Confession ~ SeungiexSeobiexWoonie Part 1

Mastermind The Sequel : Tying The Bonds
Yoseob sat silently in the wooden chair as he sipped a cup of warm tea as he quietly watched two of his group members chat idly about there current life with their 'lovers'... " Dujun-ah can be so shy at some moments.... There are also some moments when he can be really straight forward and he's... Oh god, Heehee..." Dongwoon grinned slyly as he playfully his spoon covered in Peach yogurt. " Aahh~ I love that part of him...." Hyunseung suddenly blushed to a light pink, at the sudden add-on. " Hmph, Kiki is all straight forward... Whenever he wants something, or quote: 'needs' something he doesn't stop until he has 'it' " Dongwoon grinned as he stiffed a giggle. " That something being you huh....?" He snorted. Hyunseung didn't reply as he blushed harder. Dongwoon took the silent comment as a yes. " Uhhrmm.... What about you Seobie? How's Junnie?" Dongwoon interjected the awkward moment. Yoseob looked up innocently as he the cream off his upper lip. " Ahhh~ It's been okay to me. He's always so sweet and loving... And everytime he goes to the studio to work, he always comes back with something for me it's so cute..." Yoseob blushed lightly, as he sighed contently. " Yesterday he came home and had bought me 3 bouquets of roses saying that he was planning to buy me 100 because it symbolizes enternal devotion to a person's true love...." Yoseob looked at Dongwoon who was squealing with excitement.. " Aii!! Thats sooo romantic Hyung~! You and Junnie are soo perfect together you like complete each others world so perfectly! Auughh, I wish Dujun-ah was that romantic!!" He stuck his lip out in a playful pout on the verge of a cute tantrum. Yoseob smiled sweetly as he looked down at the liquid in his cup. " Mmm, I guess so, I think he's just trying to show affection to prove he really loves me... And I love it, he so affectionate and he always know how to make me melt in his arms with just a whisper of words..." Hyunseung grinned happily at the sound of those words. Dongwoon smiled too but with mischevious written all over it. Yoseob jerked up quickly as he blushed deeply at Dongwoons expression. " Wh-what's th... That look f-for......?" He asked nervously. " Heheheheh.... Sounds like Junnie is trying to be more than affectionate... I think he wants something from you... Unless you already gave it to him..." Dongwoon voice was low and was semi-seductive as he spoke. " Wh-what...? Give him what? What are talking about? What does he want?" Yoseob felt a shiver run down his neck. Dongwoon sat back as he folded his arms across his chest. " Ahh Seobie you're too innocent... I dont really know how to put it any simpiliar without you freaking out..." Hyunseung shook his head as he sighed. " Telling him will scare him to death dont do it..." He warned. " Tell me what?! I can take it! " Yoseob almost shouted, almost waking up the the three real BEASTS of the six. " Have you had with Junhyung yet...?" Dongwoon asked plainly with a blunt expression. ************************* ahh cliffhanger! XD Sooo Im gonna do a two parter here so sorry about that.. ths converstion juss kinda came to me cause thy were things i ha to put to help explan things an hint on things that will happen later on :) there be more random convos and couple one shots, most revolving round JunSeob cause theyre my babies ~Isa
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