The Plan

The Hideous Reality

It has been nice working with you Mr. Taek.” You politely said while accepting the envelope the man gave her. It was thick and heavy for just containing papers—paper bills. “Thank you very much.”

Oh your welcome,” He responded while smiling as his wrinkles showed off more. “Hyesoon, you're a very hardworking girl, feel free to drop by anytime.”

Ne,” You answered with much enthusiasm.

You can go now, enjoy the remaining days of your summer vacation.”

You stood up from your seat and gave Mr. Taek a bow before leaving with your money. Walking out with a smile you kept on hiding so that you won't earn awkward glares from people, you headed to the restaurant's back door where her bicycle was waiting for her. At last, after two months of working as an entertainer in that only 5-star restaurant near the place, your hard work finally paid off. This time as no one else was around, you squealed to your heart's content as you flashed you wide smile from ear to ear.

Finally!” You held the envelope on your chest as if giving it a tight hug for saving your life.

Heading to the orphanage, you plugged one side of your earphones as you hummed to EXO's Angel. Thoughts of your future becoming like one of those stories you read online occupied your head. But you know that there is a reality between those fictions, and that you can make it happen if you start making a move yourself.

Just yesterday, you received a mail from Yonsei University saying that you got accepted as a scholar student of the school. The last time you had a conversation with your parents regarding your studies was like a month ago but tonight, you'll tell them your plans for college and hopes for your parents permission to do so.

Kids greeted you upon arriving at the orphanage while you gave back a warm greetings and smile. Your mother volunteers at this certain orphanage on her free time ever since you can't remember when. Ever since a child you would go there to visit your mom and would sometimes help there too if you have spare time thus, you got close with the kids there though there were others who already left the orphanage as they grew older.

Mom,” You softly said upon finding her mother in the kitchen washing the dishes.

Hyesoo-ah, just wait for a moment I'll just finish this then we can go home together.” Your mother replied with the sound of stainless spoons and forks chiming.

You put on an apron and approached to give your mom a hand at washing the mountain of dishes like how a good daughter would do.

Mom, I'll be attending college next week.” You broke out.

Which college is it?” She answered in a monotone. “Changwon Polytechnic? Kyungnam? Gyeongsang National?”

You made a deep sigh, not knowing whether you should continue and tell her about your plans or would stay quiet and do it next time when you're more ready. “Yonsei,” You shortly answered biting your lower lip ready for a sermon.

It's in Seoul, just in case you don't know.” She answered casually.

You knew this would happen. Except for the fact that you're their only child, they got a hint of your main reason why you want to study there.

I know, it's--”

Hyesoo, it's not like you can't study here.” She cut you off before you could finish your sentence.

But mom, I would like to study there. Besides, I passed as a scholar student there so there'd be--”

Gosh, Hyesoo, we all know you have your own agenda there.” She said sternly. “Quit being so immature with that EXO of yours and go study if you're really planning on studying.”

You just stayed quiet for the whole time after then and keeps on gulping down the forming lump in your throat trying to stay calm and unaffected from your mother's words. She isn't the type to yell at you but when it comes to your favorite boys, she—or more precisely both of your parents—are bitter with that topic. They think it's way immature specially for your age and can get in your way of success. You yourself can't deny the fact that there are times when you go overboard when it comes to EXO but you also know for yourself that it has not come to the point that they affects your studies. Maybe it has yet to come, but you'll make sure to balance your fangirl-ing and your studies. They can't understand you fully but you just got tired of explaining it to them as there is no point for they will not let themselves lose to your assumingly immature nature. And well, your father is a lawyer which makes it more difficult for you to win the argument.

The walk home from the orphanage with your mother was normal, as if there were no arguments that happened lately. She might seem to get the matter out of her mind and she's probably thinking you're considering to study in one of the school within Gyeongsangnam-do but you on the other hand, is not yet planning on letting go of your plan. Besides, it's your own future we're talking about.

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Suplemento #1
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^