비행기 - Airplanes

Hey Stranger

There was nothing Zitao hated more than crowded airports. Sometimes he saw girls lining up all over the airport just to get a glance of their idol. He shook his head while seeing some girls with a banner of some band called ‘Super Junior’ and walked towards the small café.

He was in need of some energy before jumping on the plane to London. Sometimes he didn’t feel thankful at all for getting opportunities like this by his good grades. Honestly he wanted to spend some time home, instead of flying around like a freaking bird.

He shook his head again and mumbled “I need to get these thoughts away.” Before ordering his beloved coffee that he had waited for so patiently, at home his mum never allowed him to drink coffee. “It’s not good for you.” She suddenly yelling it him. He was going to miss it, even though it was stupid.


It was one of those times when Kris had to travel without his manger. He didn’t like it, not at all. The girls seemed to scream even louder when Mr Grumpy Manger wasn’t around. They didn’t like his manger, Kris was aware of that.

“Can I sit here?” Tao quietly asked and looked around. How come all the other tables were full? Even his favourite place by the window was taken by some non-asian couple that was talking non-stop and really loud, which he tried to shut out.

“Sure.” Kris mumbled and didn’t even bother looking up, since he noticed that the voice didn’t belong to a female and he was way too distracted by the newspaper in his hand. It was the only thing he had his eyes on while reading.

Tao started sipping on his coffee while looking at the guy in front of him who was wearing sunglasses even though the sun wasn’t even shining inside or outside. Tao frowned when he saw that the guy was holding a newspaper in his hands. How could he read with those glasses on?

“Why are you reading with shades on?” Tao couldn’t hold the question in, he was curious. What kind of person was this man?

Kris quietly put the newspaper on the table and took a look at the guy in front of him for the first time. He sure was a curious prick.  Dark hair, dark eyes, dark circles around the eyes, a black t-shirt. He was sipping on his coffee while looking at Kris.

He was just looking, not staring or gazing at him like he was a god or something. It made Kris frown a bit. “I like it that way.” He muttered and took up the newspaper again. “I mean I like wearing shades.”

“So do I”, Tao muttered while he drank the last of his coffee. “It’s a good way of hiding.” He whispered to himself, while standing up. About to walk away and never talk to this man again.


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blind_angel #1
O.O he died..?
Chapter 4: O-Omo..... So sad!!! Please update soon!
starrystars #3
Chapter 4: The ending is so sad!
QrajiY601 #4
Chapter 4: I read the ending part over and over again I was like "wait?what"..this is so sad
Chapter 4: Omg..this is so sad..I was really surprised when Tao's plane crashed~ TT.TT