9 - Don't Play Games

Love At First Sight
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On Christmas Eve, I went for a run by myself, heading away from the last minute shoppers in town. I could have run for miles on that crisp, cold day and kept wondering what it would be like to have Jae beside me. I imagined matching his long footsteps with mine, striding in perfect sync, not talking, just being together. And then, I remembered that Chaerin was imagining what it would be like to make out with him.

When I arrived back home, Aunt Hyori came over and was getting a Christmas tour from my mother. I could hear them walking from room to room, Aunt Hyori exclaiming over the decorations. Chaerin and Bom were in the downstairs hall, Chaerin standing in front of a mirror, holding her hand up close to her face, gazing at her image. She smiled at me in the mirror and wiggled her fingers, making her left hand sparkle with Aunt Hyori’s engagement ring.

“Come on, Chaerin,” Bom said. “You’ve been wearing it for five minutes.”

“Okay,” Chaerin finally agreed, then slipped off the ring. Bom put it on and held out her hand, watching the diamond catch fire.

“My turn,” Mom said as she and Aunt Hyori joined us.

Aunt Hyori glanced at me, but I shook my head. I’d been trying to squelch ridiculous romantic dreams that, since I’d met Jae, were popping up like dandelions. I didn’t need to see how an engagement ring looked in my hand.

“Aunt Hyori,” Bom said, “have you picked your bridesmaid yet?”

“How about Uncle Hyun Bin’s best man?” Chaerin asked.

“We’re going to think about all that after the holidays,” Aunt Hyori replied. “Right now we’re focusing on my getting to know Hyun Bin’s family.”

My mother admired the flashing diamond on her finger, then handed it back. “Hyori has invited us over to the Kim’s tonight to help trim the tree,” she said.

“I don’t want to interefere with your plans, girls,” Aunt Hyori added. “But if you’re free, we’d love to have you.” She looked at me hopefully, and I nodded.

“Of course we’ll come,” Chaerin said. “I love being around Min.”

Bom glanced at me and rolled her eyes. I had to laugh.

My mother insisted on bringing food, and Aunt Hyori gave up trying to persuade her not to. After Aunt Hyori left, I was sent to a nearby grocery store on the Main Street, to purchase some snacks.

I spent 10 minutes circling the crowded lot, then parked the car and walked around to the front entrance. I ped my hoodie, put on a basket over my arm, and started up the first aisle, picking up cheeses, dropping them in.

“Hey, Little White Riding Hood!” someone said while tugging at my hoodie.

I turned around. “Hey, Hyun Joong.”

“Picking up some goodies for Grandma?” he asked. “Mmm.”

“Don’t get your hopes up, Wolf,” I told him, “Both grandmas are dead.”

He laughed.

I selected two more cheeses. “What are you up to?” I asked, when he continued to hover about.

“Just picking up some butter.” He held it up.

We reached the end of the aisle. “Well, good luck in choosing the fastest cashier line. And have a great holiday if I don’t see you.”

He took the basket for my hands.

I looked at him funny and took it back. “I have more shopping to do.”

He pulled on the basket’s handle until I let go, then dropped in his butter. “I figured that. I’m helping you.” He was smirking.

“Oh. Well…thank you.”

Hyun Joong laughed. He really was good-looking, his dark lashes are so long making his eyes more dreamy. He had a movie star face, the kind with very chiseled feature – but have nothing particularly about it, in my opinion. He was a good match for Chaerin. She is her type.

“And I’ll be seeing you tomorrow,” he said as he carried my basket down an aisle of crackers and chips. “Chaerin invited me over.”

I picked up some multigrain and water crackers, then handed them to him.

“What do you want for Christmas this year?” Hyun Joong asked.

“Hiking boots. A sleeping bag. And a pair of good cleats for lacrosse.”

He smiled. “No perfume?”

“It makes my eyes water.”

“Mine too,” he said, “when I get close to a girl.” He stood close and looked at my neck, which is lon

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athena_29 #1
Chapter 19: Please accept my friend request 🙏🙏🙏
MaritheZya #2
Chapter 19: Thumbs up. I love reading jaedara ff and definitely i will read this again as additional list of one of my fav.
All time fav!!!! I read it on the day it was published and still re-reading it today ♡
Chapter 19: This is sweet..
joanvitug19 #5
Chapter 19: ❤❤❤
Chapter 19: What a lovely jaedar fic.. i love it. ❤❤❤
kathyrica17 #7
Chapter 19: Beautiful story.
daramaegon #8
Chapter 19: rereading this story twice already..thanks:)
Chapter 19: This is heartwarming... no drainung dramas :)
Chapter 19: All is good, authornim. Omg, I can't believe that I still surprised with the story eventhough I already read it before >_< this fic definitely a treasure too