Chapter Seven

Blackmailing Lee Hyori's Daughter

A/N: Just wanted to say there's a part in this chapter where Namjoon and Mina speak English so that's gonna be in red. I didn't want to keep saying things like "said in English" and "went back to Korean" lol.


Mina woke up to the sound of her phone ringing that morning. "Hello?" She answered, her voice tired and groggy sounding. "Oh, I'm sorry. Did I wake you?" She recognized the voice to be Namjoon's. "Yeah, actually, you sorta did." She gave a half giggle and he chuckled in response.


"Oops. I think I know a way to make you forgive me, though." She raised an eyebrow even though he couldn't see her. "Is that so?" She asked, sitting up and taking her hair out of the messy bun she had put it in the night before. "Yeah. Come open your door and make sure your eyes are closed." Her head tilted a little, wondering what the rapper meant.


Standing, her ran her fingers through her hair to try and loosen it up and a bit, also to make it look less messy than it probably did. Mina was wearing a pair of red and black plaid pj pants that belonged to Hoseok, so they were a little baggy on her and they somewhat hung off her hip. The tank top she was wearing lifted in her sleep, too, so a part of her tummy was shown off as well. But she had a feeling Namjoon wouldn't mind because truthfully, they'd grown close over the months that went by.


"Alright, I'm here." She tolded him and closed her eyes. "Make sure you aren't peeking." He told her, and she lightly laughed. "Don't worry, I'm not." Her hand found the doorknob and opened the door for the older male to step in. She felt his hand on her hip to move her out of the way so he could get in, and then she heard the door close behind him.


Namjoon took her phone and ended the call on her line since he had already done so, and handed it back to her. "You can open your eyes now." Mina did as he told and opened her eyes, only to have them drop from Namjoon's gaze to the little puppy in his arms. She immediately squealed. "He's so cute!"


"She." Namjoon quickly corrected, walking over and sitting in front of the couch instead of on it, and set down the puppy. "I love huskies! They're so pretty!" He smiled as she sat next to him on the ground and shook his head. "Actually, she's a Pomsky." She gasped. "Even better! That means she won't grow too big!"


"What's her name?" Mina asked after a few minutes. "I dunno." He shrugged. "She's your dog after all." Her eyebrows furrowed together and looked up at the leader. "But I already have a dog. He's at home with my family...." When Namjoon raised in eyebrows, as if a was to say, 'You really don't get it?' the whole thing finally clicked in her head.


"No. You mean--" She pointed to the little puppy at her feet and he nodded. "Yep! She's all yours!" She launched herself onto the rapper, hugging him tightly. "Thanks! But, what's with the sudden gift?" She questioned, pulling back. "Well your sixth month of debuting is coming up so I decided to give you something."


Mina smiled, moving her feets around the ground as the little puppy started chasing her toes. "Why not wait? My anniversary is in two days." She asked, turning away for just a second when she felt the puppy nip at her feet. "Ow! Hey!" The puppy jumped back and wagged its tail, lightly yipping at her.


"Well I figured you're lonely here by yourself. So I thought I'd get you a companion. The sooner the better, right?" He questioned, lighting chuckling at Mina pouting her and rubbing where the puppy had bitten her.


"Any names come to mind?" He asked, and she thought for a bit. "Chae." She said, and Namjoon laughed. "Color? Really? She's a cream colored Pomsky, that's not a lot of color." Mina pouted. "Yeah? Well you think of a name then."


"Bom." He suggested. "Spring? There's no such thing as cream in spring. My turn." Namjoon lifted an eyebrow. When did this become a competition? Nevertheless, he chuckled in amusement and watched her think. "Doh." He tilted his head, thinking. "Well, accomplishment does seem pretty reasonable, since I'm giving you this puppy as an accomplishment for your sixth anniversary..." Mina smiled, thinking she "won."


But then Namjoon continued speaking. "But it's not very pretty, is it?" Her smile turned into a frown. "At this rate, she'll never have a name!" He smiled a little and looked down at the puppy. "How about Joy? She seems pretty joyful and it seemed like she even made you joyful when you first saw her." Mina looked up at him and smiled herself, nodding. Joy was a pretty name and it matched her personality. Plus it sounded prettier in English than it did in Korean.


The two stopped through, their smiles disappearing. They were just inches apart from each other when his phone rang. The duo jumped back immediately and Namjoon reached for his phone.


"Hello?" He answered, and Mina had gotten up to go grab a tennis ball she knew she had from her other dog back at home. When she came back, she got on her knees and rolled the ball over, Joy immediately jumping at it. She continued rolling the ball around for her to chase as Namjoon had his conversation on the phone.


When he finally hung up, he turned to Mina. "Hey... I gotta go. New song promotions." She looked back down at the puppy happily playing with the tennis ball by herself. "You can come with, you know. I'm sure you don't have much to do since your promotions ended a bit after ours did."


She looked up, the glanced down at Joy. "But who's going to watch her? I can't leave her here by herself with no dog food or water or anything." Namjoon thought for a bit before snapping his fingers. "How about you drop her off at you parents house? Somebody is there to watch her, right?" Certainly not her mom or her dad. She was about to shake her head before she thought of Jaeyoong.


"Wait, yeah, actually." The rapper smiled. "Great! Who?" Then she froze for a minute. She couldn't possibly say her driver, because that'd surely make him suspicious. She thought of the older male as her brother anyway, so that's what she went with. "Really? I didn't know you had any siblings." Yeah, neither did I, she thought before nodding.


"Well, now you do. Come on." She picked up Joy and went to her room, Namjoon following. He sat on her bed and she handed him the puppy. The dorm she lived in had three rooms, two containing two beds while the third contained only one. She figured it was originally for a group but it was given to her anyway. She slept in all of them, but the one at the end of the hall was her "main" room. The others were just there in case she was too tired to actually get to her room or something.


The room she brought Namjoon to was the one across from the restroom, so that way when she was done showering she could go to her actual room at the end of the hall and not worry about him being there. And Namjoon knew this so he stayed in the room he was in and played with Joy while he waited.


She made sure she didn't take too long, only washing the important things like her hair and such. Mina quickly ran to her room and shut the door. When she finally made it to her closet, she pulled on a pair of black sweats beside the warm weather outside and put on a new tank top (Mina had this weird thing where she could wear pants in the summer and be fine as long as she wore a tank top. Same thing applied to cooler weather. Just not winter. She wasn't crazy), this one being gray instead of black.


As she was looking for her baggy navy blue off the shoulder crop top to put over her tank top — just to be a little fashionable while she hung around BTS and not look like a slob, she didn't want to hear it from Jungkook — she came across a white cardigan that was obviously not hers; it seemed at least two or thee sizes too big. It was probably even big on the owner now that she thought of it.


And then she remembered. It was Jungkook's. Honestly it was a long chapter on how she even got it, but it was a night she had gotten lucky to even see a considerate maknae, who was actually being nice to her and not an . He had been walking her home from their dorm (she was over there a lot), it was near the end of February, now that she remembered. After her debut promotions ended....


"Yah, did you really forget to bring a jacket or something?" Jungkook asked when he noticed her crossed arms pressed against her torso in attempt to keep warm. March was on the way, yes, but that didn't mean it still didn't get nippy. Especially at night.


Mina was fine walking home by herself, but Yoongi insisted somebody go with her. He would've done it himself but he was just getting over a cold. They did rock, paper, scissors, and Jungkook ended up loosing, resulting in the two rivals walking by themselves with nobody watching them. It started out dead quiet until the maknae noticed her hugging herself. Which was where they were right about now.


"Shut up." She retorted, not daring to look at him because he probably had a really amused look on his face. But he didn't. Not this time. He may of not liked her that much, but he didn't want her catching a cold or anything. It wasn't healthy.


Soon she felt warmth on her shoulders and looked up to see Jungkook putting his cardigan around her. "What are you doing?" She questioned, and he sighed. "I'm not in the mood to be an right now, so instead of being smart, I'll say something nice instead." He cleared his throat, and then turned to her as if he never said anything.


"Giving you my cardigan, obviously. You looked cold, and I don't want you getting sick." Mina wanted to believe he was just saying that, but his voice was dripping of actual concern and he was giving a light smile. He was definitely not kidding. Nevertheless, she put her arms through the sleeves and wrapped the cardigan around herself, taking in the warmth that was already present from his body heat.


It was way too big on her, but she could care less. It was warm and that all she cared about. Silence had engulfed them again until about two blocks later (really, she was walking distance. About five or so in total. The walk itself took about 10-15 minutes because the blocks were pretty long. But in this case it took 20 because they weren't in a hurry and their pace was rather slow), and the 97 duo was walking up the steps.


Mina was beginning to take off the cardigan but was stopped. "Keep it, I'll just get it back later." She shook her head. "But won't you get cold--" She was cut off. "I'll be fine. I'll just jog back to keep my blood pumping so I'll stay warm. Really, don't worry about me." Jungkook smiled and leaned down, lightly kissing her cheek.


He walked back down the steps and turned to wave goodbye before beginning to run off, back towards his dorm. Meanwhile, Mina had stayed standing there for quite some time, a hand on the cheek he kissed.


Why couldn't he be like this more often?


The cardigan had never been returned, and in fact, she even slept with it that night. It was comfortable, warm, and as weird as this one sounds, she liked his scent. Sounds a little stalker-ish, and odd coming from her since she didn't like him. But whatever body wash or cologne he wore smelled good. Really, really good.


Even though she was going to see BTS, she put the cardigan back, deciding she'd give it back another time. Finally, she found the crop top she was looking for and put it on, then went to brush her hair.


And that was when it finally dawned on her.


How was she going to get Joy to her house without Namjoo questioning the really nice looking home her mom owned?


A/N: Well honestly, I'm still trying to figure out who to pair Mina with. The last two choices are up for choosing, but I'm mostly posting the poll because I like her with Namjoon's character, but I was originally planning on putting her with Jungkook before I replaced him with Jimin instead because I was like "Nah if I put her with Jungkook it'll be too cliche"

Meaning, I don't know if I should put her with Namjoon or Jungkook. Because if I put her with Jungkook I was going to try some way to make it not seem cliche if that was possible. But her relationship with Namjoon is just so adorable, so----

Anyway, I'm sorry for the weird time jumps but I'm trying to keep up with actual time in the fanfic because when I don't do that in confuses me. So I decided to update and give you guys a longer chapter!

Also, since I start school next month, I'll be trying to cram in updates for this before I go M.I.A again. But if I get writers block then oh well.... ;A;

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Chapter 9: I did not expect that at all!! Waaah~ please update soon! XD
Chapter 8: Oh please update!!!! I need to know what happened!! Jeon Jungkook...poor him.
Chapter 6: The driver was really handsome xD me likey :3
Chapter 6: Update soon!!
Syaz1997 #5
Chapter 5: Update soon please!!!!!!!
Chapter 2: Haha cute ^^ this is pretty good so far. Update again soon author-nim. Hwaiting~!
batonkun #7
Update soon, neh? ^^