I was angry. Like so very angry here. They disturbing me from my beauty sleep and suddenly pull me by my shoulder out of my bed. Is there a toll-free number to address my complaint for this inconvenience? No? Okay then I would express my anger with the only way I knew well. Crying hard and out loud!

There are too many people here, staring at me. Wearing all white costumes and masks covering their mouth and nose. Why do they need to wear those kinda stuff? Don’t they know that they look silly and funny with that attires? Where did they get those fashion senses anyway? Oh so old fashion! They desperately need a fashion advisor here.

And why wearing mask when I'm around? What? Do I smell bad or something? Don’t you know it's rude to treat someone like this? These weird people really! And what they’re trying to do with my body? Get your hands off me! Don't touch me! This is harassment! Oh this is so totally unacceptable!

But hey, who is she? Who's the beautiful lady laying on the bed? She looks tired yet looks awesomely beautiful with her messy long hair covering some part of her face.  The sweat, oh the sweat. She looks like doing marathon or something really tiring. Lady, are these weird people tired you? I really feel sorry for her! But I can't help her much now. I'm still angry with these people too. So I need to continue my protest first by crying more and louder.

Then I see a man. A very good looking man sitting beside the pretty lady. One of his hand holding her hand tightly and while his other hand wiping the sweat on her face lovingly and slowly move to the strands of her hair away from her pretty face. He whispers to the pretty lady's ear softly that my ears couldn't catch. But from the way his lips moving, he seems to say something like "GOOD JOB, HONEY!", "I LOVE YOU", and "THANK YOU SO MUCH".

Who are they? Why is he thanking her? And God, they look so good together. Are they in love? But hey, that's none of my business. I have a very important matter I need to handle now other than watching and admiring over a cute couple. I need to protest. PROTEST! To these people for interrupting me from my deep slumber.

I feel cold, when one of this people take me and put me on a table, wiping my body a little and bundling me with a white tick fabric. White? Why White? Can I request a different color please? Pink or blue if possible? That colors match my personality well. Oh, you don't have? Well okay, how about gold or silver? Those colors are fancy. And glamor too. I will definitely look like a fashionable celebrity on the red carpet with those colors. Not available? Where is this place? MARS? Okay okay forget about gold and silver colors. Let's go with colors! colors match perfectly with my eyes.

What is this place? How come they don't listen to me and ignoring my request? Cheap hotel in Mars? Could be, since they could only delivering standard services and they could only provided me with white fabric. These people are really so not update in fashion.

And hey the person then brings me and puts me in the pretty lady's chest and she instinctively touch me and brings me to her arms and hold me tight. I feel warm and comfortable. Her arms feels much more warmer than my previous bed. Her face forming a happy smile and it makes her eyes glittering. Her eyes are so beautiful and shining like a pair of diamond. So I stop crying, because it wouldn't be polite to shout around nice lady like her. I have an image to maintain, you know!

"Oh, Yoebo! Look at her, she is our baby,”!

The pretty woman said glee.

“Isn't she pretty,"?

What? A beautiful lady called me pretty? Wow, this place is not that bad after all. But really they needed to upgrade their colors into more warmy and elegant one. And did I hear her call the man Yoebo? Is he her husband? What a beautiful couple.

Wait, wait, wait, wait! She called him Yoebo? I mean, like Yoebo as for honey in Korean Language? Does it mean I'm in Korea? Wow cool! I planned to visit Korea one of these days. I really want to meet Wonbin. He's such a babe!

Anyway, the pretty woman’s voice sounds very familiar to me! Where did I heard a voice like hers before? And the man, the good looking man I mentioned earlier, he is smiling too. The most beautiful smile I ever seen except for the lady's smile of course. He has an absolutely handsome face with an aristocrat nose, cute snuggle teeth and  yummy lips. Did I just said yummy lips? What am I thinking? He's an old dude for god sake!

"Yes, she's so pretty, Yoebo,”!

“Just like you,"!

The man answered with a gentle smile on his handsome face. His voice sounds very familiar too. This husky deep voice, very similar with the y one sang me the lullabies almost every night. I see the man bending over and brushing my cheek with his finger and talk to me softly.

"Hey baby, welcome,”!

“My name is Jung Yonghwa and I'm your Appa,"!

Whoa, this good looking man said he is my daddy. Wait, Appa is daddy in korean, right? Sorry, I forgot to bring my dictionary a long with me because I was in hurry. Thanks to that people in white!

"And do you see her,”?

“The pretty lady who's holding you right now,”?

“Her name is Seo Joo Hyun! She's your Eomma,"!

The pretty lady, ummm my mommy touches my nose lovingly and lingering a kiss on my temple.

 "Nice to meet you, baby,”!

“I'm happy that you're finally arrived safely,"!

She gives me a sweet smile and gosh she smells really good. What is her perfume? Do I smell Energy by DIOR? Oh this lady is so up to-date. I like her.

So these beautiful people are my parents? No wonder their voices sound so familiar in my ears. They talked to me a lot before. OH.MY.GOD! I can't believe this. My parents are HOTTIES. I really really can't believe this. This is too good to be true.

I cry again when one of the people in white takes me away from my mother's embrace. But I heard the person (i recon she's female from her voice, I can't see her face as she covers her face with a mask. Why is she wearing a mask? maybe she's shy because she is not as pretty as my mommy) said that she's going to get me a proper cleaning first and will bringing me back to my mommy for feeding. FEEDING? Yay.... I'm hungry!!

The lady in white brings me to a room full of babies. She cleans me up and tell me that she's a nurse and she was honored that she's given a chance to help my parents brought me to earth.


I thought I'm in Korea!

The nurse said she knows my parents well. Jung Yonghwa and Seo Joo Hyun, Korea's most charismatic idols. Idols? What is that? Food?

Jung Yonghwa, my dad, well known as the leader of Korea's famous rock band, CNBLUE, a song composer, and actor too. And Seo Joo Hyun, my mommy, also known as Seohyun, used to know as Korea's innocent maknae and the youngest member of Korea's best girl group SNSD. She's not only pretty but smart too. The nurse said I am lucky because I was created from the one of the best gens in Korea.


The other babies on the room listening to what the nurse just said. I know they must be jealous with me.

"Aigoo, baby Jung,”!

“You're so pretty, you know that,"?

The nurse calls me baby Jung. Cute isn't it! And then then she brings me to a beautiful room where I see my parents again, surrounded with a lot of handsome men and pretty ladies. They’re all smiling and laughing and they seem very happy.

Who are these people? Are they my relatives? Are they Jung or Seo too? Were they created from the same best gens too. Just like me?

My daddy runs to come closer upon seeing me on the nurse arms. He reaches his hands to take me to his own embrace. He looks proud when he holds me and brings me to come near to where my mommy lays down.

"Hey princess, where did you go,”?

“Appa missed you so much,”!

“Do you happy to meet appa again,"?

Does my ear serve me right? He called me princess? Wow this is so cool. Princess Jung. I love it.

"Mrs. Jung,”!

“It's time to feed your baby. She must be hungry,”!

“I'll show you how you can feed your baby safely and comfortably,"!

The nurse comes closer and tries to take me from my dad's arms but before she can do that, my dad walks away and brings me to the beautiful people whom excitingly looking at me all this time.

"Princess, let me introduce you to our big family,"!

There are four people, 2 male and 2 females. They are old but they still appear very good looking.

"These are your grandparents,”!

“Seo grandma and grandpa from Seoul, and Jung grandma and grandpa from Busan,"!

My grandparents are praising me non stop and busy telling among them how I look like my parents when they were babies. Of course I look like them, I'm their daughter.

After the grandparents, daddy brings me to meet three handsome men who's smiling and patting his shoulder as they proud of him.

"She's very pretty, hyung,”!

“A princess indeed,"!

The one said that very good looking. He has dimples when he smiles. While the other too nod in agreement. Daddy smiles upon hearing the comment, he looks so proud.

He then brings me to meet one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight ladies... EIGHT? So many of them! And they all pretty. They are all trying to touch my face and man......they are loud! VERY VERY LOUD.

"Princess, those guys are your CNBLUE's uncles,”!

“And these pretty ladies are your aunties from SNSD,"!!

Oh so they are CNBLUE and SNSD, that the nurse told me earlier. I am indeed lucky to have these beautiful people as my uncles and aunties. Good gens.

"Awwww....she's so pretty! And cute! And small,"!

One of them, with cute eye smile, manages to say that. She looks like a drama queen type but I love her eye smile. Look so cute.

"Yah, Fany-yah,”!

“Of course she's pretty and cute. She's our niece,"!

A small lady with cute face scolding the Fany lady. I agree with her. Of course I'm pretty and cute. Look at my parents, they are good looking people and the nurse said I came from the best gens in Korea, you know! Never forget that. You can never under estimate my gens.

And for my small body, what do you expect me to look like? A giant? Please, I was just born. It would be such a headline if I have a giant body.

Then I see my parents again, all smiling proudly and happily. My daddy now standing beside my mommy still holding me tightly in his arm and say

"Everyone, meet our new family member,”!

“Our beautiful daughter! Princess Jung,"!

After that lovely introduction he passes me to my mommy for me to feed.

So here I am in between my parents and grandparents, uncles and aunties. A lucky newly born baby Jung or what my parents call me PRINCESS JUNG!


Author Note:

I've add a little here and there. Enjoy.

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Chapter 1: Lol....she's indeed a princess..i mean her beautiful face and me of jessica...they make a beautiful clique..
ShinHye24 1340 streak #2
Chapter 1: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww I love it <3 I have so much fun reading this lolz...Idol? what is that ? food? jajjajajajjaja this baby girl is awesome, gorgeous and amazing cute!
sy5280 #3
Chapter 1: So cute & funny Princess Jung @ birth! Smart baby Yay!
ela2807 #4
Chapter 1: Would you wanna make next chapter authornim?

I will be honored if you can make the other chapter. I wanna know what are in Princess Jung mind.

Thank you.
LizziePhantomhive #5
Chapter 1: Aaaaaaaarrrrggghhh
i'm dying from the cuteness overload.
RGBM_Christeyn #6
subribed~ please continue the story.
Chapter 1: *subcribed* un :XDDD fufuuf the first chap was so cute. princess jung's pov is interesting hahha so funny. looking forward for the rest.fighting un <3
Chapter 1: Cute! Tiny Princess Jung with a good gens and not to mention a fashionista, what a baby! hehehe!
rimmeinda #9
Chapter 1: Princess has sense xD love it kak.
It is worth chapters ~ ^^