In Your Arms ~ Gikwang and Hyunseung

Mastermind The Sequel : Tying The Bonds
Hyunseung collasped on a bed in exhaustion. It was about 10 o'clock in the dorm and he had just finshed cleaning about every corner of the kitchen and dining room. ' Ugh, this is what I get for accepting Yoseob's rant on declaring me as the Omma of Beast....' He groaned in his mind as he threw a pillow over his head. Ever since Yoseob said that he was the ' Mother ' and declared Dujun as the ' Father ' of their group, he has been living up to the name and has turned into a maid as well, cleaning, cooking, and washing up after each member every other day to keep their lives manageable. It was alot of work but it was worth the labor. " Oh, Seungie-hyung are you okay.....?" Hyunseung looked up as he met gazes with a raven haired man with a towel over his shoulders. " Hmmn? Oh no I'm fine just really tired... I think I overdid it with the cleaning though... Again..." Hyunseung groaned, fluttering his eyes as he tried not to drift off into sleep. " Aissh, why did you do that? I don't want you straining yourself..." Concern was soaked all over Gikwang's voice as he hung his gray towel on a hook near the door of the bedrooom. He slowly walked towards the older man spread across his bed and sat on the edge, gently taking his hand and running it through soft, firey red hair. Hyunseung sighed contently at the touch and turned his body so he was on his back, staring up at Gikwang who had dripping water from his jet black hair. " Yaah~ Look at you you're all wet..." He grumbled ignoring the last comment as he sat up and grabbed a nearby towel from the ground and tossed it at Gikwang. " And I'm not straining myself, I just care about everyone..." He mumbled as he ran the towel over the top of Gikwang's hair. "..... But, I care about you the most Seungie...." Gikwang whispered as his hands shot up quickly and nabbed Hyunseung's palms, bringing the together and settling them on his chest. Right over his heart. Hyunseung felt his own quicken as a blush crept across his face. He watched as Gikwang leaned forward slowly, his lips barely passing Hyunseungs bottom lip. " Ah ! What are you trying to do huh? It's late !" Hyunseung scoffed as he jerked back quickly. He blushed even more as he heard a deep, y chuckle from the man behind him. " I was obviously trying to kiss you Seungie...." He purred as he wrapped his arms around his ' Seungie'. " Hnn.... " Hyunseung grumbled as a yawn escaped his lips. " Aw~ Is my Seungie tired....?" Gikwang hummed as he suddenly leaned back, pulling Hyunseung with him as they layed entangled in the sheets. " Sleep here with me." Hyunseung twitched a bit. " W-wah...? " Hyunseung squeaked, he didn't even have energy to speak. " You're tired just go to sleep, I'll be here the whole time." Gikwang soothed as he started to pet Seungie's head again causing the red head to slip into slmber quickly. " Uhmm... I... O-okay...." Hyunseug sighed resting his head on Gikwang's chest. He heard one more light chuckle from his lovers mouth before completely falling asleep. He just.... Felt so safe and warm in Gikwang's arms....... ***************************** Heh, I like the end :3 Kinda ties up with the name of the chapter.... Juss as a note all of the characters are as they looked in Fiction. ~Isa
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