Coffee For A Talk

All Time Sweetheart


"I will call for you again Joo Won. I need to talk to the patient's family for a while." Yoona said to her assisting doctor.

"Yes Professor Im." The guy named Joo Won nodded, smiled to me and walked into the ward. 

It was as though our hearts sang the same tune, she turned and walk and I followed. It was just silence all the way till the cafeteria. I went to the Starbucks in the cafeteria and bought one cup of Cappucino cold  and one cup of hot Cappucino. I took it to Yoona and she waited until I put the cup onto the table then she reached for it. 

"Where have you been?" I finally asked. 

"Erm... England to study." She said.

"Why? Why did you have to leave without giving me a proper address or tell me something?" I demanded an answer.

"I...I don't..." Yoona said with hesitation. 

"Tell me please..." I said, leaning forward slightly. 

"I don't want to leave you wanting more!" Yoona said firmly.

I was shocked by her answer. I expected her to say something like I didn't want you to follow me around or she didn't want to sacrifice my studies for me to be with her.

"How long have you been here?" I asked here, growing silent.

"I have been in England for only about 6 years. I came back to Korea and have been here for 4 years already." Yoona replied, her hand wrapping around the cup of coffee. 

"Your parents are they in Korea?" I asked.

"Erm... I..," She took a deep breathe before saying,"They died in a car accident quite recently and well, everything is mine now." She said solemnly. 

"I am sorry. In the past you told me that your dad works as a CEO of a company and your mother is another high post too right?" I asked, wanting to ensure that she can lead a stable life.

"Yeah. But why are you concerned?" She asked me.

"Nothing. Just curious?" I said quickly in defense. 

"Your mother is not in a very stable condition and she needs to stay to be under observation for at least a week. Her accident is very serious and I think you better pray for the best and prepare for the worst." She said seriously all of a sudden. 

"That bad? Ok." I said.

"Why don't you seem sad or anxious? She is your mother and to be honest, she is in a very critical condition, she can go anytime!" Yoona shouted at me.

Shocked, I lagged and didn't know how to respond or what to do. She got up and walked away. Getting my senses and my mind back, I chased  after her and I held her arm back. That moment, a tingling and sparkling feeling vibrated through my arm. She felt it too because she turned around and shook my arm off immediately. She glared at me.

"What do you think you are doing? Please. Let me go. And that was very pain. Whatever you did!" She walked away, leaving me with an aching heart.


Walking away from him, I felt tears swell up in my eyes. Detouring to a quieter area, I sat down on a bench and cried. I didn't expect us to fight the first time we meet again. I felt that sensation vibrate from my arm to my body. It felt good. I didn't know what it really was but my first reaction was to blame Taecyeon although I know that it wasn't him. Wiping my tears, I walked slowly back to Taecyeon's mother's ward. 

Suddenly, someone pulled me aside and pushed me against a wall. Both hands by my side, I looked up and saw Taecyeon.

"Hey. I am sorry about it. It is just that my mother have already wanted to die a long time ago. I am sad but I just don't want to show it to someone so important like you!" He said as I saw his tears trickle down his face. I resisted the urge to lift my hands to hug him and say that everything is alright. However, despite my throbbing and aching heart, I pushed him away hard and walked towards the ward. I peeked behind and saw him following me. We entered his mother's ward and after I left, I told myself, I would not follow the same footsteps I did 10 years ago when I left him...

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Maureene #1
Chapter 38: Loved it!!! The ending was a bit corny though :)
cheekylittlechubba #2
Chapter 38: Wow!!! just wow!!!

great job authornim ^^ :D
GSL1999 #3
Chapter 38: You should tag taecyoon so that taecyeon-yoona shippers can read this fic. Only found it now and I love it:)
charmaineisakpopfan #4
To all my readers out there, I am ending the story soon. I hope that you've enjoyed my story. I will most probably write "Monday Couple" fanfic next... Depending on if I can think of a plot... Hope that you have enjoyed my story and thank you for supporting. Please support my next story...
jesica27 #5
Chapter 32: wahhhhhh
jesica27 #6
Chapter 30: hahahaha
the two did it already hahahaha
Panhacherrish #7
Chapter 24: I want them to be together soon.
charmaineisakpopfan #8
Thanks for your comments. I appreciate it that you guys like my story. Don't worry. The next maybe one or 2 more chapters or more maybe about rivalry. So... if you want a certain part in the story, let me know. I will try my best to include it in for u... Love you guys...
jesica27 #9
Chapter 21: HAHAHAHAHA
Taecyoon2pmSNSD #10
Chapter 10: Oh....I so hope that one of them confesses already!!
Taecyoon, Fighting!! <3