17 - What A Mess We've Made

Love At First Sight
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I love the woods. Add a river and a cabin, and I’m one happy camper. Five P.M. Tuesday, I eagerly pulled on my new hiking boots. Despite Jae’s warning I was looking forward to our trip to Windhaven.

Chaerin, who was getting ready for her date with Jae, came to my room, hunting for a pair of silver earrings to go with a new outfit. “If you don’t mind me giving you a little advice,” she said, looking down at my heavy boots, “Hyun Joong likes really feminine stuff.”

I shrugged. “Okay with me if he wears high-heeled ankle boots.”

Bom was in the bathroom, and her laugh echoed out from there. “Can I borrow your old hikers, Dara?”

We needed the wood socks when we reached the docks of Windhaven Marina. The night was clear and very cold. Boats sailed past with thousands of colored lights twinkling in the wind, each boat a starry constellations shining against the black night. Hyun Joong stood behind me, his warm arms around me, bending his head close to mine, the two of us oohing and aahing at the passing boats. It was a scene sparkling with romance and possibility; maybe that’s what convinced me it was time to give up. As hard as I tried, I still felt something with Jae.

After the parade we returned to the marina lot to pick up backpacks that the guys had stuffed with blankets and snacks.

“I thought we’d leave the car here and take a moonlight hike to the cabin,” Siwon said as we put on our packs. “It’s about a half mile from here.”

“Sounds good,” I replied. I wished we could hike all night.

Siwon led the way, followed by my sister and me, with Hyun Joong last in line. The path was winding, but the moonlight guided us, breaking through the leafless branches, glistening on old stumps and sprawling logs that were sugared with snow. The walk would have been perfect if only Siwon had shut up. Instead of listening to the gorgeous silences and mysterious night stirrings of wood creatures, we got to hear him talk about himself.

As we walked I noticed that Siwon’s backpack was coming ped. I stared at the shiny cans inside. He had brought six-pack of beer. “Did you guys bring any sodas?” I asked.

“Lots,” Bom said, pointing to Siwon’s pack, then she saw the beer.

Siwon glanced over his shoulder and removed his pack so he could zip it up. I opened mine to check the contents. More beer. “I hope we have soda,” I said, “because I don’t do alcohol.”

“You’ll be thirsty when we get to the cabin,” Siwon replied. “The beer will taste good.”

“But we don’t drink it,” I reminded him.

“Lighten up, Dara,” Siwon said. “No one’s around.” Hyun Joong glanced from him to me then he frowned.

“That’s just it,” I told Siwon. “I don’t want to drink when there’s no one around except us because we’re in an isolated place. And I don’t know you very well.”

Hyun Joong laughed softly.

“She’s your date,” Siwon told Hyun Joong. “What was it you said last night – you like a challenge?”

“Excuse me?” I said, looking at Hyun Joong.

“It’s okay, Dara,” Hyun Joong answered quietly. “I packed one soda. We can split it.” He assured me and smiled.

“Three ways?” Bom asked.

“Siwon, she’s your date,” Hyun Joong told Siwon.

“They’ll change their minds when we get to the cabin and it feels like a meat freezer,” Siwon replied.

“Don’t count on it,” I said. Siwon was getting on my nerves.

“You can’t just turn up a thermostat,” he went on. “It takes a while to build a good fire, you know.”

“I know. I was a Girl Scout,” I said irritably. Bom and Hyun Joong laughed silently.

“Still are,” Siwon remarked. To Bom he said, “My parents keep brandy there. You’ll like it. It’ll warm you all the way down.” He pulled her back against him, running his hand down the front of her.

Before Bom could react, there was a loud crash in the brush. We all jumped. It sounded like a large animal, a deer maybe, and had come from the path behind us. Siwon took advantage of the moment, holding on to Bom tightly, his hands moving over the front of her, sculpting her. I saw her pull forward, trying to loosen his grip. She looked irritated. I was about to yell at him but…

There was another crashing sound, then a shout.

“Dara Noona! Dara Noona, help!”

Min’s voice. For a moment I stood frozen with amazement, then I raced back over the trail. Bom was right behind me, the guys following her.

“Min, where are you?”

“Over here,” he called back to me. “Here.”

We found him in a small clearing along with someone else. “Junsu!” I said, surprised.

Min’s neighbor was standing on one leg, leaning up against a tree, his hand gripping a low branch. “Hey, guys,” Junsu greeted us, as if we were passing by in the school cafeteria. “What’s up?”

“Are you hurt?” I asked. There was snow all over his jacket, and I noticed he wasn’t putting weight on one ankle.

“Just resting,” he replied. I looked at Bom. She noticed his

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athena_29 #1
Chapter 19: Please accept my friend request 🙏🙏🙏
MaritheZya #2
Chapter 19: Thumbs up. I love reading jaedara ff and definitely i will read this again as additional list of one of my fav.
All time fav!!!! I read it on the day it was published and still re-reading it today ♡
Chapter 19: This is sweet..
joanvitug19 #5
Chapter 19: ❤❤❤
Chapter 19: What a lovely jaedar fic.. i love it. ❤❤❤
kathyrica17 #7
Chapter 19: Beautiful story.
daramaegon #8
Chapter 19: rereading this story twice already..thanks:)
Chapter 19: This is heartwarming... no drainung dramas :)
Chapter 19: All is good, authornim. Omg, I can't believe that I still surprised with the story eventhough I already read it before >_< this fic definitely a treasure too