Chapter 21


Reinie was busy doing her homework at home when her handphone vibrated. *Sehun!* Without thinking, Reinie instantly put down her pen and picked up from her phone.


From:  Sehun



Reinie didn't have to think twice before she typed yes but when Reinie realised what she had done and instantly put down her handphone ‘what am I doing? I almost say yes to him’

‘Don’t reply’ she shook her head to clear away her thoughts and picked up her pen at the side of the table. ‘Just continue writing’ she told herself yet she couldn’t help but wonder what Sehun would do if she never reply him.

It was as thought Sehun knew what she was thinking, her handphone vibrated again. As much as Reinie wanted to concentrate on her homework, her mind always fell back to the text message on her phone *what will he say this time?* Reinie find herself looking back at her phone again where her kakao message popped up.

‘I’ll just take a look, thats all’ she convinced herself and swiftly picked up her phone.


From: Sehun

You owe me a meal. You say you’ll treat me


Reinie frowned at the message ‘since when did I say I would treat him?’ another message came in before she could figure it out.


From: Sehun

You didn't pay for my hotdog yesterday did you? You say you would. Treat me today, you owe me. Hurry, Im waiting


‘Mwoh?! He’s the one that willing paid for himself yesterday and now he’s demanding for it?! Is he crazy?’ Reinie couldn’t believe her eyes. *How could there be such a person like him?*


15 minutes later, Reinie was out of house, on her way to meet Sehun. *Im just going because Im hungry and Im lazy to cook. Besides, he pay for it yesterday, its only right if I return the favour, I don’t like the feeling of owing people things. Not because I want to meet him* she convinced herself as she walked towards the restaurant nearby.

‘Whats taking you so long?’ Sehun had his arms folded in front of his chest as he looked at Reinie when she arrived.

Reinie took the seat in front of him ‘Just be glad I came’

Sehun laughed ‘Wow, then I should really be honoured’ he smirked.

‘Shut up’ Reinie glared at him. *Wouldn't he stopped his teasing for a day?* ‘Just order, Im hungry’ Reinie raised her hand to call the waitress.

Sehun raised his brow ‘Oh today you don’t need time to think for what you’re going to eat?’ he said, remembering the times when she always had troubled picking what to eat whenever they ate together.

‘I thought it through my way here, you got any problem with it?’ Reinie narrowed her eyes at him.

Sehun let out a chuckle then shook his head ‘Nope, not at all. Why would I?’ he smirked.

‘Yes, how can I help you?’ the waitress asked when she arrived at their table.

‘I would like Carbonara and green tea’ Reinie politely told the waitress and waited for Sehun to order.

‘Fish and Chips, Coke for my drink. Thats all, thank you’ Sehun passed the menu back to the waitress before she left with their orders.

While waiting for their meal, Reinie browsed through her handphone. It felt weird just sitting there doing nothing while Sehun was busy typing away with his phone every once in awhile. She wouldn’t have felt anything in the past but now, she was uncomfortable and jealous. She couldn’t understand why but she was jealous, jealous that he had someone to text to while she didn't. She was even jealous of the other person, the one he was texting because Sehun’s attention was on the person as well, even though she was sitting in front of him.

In the past, her handphone wouldn’t even vibrate, not when anyone needed help or favours from her. Someday, if Sehun too, decided to stop texting her, her phone would probably not vibrate any time soon. At the thought of it, somehow her heart felt empty *what am I thinking? I shouldn’t get too attached to him* Reinie mentally scolded herself.

Reinie snapped out of her thought to see Sehun staring at her ‘what are you thinking?’

‘Nothing’ Reinie shook her head.

‘Thats good, don’t think anything. You’re just killing your brain cells. You’re already in need of IQ, there’s no need for you to worsen it further’ Sehun tapped his temple to emphasize as he grinned at her.

*Did he just called me stupid again?* ‘Mwoh?! Yah you-’ the waitress came with their food before Reinie could even finish her sentence.

Sehun raised his brow as if challenging Reinie to continue. ‘What are you about to say?’ he smirked as the waitress put down their orders.

*Aissh that jerk* Reinie looked away instead.

*Cute* Sehun chuckled *but its the truth, you don’t have to think unnecessary things like this, you’ll be the only one by my side at the end of the journey*

After their dinner, they headed back out the streets again. Before they could pass by the cafe, Reinie stopped in her track. ‘Im going in, we can separate way here if you want. Bye’ Reinie headed in without hearing Sehun’s answer, thinking that he’ll probably leave for somewhere else.

Sehun shook his head *when will she finally take a good look at me to believe I’ll be there with her no matter what?* he pushed the door opened and headed in as well.

‘Can you get me a New York Cheesecake and an Ice Americano?’ Reinie ordered at the counter. When her order was out, Reinie took her drink and cake before turning around to find for an empty table to sit at.

Reinie’s eyes rounded at the sight of Sehun when she searched for a table to sit at. *What is he doing there?* Reinie instantly walked towards the table. ‘Why are you here? I thought you left’ Reinie asked as she took the seat opposite him.

‘Exactly, you thought I left. Who do you think I am?’ Sehun raised his brow and asked.

Embarrassed, Reinie looked away ‘I thought you’ll probably be busy..’ she let her voice trailed.

Sehun leaned forward and spoke ‘Look, you’ve probably forgotten because I hadn’t mentioned it for a long time so I’ll remind you again, I like you. When I asked you out, I wouldn’t be going anywhere when you aren’t so don’t just decide things on your own and push me away.’ Reinie looked up, expecting a smirk on his face just like how he was whenever he was teasing her but she was wrong. There wasn't any smirk on Sehun's face nor was there any glinting in his eyes like how it was whenever he , he just simply gazed back at her.

Reinie didn't know what to do or say when he’s being serious like this. Awkward, Reinie looked away from him and took a sip of her coffee. ‘Why would you eat cheesecake when you just had Carbonara?’ Reinie looked back to see Sehun taking a small bite of her cheesecake. As much as she was glad that he had changed the topic, how could he eat her cake when she hadn’t even had a taste of it yet?

‘Because I like it, besides thats mine.’ Reinie pointed at her cake and took back her dessert fork from Sehun ‘why are you eating mine, go get your ow- Hey! Thats mine too’ Sehun took her coffee this time round.

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Chapter 63: Just one thing that I curious. Reine's parent. Hahahahaha.
Chapter 63: This fic is amazing my gaaaaawd fluff fluff and sehun is perfect! Authorniiiim I'm a fan of u already!!
aksira #3
Chapter 63: i love this somuchhhh >< i want a soulmate like sehun huhu
Chapter 63: Woah it's the end?
Wuhuu oh sehun you're sweet!
Chapter 63: love your story ♥
Chapter 63: Sorry but where are reinie's parents?
Am i missing some chapter??

Btw im lovin it~
Nice story!
Chapter 63: Wowww sweet. Nice story. Thank you author nim.
Red_lantern #8
I love this story!!!
Chapter 63: this story was so cute. I could feel their love. *dreamy sighing* I wish I had a man like sehun