chapter 14: The all too cute Thunder.

Please leave my heart alone


Jiyeon POV

Eunjung unni started talking with the other members and at that time my phone vibrated and I unlocked it to see a message from Thunder.

It read, “Jiyeon ah! It’s Thunder and Joon here! We’re sorry we couldn’t wish T-ara good luck in person…but Fighting! We’re still at the practice room…dying…See you in practice tomorrow~ kekeke…”

I smiled. These two cute guys never fail to make me laugh.

Narrator POV

For the next 3 days, T-ara and Mblaq practiced for TTL 2 every morning while T-ara also promoted “Like the first time”. Finally it came to the day for the filming of the mv.

Lee Joon POV

For the first day, we filmed the dance version of the mv and we finally finished in the late night.

The next day we were to take solo shots and film the story part of the mv.

Rain POV

I decided to let Lee Joon and Jiyeon act in the story part of the mv as I believed in their acting as they had experience and they had great chemistry together so I was sure the outcome of the mv would be great.

Jiyeon POV

I really hated wearing a wig…

For “Like the first time” I had to cut my hair off… and later on for Jungle fish I had to have short hair so I couldn’t let it grow long but for TTL 2 I had to have long hair as there was a scene in the story part later which I needed to have long hair…

I had finished my solo shots so I took off the annoying wig, ruffled my hair and played with my phone at the side when Thunder came over and sat down next to me.

He picked up the wig on my lap and stared at it with a disgusted face.

“Oh gosh…I’m lucky I’m not a girl, I would never want to wear fake hair.” He said.

I laughed him at took the wig back and put in on my lap and said, “I don’t want to wear it too…but I have no choice.”

“It’s okay, you look great with any hairstyle…” he complimented me and I smiled.

“Anyway…Jiyeon ah, you’re so lucky… are you nervous about acting in the mv?” he asked.

“Well, a little…but it’s with Joon so I’m not that nervous.” I replied.

“Are you and Joon hyung really dating secretly or something?” he whispered all of a sudden.

“No, we’re just best friends!” I replied quickly.

He pouted and said; “I’m jealous of your close relationship…” he said and did aegyo.

I laughed and pinched his cheeks lightly.

“Don’t worry…You’re one of my good friends now too!” I said and he smiled.

He was a few months older than me but I felt like his noona because of his cute charms.

“Wow, Joon hyung looks so cool.” He said as he was looking at Joon taking his solo shots.

I looked over too and smiled.

Who could resist Joon’s charms?

If we were not long time best friends, I bet I’ll fall in love too…

“I bet a lot of female idols and actresses are jealous or your relationship with hyung right?” Thunder said.

“Yeah…even before we debuted, many trainees like us were already jealous of me and some even did really bad things to me… Luckily Joon chased them away.” I said.

Just then, Thunder left his seat and took his phone to take some pictures of Joon filming.

I followed behind him and after a while, Joon finally finished with his solo shots and we left Thunder to get ready to film for the story part of the mv.



IM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING FOR 3 DAYS>< i have been so busy of late...

please forgive me if i cant update regularly;(

my laptop is still spoiled and im going on a trip soon so pardon me if i dont update 

everyday okok readers> <

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BlaqAngel #1
A very awesom story^^
Cookie147 #2
i read this all in one day! Awesome story! :D
love it . update soon .
it's end already TT_TT I loved this fiction. I love the ending, it's just what I wanted :) Jiyeon and Joon got each other <3 Thank you so much for writing awesome fic.
Thanks for the tag! I'll always remember this fic and support you all the way with your other fics as well. Best of wishes and good luck!!
paroxysmx #6
@jiyeon_lover<br />
i will thank u so much hehe no problems :d<br />
@szeyinxz<br />
ehehe <3<br />
aww thank u so much <333
szeyinxz #7
Awwwww! Its the end... ):<br />
Will rmb this fic max max yeah!<br />
& thankyouuu for using your precious time writing chapters for your readers!<br />
Dont worry, I will still continue supporting your other fics! <3
JiYeon_Lover #8
Already end TT___TT<br />
Okey, keep updating your other FF:)<br />
i'll supporting you ^^<br />
fighting!!!<br />
btw, thx to mention my name :D
Ah!!! Joon please just listen to her :)
It's going to end :(<br />
Aww! Well, at least this story was interesting and highly supported! I can't wait for the final chapter :)