chapter 12: the read-through

Please leave my heart alone


Jiyeon POV

“Hwayoung ah, do you think you can make it?” I said.

She sighed and replied, “I can’t go…I’m last for recording and Seungho keeps making mistakes…” she whispered the last part as she complained.

“Send my apologies for me okay?” she said and hung up.

I tried to forget what she said about Seungho but it still stayed in my mind.

What’s wrong with him?

Is it his injured leg…or…

I shook my head and made myself to stop thinking about him.

Joon looked at me weirdly but didn’t ask anything and we went into the conference room.

The director and producer were already inside with Hong Jonghyun.

Joon went to sit down next to Jonghyun and he took my bag and put it on the seat next to him.

I walked slowly towards the director and bowed to him.

“I’m sorry director nim, Hwayoung cannot come today.” I said.

He looked through the script, smiled up at me and said, “It’s okay, her character will only come up in the 2nd read-through tomorrow.”

I said thank you and went to sit down.

I said hi to Hong Jonghyun oppa who I had already met before I debuted as I used to be a model and he was my senior at that time.

“I’m looking forward to your acting!” I said as in the acting field, among all the young characters today, I was the senior even though in age I was the youngest.

“Same here!” he said and smiled.

After 10 minutes, finally everyone arrived.

Everyone introduced themselves and I was the last.

“Nice to meet all of you, I’m T-ara’s maknae, Jiyeon please take care of me.” I said, bowed and sat down.

The read-through took around 3 hours and we all said goodbye and ‘see you tomorrow’/

Joon’s manager sent me back to the dorm and I thanked him and Joon said he’ll meet Hwayoung and I at the read-through tomorrow.

I waved to them and went up.

[The next day]

Jiyeon POV

It was only mid autumn, but it was already really chilly outside.

Hwayoung and I bundled up in thick sweaters, scarves and fluffy hats.

I was sipping on hot chocolate while Hwayoung was drinking coffee.

We thought that we were the earliest to reach but Joon was already there with his head on the table.

“Ya.” I said and patted his back softly.

He got up slowly and complained, “Why are you always disrupting my sleep?”

Hwayoung POV

Every time I see LeeJoon he’s always sleeping…

He saw the cup of hot chocolate in Jiyeon’s hand and just took it from her without saying anything.

“That’s mine…” Jiyeon said and reached out to grab it but Lee Joon had already started drinking.

“Thanks…” he said and continued drinking.

Jiyeon pouted and folded her arms and I wanted to offer her my coffee…but she doesn’t like hot drinks, especially hot coffee.

“Ya! How can you take Jiyeon’s drink without asking her?” I said.

“It’s not the first time…and she doesn’t like hot drinks, I’m doing her a favor by finishing it for her.” He replied and shrugged.

“He’s right Hwayoung ah, I was going to throw it away anyways…” Jiyeon said and smiled sheepishly.

I shook my head.

These two were really silly but cute.

Lee Joon POV

The 2nd and final read-through ended in around 3 hours again and filming for the drama was to start next month.

Hwayoung, Jiyeon and I quickly left for J.Tune Camp.

The final editing of TTL2 was being carried out and we were to go and listen to the final song before practice for the choreography was to start from tomorrow.



i'm sorry if this chp is a little boring the next one will be better i promise!

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BlaqAngel #1
A very awesom story^^
Cookie147 #2
i read this all in one day! Awesome story! :D
love it . update soon .
it's end already TT_TT I loved this fiction. I love the ending, it's just what I wanted :) Jiyeon and Joon got each other <3 Thank you so much for writing awesome fic.
Thanks for the tag! I'll always remember this fic and support you all the way with your other fics as well. Best of wishes and good luck!!
paroxysmx #6
@jiyeon_lover<br />
i will thank u so much hehe no problems :d<br />
@szeyinxz<br />
ehehe <3<br />
aww thank u so much <333
szeyinxz #7
Awwwww! Its the end... ):<br />
Will rmb this fic max max yeah!<br />
& thankyouuu for using your precious time writing chapters for your readers!<br />
Dont worry, I will still continue supporting your other fics! <3
JiYeon_Lover #8
Already end TT___TT<br />
Okey, keep updating your other FF:)<br />
i'll supporting you ^^<br />
fighting!!!<br />
btw, thx to mention my name :D
Ah!!! Joon please just listen to her :)
It's going to end :(<br />
Aww! Well, at least this story was interesting and highly supported! I can't wait for the final chapter :)