Behind The Scene

Mastermind The Sequel : Tying The Bonds

" Yo Seob." Dark brown eyes dart past by the shimmering lights below the city. A swift movemnet and the young man's soft caramel brown hair fell down perfectly over the bridge of pale skin above his eyes. The words sunk deep within him as he glanced uo towards his elder lover. " Ah, Jun Hyung how are you..?" The young boy smiled happily in response. The calm joker smoothly walked his way down the wooden boards of the porch. " Fine, it was tiring though. Being cooped up in the studio and recording.." He sighed in a soft, husky tone. He brought his hands out of his pants jeans and slowly find their way aroung the younger boys waist, embracing him a deep hug from behind. " Heh, poor baby. You must be tired... Hyun Seung made dinner why don't you go eat eh?" The young idol said soothingly as he chuckled lghtly. " Mnn... Maybe later but I just want to be around you right now. You know I missed my Yo seob..." He whispered lightly into Yo Seob's ear. " Wow, Junnie you're so eager... What's the purpose..?" He asked sliding his fingers into Jun Hyung's. " Because baby, in 2 weeks it will be excatly 1 year since we've been together." Yo Seob remembered the past events that took place beck then. " Ah you're right. That's sweet that you remembered.." Jun Hyung took a deep breath inhaling the sweet scent the came off his lover. " Of course I would remember. It represents the first day I ever fell in love with you Seobie." Yo Seob's face faded into a soft pink as he looked down at the city below again. " Tsh, I fell in love with you way before you did. You were so clueless..." Yo Seob whispered. " I wish I known earlier then." Jun Hyung remarked. " I will make it up for you then okay Seobie?" Yo Seob pondered for a moment. " Of course." He finally answered. Jun Hyung hugged the younger man tighter. The sudden remembrance of why he loved this boy overflowed his head. " Yo Seob..." He muttered out again, trapped in his own thoughts again. " Yes, Junnie..?" The boy said playfully. " You're so warm... I want you to sleep with me again tonight..." The older man purred. " Heh, fine with me..." The moment was broke when Hyun Seung poked his head through the curtains. He cleared his throat loudly. " Ahem! Ju Hyung I want you inside and eating this great food I made! I'm not letting it go to waste! " He demanded coaxing them in with a wooden spoon. " No! Dong Woon don't touch that!" Hyun Seung hissed dissapearing back into the house quickly. " I told you..." Yo Seob muttered out from under his breath. " Huh, Fine I'll go eat..." Jun Hyung pretended to groan as he let go of Yo Seob. " Wait, one more thing..." Jun Hyung said quickly grabbing Yo Seob by the shoulders and spinning him around. " Wha-" Yo Seob was cut off, by Jun Hyung pressing his lips against his. " I love you Yo Seob..." Jun Hyung sang as he pulled away. Yo Seob's face went light pink again as he gasped for air. " Of course you do... I love you too Junnie..." He blurted out as he put his hands up to his face to hide his blushing cheeks. Jun Hyung grinned playfully as he leaned in again and pecked Yo Seob on his nose before running into the house again. Yo Seob sttod motionless for a second to process all his thoughts together. ' 2 weeks..' Yo Seob sighed as he rubbed the back of his neck. ' 2 more weeks until it will be one full year since we've been together...' He closed his eyes and opened them slowly and tilted his head back to gaze up at the sky. " I wonder about Gikwang and Hyun Seung..." He said out loud. " Or even Du Jun and Dong Woon...." ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************** So what yah think? ^^ Good? Or no? I have to remind again this is a second part to my very first one that is on a different account: Isa_baby143 and the regular name of it is Mastermind! Reading that one can help you with this one! Thanks and hope you liked the first chapter !! ~_~

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