looked around "What taking i--" his sentence to himself was cut when he saw a girl hugging herself in the cold, she has no jacket just her uniform on. 

He couldnt leave a girl in a situation like this so he walked to her , without her knowing , took off his jacket and wrapped it around her. The girl looked at her in surprised. But accepted the jacket anyway.

"T-thanks" she said with a jaw shaking from the cold.

"You should've brought a jacket you know, its cold out here" Xiumin told her.

"I know , but I forgot it because I woked up late earlier" she said while looking down.

"Well you should learn your lesson" he said smiling at her.

"Yeah , thanks again but what about you , arent you cold ? " she asked while looking at Xiumin.

"Im fine dont worry about me, anyway the bus is here , are you taking a bus too?" he asked her. She nod. "Great then lets go before we freeze to death" He lead her to the bus entrance. He paid the bus ticket for the two of them.

"You shouldn't have paid for my ticket, you already lent me your jacket, its too much for a stranger" she said while looking down.

He chuckled "It's fine , dont worry , im Xiumin by the way , there im not a stranger anymore"

She smiled " Jihee, my name is Jihee, nice to meet you ..." she looked at his uniform then speak again "Xiumin sunbaenim"

He laughed "Cut the formalities just call me oppa , okay ?" he looks at her with a sincere smile.

She cant help but blush a little ,good thing her face was slightly red because of the cold. 

"What year are you in by the way?" he suddenly asked.

"I'm in my second year , im taking up Linguistics" she answered.

His eyes widen when he heard what course were you taking. "Youre taking up linguistics? Its what im taking up too but im in my third year right now" he chuckled.

"Well a nice coincidence then" she said.

"Yeah" he nodded


The two of you talked nonstop while inside the bus. But unfortunately it has to end because it was already Xiumin's stop.


"Its been nice talking to you Jihee-ah , but I got to go now , its my stop already" he posted a sad smile.

"Its fine oppa , I had a great time, thanks for the jacket and the ticket, i'll just give it back to you when I see around the universtiy" she said.

"Suit yourself" he said before waving a goodbye to her and get off the bus.


Xiumin cant help but cursed because of the sudden cold he felt when he walked out of the bus. He ran to his apartment as fast as he could so he can escape the cold faster.

He tooked off his shoes quickly when he entered his apartment and went to the bathroom for a warm shower.

While showering he can't help but smile as he think of the girl he just met -- Jihee , but also took away his smile as he thought of it again. 

He sighed and continue his shower.




Jihee smiled as she cuddled the jacket Xiumin lent to her. Dont get me wrong but im just admiring him because he sarcrifice in the cold just to lend his jacket to her.

Her daydreaming suddenly cut when she heard her phone rung, she looked at her phone and smile again. It's her beloved boyfriend.

"Hey there handsome" she greeted her boyfriend cheerfully.


They talked the whole night long together till they fell asleep.

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Chapter 2: That was a fast update.^_^
I like the story idea. It's new and fresh for me.