Date or just Lunch together

All Time Sweetheart


"Morning." I said when I saw Taecyeon stir on my lap. 

"Hey." He said then suddenly realising our position, he immediately got up. He seems embarrassed because he suddenly ran back to his room. Laughing at him to myself, I left his mother's room and went back to mine to wash up. Brushing my teeth, I dozed off before knocking my head on the mirror and jumping up. 

"Yoona. Breakfast is ready." He said as he knocked on my door. 

"Why bother about her. Sit!" I heard Sarah scream as she dragged Taecyeon away as her voice got softer. 

I changed a fresh set of working clothes and went back out. 

"Morning Yoona," Taecyeon greeted me, smiling from ear to ear. Yesterday, he let it go and he and I feel so much better."But... did you sleep last night?" He look worried.

"I keep drifting in and out of sleep. It is okay. Everything is cool. You going to work today?" I asked.

"Yeah. Want to go together?"He offered.

"WHAT DID YOUR DO LAST NIGHT?!" Sarah demanded admist our conversation. I looked at Taecyeon and somehow. Maybe fate, or destiny, we said the same thing together.

"Watched a horror movie!" We even giggled fakely at the same time. 

Sonia caught my eye and smiled at me. Sarah then eyed me by squinting her eyes. I stuck my tongue out at her. 

"Ok. I am driving my Porshe though." I quickly said to Taecyeon before I start a quarrel with Sarah again.

"Ok. This week your turn. Alternate week." He referred to our driving services for each other to work.  

"If I can return home with you I will. Otherwise, I can take public transport back." I said.

"I can fetch you if you need me to." He smiled happily, stuffing a slice of pancake into his mouth. 

"I need a lift to the dance school today." Sarah immediately said. 

Taecyeon looked at me. I smiled back telling him fine, go ahead. Ended up, we both went to work at different times. 

"Im Yoona, it is lunch time." Jacob said, knocking on my door. 

"Yes it is but..." I tried to continue but someone interrupted me and barged into my office.

"But she cannot eat with you today. She is eating with me today." Taecyeon walked in and stood beside my chair and smiled at Jacob very sacarstically. 

"Ok. See you around then." He said as he walked off disappointed. 

"You didn't knock!" I said as I got up from my chair. 

"I know you." He said innocently, ignoring my hidden meaning.

"Jacob knows me too. He knocks." I said, taking off my white coat. 

"He is just a friend. We were more than friends." He said, pushing me out of my office.

"Emphasis on "were"!" I emphasised. Did not want us to suddenly and automatically become one couple. 

"Let's go. My treat." Taecyeon said as he put his arm over my shoulders. Walking to the canteen, we laughed about his experiences as a security officer in this hospital. 

We stepped into the canteen and suddenly, everyone was staring at us and I immediately pushed his hand off my shoulder. 

"Shall we eat somewhere else?" I asked Taecyeon, eyeing at some of my colleagues. 

"On 3! 1,2..." He said and suddenly, I held his hand and pulled him away, us two running out of the hospital. 

We stopped to catch our breath and Taecyeon asked me.

"Why did you run?" He said, panting. 

"You said on 3." I repeated his statement. 

"I meant that we will walk in like nothing ever happened and just eat." He said. 

"Serious? Haha. Sorry then." I apologised. 

"Anyways, now that we are out, we can eat better food. Let's go." He said as he started walking.

We ended up in SubWay. Eating our sandwich, we talked about Junho and Yuri. I heard that they were married already but couldn't send me an invitation as she didn't know my address and didn't want to distract me. 

"Why ask me out for lunch? Sarah wanted to have lunch with you. I heard her say." I asked.

"I don't know. You are more important?" He said charismatically leaning against the chair, his hand draped over the back of the chair. 

"Is this a date or just lunch together?" I asked, curious about this treat of meal. 

"Which one do you wish it is?" He asked me.

For the first time ever since I met him again, I was 100% honest about it.

"Date," I said, looking right into his eye and I shocked him as he looked surprised at my answer. 

At that moment, I was going crazy thinking about confessing to him again...

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Maureene #1
Chapter 38: Loved it!!! The ending was a bit corny though :)
cheekylittlechubba #2
Chapter 38: Wow!!! just wow!!!

great job authornim ^^ :D
GSL1999 #3
Chapter 38: You should tag taecyoon so that taecyeon-yoona shippers can read this fic. Only found it now and I love it:)
charmaineisakpopfan #4
To all my readers out there, I am ending the story soon. I hope that you've enjoyed my story. I will most probably write "Monday Couple" fanfic next... Depending on if I can think of a plot... Hope that you have enjoyed my story and thank you for supporting. Please support my next story...
jesica27 #5
Chapter 32: wahhhhhh
jesica27 #6
Chapter 30: hahahaha
the two did it already hahahaha
Panhacherrish #7
Chapter 24: I want them to be together soon.
charmaineisakpopfan #8
Thanks for your comments. I appreciate it that you guys like my story. Don't worry. The next maybe one or 2 more chapters or more maybe about rivalry. So... if you want a certain part in the story, let me know. I will try my best to include it in for u... Love you guys...
jesica27 #9
Chapter 21: HAHAHAHAHA
Taecyoon2pmSNSD #10
Chapter 10: Oh....I so hope that one of them confesses already!!
Taecyoon, Fighting!! <3